sammi pease



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
2 ; Abbi ( Jonola Red Red Rose) Lochfrae Ralph Lauren JW/Jonola Bellestar and new baby girl, Lola (Jonola Xquisite) Thendara Kramer/Jonola Liberty X JW
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
20 years
About Me:
Have moved around the world a lot., Norway, Canada..where I concentrated on showing Arab horses...discovered setters and the horses took to each other very well.....took all my lovely setters to France for 7 back in U.K., (Suffolk) with Abbi (2 years old) and new baby girl..Lola ... just adore setters..nothing compares as far as I'm concerned...Never happier than when walking in the forest with my girls (and hubby, of course) ..passionate about gardening also , which can pose a problem!!

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  • Kerstin Thaens

    Hi Sammy, thanks for your sympathies. I am sure you know what we went through. Hell on earth! we were so lucky. Life without a leash has now abruptly ended :-(( Strict training on the long leash is on the schedule! The problem for me is that Amy (1,5 years) is a pure hunting/working dog that I cannot handle without a leash because she runs like lightning and comes definitely back after doing her job (can take some time:-) So 2 long leashes will end in a chaos! I sometimes longingly remember the untroubled time with our older setters. No stress at all. Cheer up, Kerstin! Best wishes
  • Kerstin Thaens

    Indeed, this is the 'famous' forest (about 75 000 ha). Took the photo some minutes before Summer ran away.
  • Dee Rance

    Sorry that I didn't answer you previous comment Findlay is doing just fine, now aloud in with the girls all the time, as I still have two that are going to EU countries, but he will be really good I am sure, he is a real sweetheart. Just loves to give 'high fives' and yes Fergal is beautiful I am a little bit prejudice about him though..and the others that are on this site. I personally wouldn't recommend more than one puppy at a time, I don't know how people cope keeping a few of them, they become hooligans, well my three are anyway, I bring them in one at a time just to get them used to living with the older dogs, Jas just wants them to ''go away'' but she will get used to him.. I don't think that people realise that Scotland is as big as it is, perhaps next time??
    All the best Dee and the gang
  • Lesley McRoberts

    Hi Sammi
    Apologies for not answering your message earlier - Hattie, children & work have kept me busy this week. We live in Dumfries about 12 miles from Dalbeattie Forest, as I said it is one of our favourite walks but don't get there as often as we would like. There are many other walks in this area which we have used over the years - Hattie hasn't seen them all yet as it is only in the last six months that she has been reliable off the lead in wide open spaces - her recall is great now & she has always been super in forests - don't think she likes to lose sight of us!!! So glad you like this area & that you plan to return - not enough Irish around hear!!!!!!
    Best wishes
    Lesley & Hattie
  • Susan Stone

    Hi Sammi, thanks for liking the picture - this one again was only possible thanks to the telephoto lense, giving the background effect...
    may get back to you sometime about that scotland address of yours...
    best regards
  • lyn hathaway

    hi sammi thanks so much for your comments .the seals were a fantastic experience,and it was great seeing layla run free on an empty beach and not bumping into things .we were there a month and didnt want it to end
    regards lyn layla and lucy
  • Esther Siegrist

    thank you Sammi for your comments.
    hope you have a good time.
    Regards Esther
  • ursula wilby

    Thank you for the comment on my blog Sammi!
    The hardest work was WAITING for a whole day...and two seconds of glory! :-)
  • Marta Galuszka

    Hello Sammi,
    Thank you for your nice comment:)
    Yes, I am getting lot of cuddles and also bites;)
  • Archie&Diane Gilchrist

    Hi Sammi

    Sorry for the delay in answering, I have an Aunt who is going through Chemo just now & it is taking up a lot of time going back and forward to the Hospital, but she just loves to see Murphy, it just makes her day!!
    Thank you for making us feel so welcome on the site, we just love it, Murphy has been attending a puppy foundation class on a Tuesday night, so far so good, I have to say, he is the best looking pup there!! He still gets up to no good at home, just puppy like.
    I'm sure he will realize who is boss eventually!!

