Ruth Findlay

, Female

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
We have two Irish - Maeve who is now four and her half sister Bridget is three.
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
We have had setters for more than thirty years.
About Me:
We live in rural Scotland and are both retired, although I still do some freelance graphics work. Both dogs are Therapets.

Comment Wall:

  • Agnieszka Dufrat 'Neiven'

    Hi Ruth,
    Welcome on this site. Hope you add some photos.
    Best Greetings
  • Agnieszka Dufrat 'Neiven'

    Hi Ruth,
    My girl had pale side near whiskers like your Bridget. It looked funny. I trim the rest of this puppy fluff.
  • Sharyn Latchford

    Lovely photos of Maeve & the one of "first Snow"...

    .my young man, got to see his first snow on Saturday and LOVED It......

  • Dušan Rauški

    Hello Ruth
    i like your smiling setters,
    maybe you can show us all your scottish cottage too, i understand that scottish countryside is a breathtaking!?
  • Linda Andreu

    Hi Ruth,

    Lovely to hear from you! I think I have decided against taking Tilly to Alva, she is just too young to enter by a few days, so it will be Perthshire CC that will be her first outing. But we will be there at Alva as my daughter is keen to see the Junior handling classes at a breed show. She will be entering her first one at Perthshire with Rosie!

    Maeve and Bridget look gorgeous together, I'm sure they are best of friends. Tara has taken very well to Tilly, and I love having two. My Tara looks more like a ginger Lab compared to Tilly who has such an elegant fine face, whereas Tara's ears are much shorter and she has a wider skull - and a MUCH wider girth! Grace (who has the Gordons) saw Tilly a few weeks back and told me she looked very much like Maeve - which I took as a great compliment!

    Nice to see you here on the site! I haven't posted as much recently as the kids' holidays have kept me busy. There is a Setters in Scotland group that you might be interested in joining, and an Only Two group for those of us with two setters?

    See you soon,

  • Dee Rance

    Hi there,
    Just got back from a computer crash 6 weeks ago, noticed that you come from Scotland, what part??
    All the best Dee and the girls
  • Jennifer Welsh

    Hi Ruth, love the photo's. Hope to see you and the girls soon, take care Jennifer & pups x
  • Dee Rance

    Well what a small world eh. I am pleased that you started using the site again, how is the 'baby' doing? well I hope, we will not be having puppies, Saffy was non-co-operative. Ah well better luck next time. I will look forward to seeing you at Alva in a couple of weeks, don't forget that it is being held on the Saturday, (I think) Do come and re-introduce yourself to me, I think that I am going senile, fast, I have a lot of memory lapses. I do have a name for it, but it is not for this site.
    See you at Alva, all the best Dee and the girls
  • Deborah Christopher

    Hi Ruth
    I love the picture of your setter smiling, I used to have an English setter that used to do the very same thing, she used to get so excited that she used to 'snot' on me at the same time!!
    Regards, Deborah
  • Dee Rance

    Hope to see you on Saturday next. I was going to use Clacnaha Ami Pierrot, (I think that is how it is spelt) It wasn't just a case of her not being responsive, I think it was just one of those things I wasn't there and I think she she was a bit too guarded and a wee bit nervous, unfortunately next time is 11 months away, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for her to come into season sooner, well we can all hope.......Speak soon Dee and the girls
  • Deborah Christopher

    They certainly do!! Although my puppy is usually doing something she shouldn't!
  • Dee Rance

    Have just read one of your last messages and see that you asked about the monochrome picture, and looking at my replies I still haven't answered you, her name was (wait for it) Maymont Ros Patkrump...yes I know what a mouthful, but, you know, people still remember her (as the dog with that ridiculous name) so it kind of worked, (she is forever remembered by people, most of all by me). A great character. Like all my dogs she will never be forgotten. See you on Saturday, Dee and the girls
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Ruth.
    No, I was even more inventive than that I called her 'Ros'. How un-inventive is that,
    Yes I had a fairly good day, would have liked to have been higher up in the Open class though, but as I always say a place is a place, and it gets your face seen in the lineup, but, on Sunday I had something wrong with me, and was being sick all the way down the motorways from home to show. So when it came to the Graduate class I asked Chloe (Davey Laidlaws granddaughter) to go in with Saffy and we were all so thrilled with the 2nd, it was 1st for a long time, (I just dared him to move her down the line any further). Chloe is such