    Love to you all from Diane,Archie & Murphy xxxx
  • Dee Rance

    He isn't far off his mothers size , getting a really big boy, not a baby any more. Thanks for the comment all the best Dee and the gang
  • Laura Kolbach

    haha, danka would not step on wet grass either to pee (still wouldn't). but she would jump into the river or lake like a retriever or take loooong walks in the fields in pouring rain or even show herself to BOBs/BOGs on wet grass. aren't they strange? :))
  • Mariana Åhnberg

    I have been here all the time=) But lately I havent been in so often... thankyou for your comment on Facebook, and yes hes getting a very nice and thick coat also the three others.. They so far look very promesing.. but you never know..=)) Glad to be your friend, Thankyou!!
  • Johanna Blacklake

    Sammi, just a brief question... Has Lola already had her first season? When did Abbi has her first? I'm just wondering if Saimi is having PMS or is it something else... :-)) She is acting more sophisticated these days... More like a lady. Not at all what she really is... LOL
  • Johanna Blacklake

    Thanks! I will...
    Still all the grooming to be done before the show... Have had so many other things to do this week. But hey, I've finally managed to do some "baby shopping"!!!!! :D
  • ursula wilby

    Thank you so much for your kind words about Ivy...she was a great horse and so big and powerful its still almost impossible to understand.
  • Lesley McRoberts

    Hattie & I would like to wish you & your girls a very Happy Christmas. Things are very festive up here with lots of snow which Hattie is enjoying very much - have tried to get a Christmas photo of her but she isn't still for a moment in the snow!!!
    Have a great Christmas & a peaceful New Year.

    Lesley & Hattie
  • Laura Kolbach

    birthday girl says thanks you :-)
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Many Thanks, Sammi. Much appreciated.
    Oh! What a beautiful home you have, and so picturesque with the snow.
    Best Wishes for 2010 too. Hope it is good for us all.
    M XX
  • Daria Olko

    Hi Sammi, thanks for your comments. A good new year to you all too :)

    Daria & Red Boys
  • Lise-Lotte Persson

    Thank You for Your comments!
  • Patricia Meehan Lerch

    Your girls are truly gorgeous. I had three but lost them all in the past six months and am still reeling from the loss. We've had Tanagh just two weeks (she's a rescue) and she has helped so much it's incredible. Also have a pup on order, so she'll have a little sister in the spring.
  • Rieky van Hal

    thanks for comment for the foto of merlin
  • Ulvi Mannama

    Thanks for comment for the jumper, it is my best friend handworks and design.
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Sammi
    Thanks so much for the lovely comments on my wee boy Findlay. They were greatly received, Thanks again Dee and the gang
  • Lise-Lotte Persson

    Thank You for your comment!!
  • Marta Galuszka

    Hello Sammi,
    Thank you for birthday wishes to my girls:)
  • ereni

    Thank you for your comments .Your Chestnut House and garden are so beautiful!.
    Greetings to your lovely red girls:)
  • Kerstin Thaens

    Thank you so much for your congratulations, Sammie! It is great having friends out there in the virtual world who are thinking of you at such a special day .-))
    Like your winter cottage very much, you seem to be a good gardener, everything looks as if thoughtfully planned ahead (so typical English or British(?):-)))
    Abbi and Lola are from different breeeders, do they differ in character a lot? I am interested in the Thendara breeding line. Greetings, Kerstin
  • Lise-Lotte Persson

    Thank You Sammi!!
  • Susan Stone

    Thank you Sammi. Shannon was one of those dogs who loved having her picture taken and really enjoyed life. I think it shows.
    I am grateful for having shared so many years with her.
  • Kerstin Thaens

    Hi Sammi, your pics remind me of our gang. Our Tonkanese is always looking for a "Setter pillow" to sleep on but only Summer allows him to snuggle against her. Amy and Miss Marple (depends on her mood) scare the cats away.
    Sorry, that I did not read your dogs pedigree properly. Just saw "Thendara" :-( So stupid! Enjoy your evening!
  • Alicia Ferrón Vidán

    Hello Sammi,
    Thank you for added me as your friend, I see that you also have a Lochfrae's daughter, an she is 2 years old like Lucia. Does she love digging?
    I see that she is as fool as Lucia. Lovely Abby kisses from your half sister.
    The best for you an your girls.
  • Ro Cox

    Hi well we all have our paws crossed !!!
    we are finding rather cold here, we are used to sunnier climes!!
    RO :)
  • Lesley McRoberts

    Hi Sammi

    Thank you so much for your kind birthday wishes - it was a lovely surprise to find your message & always so nice to hear from another setter lover. I had a very low key birthday at work. We are very busy at the moment - the vet lab's busiest time of the year now that lambing has started. I would rather have been out for a long walk with Hattie & the children!!! Hattie is looking great at the moment - although she is having a phantom pregnancy so many nests are being made & soft toys gathered together!! The joys!!!!
    Hope you & the girls are well & not getting too muddy!!!!

    Lesley & Hattie
  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.

    Hi Sammi,
    Thank you for your nice message ! Happy birthday to your young Lola ! I hope she had also a great day. Lucky had a great time, playing in the garden with a beautiful blue sky, having a big huge veal bone and some good fresh beefsteak from the butcher ... And finally, this week-end will participate to his first show ?
    All the best for all of you.
    Take care.
  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.

    Hi Sammi,
    I feel very sorry for Lola, poor girl, I hope she's feeling better now.
    For the first show, it was ok ! Lucky is probably the most calm dog I have ever seen. When the judge was busy writing, Lucky wanted to lie down ? I should practice more to stand up correctly.
    It was great to meet Charlotte Godard, she's really a nice woman, pity she lives so far ? She has two beautiful girls, and they show at the perfection !
    The best thing was for Lucky, when Charlotte and me went out and walked the dogs together, Lucky loved so much to play with these two girls. I have never seen him so happy. Maybe they recognize each other they are the same breed ?
  • Lise-Lotte Persson

    Hi Sammy!
    Thank You for your comment on my Bella!
  • Lynn Spencer

    Hi Sammi,
    Thankyou so much for your kind birthday wishes for Megg.
    It was very much appreciated.
  • Lynne Murray Hogsflesh

    The pups go this Friday & Saturday so by Crufts I'll only have mine left....
  • Laura Kolbach

    no crufts for us :( think i will never make it. every year there is something that makes my plans crush... :-(((( looking forward to all the pics though that the exclusively gang will shoot :)))
  • Marion Kroes

    What a lovely dogs, what a lovely site, what a lovely pictures, and what a lovely country do you have!!! Kind regards from Holland!! Marion
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Sammi
    Thanks so much for the congratulations on Findlay so far, You said it....chuffed isn't the word he is doing far better than I could ever have wished for... he is a clever boy..
    Will you be at the ISCS joint shows???I will be there both days but unfortunately couldn't find a room for me+dogs nearer than 21 miles away, and lets face it that is nearly home so will be doing the journey for the two days, Ah well there you go...I suppose I am getting too old for dances etc..
    Have fun at Crufts, I wish I had a neighbour like that, the best part of that is the reliable part, there aren't many that are that reliable nowadays.
    See you soon hopefully Dee and the gang
  • Árni Stefán Árnason

    Thank you Sammi for your lovely birthday greeting, it´s always nice to greetings from setter friends.
  • Benny and Pia Hansen

    Hi Sammi,
    We have also had renovation as a hobby, our first place we both lived and renovated at the same time. Eventually we felt that we wanted to build our totally own place, no compromises, just solutions for us and our beloved pack of setters ;o)
    Balthazars is as proud as we are of his litter, he loves when we show them on screen. Sometimes we think that he recognises them - you never know ;o)
    This summer we are going to focus on the garden, it will be lots of work.
    Best regards

  • june walsh

    Thankyou for your compliments on the reds and glad you saw Olivier at Crufts.
  • Susan Stone

    Hi Sammi
    Thanks for your enthusiastic comments on my grouse blog - it was definitely a fantastic trip though we'd have liked to get more training in originally, but due to the harsh winter the grouse needed a bit of quiet. Sorry we did not meet up at Crufts, but there are sooooo many people there...
    all the best
  • Kristina

    Happy birthday sammi!!
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Happy Birthday Sammi - hope you have a wonderful day.
    M XX
  • Barbara

    Happy Birthday Sammi!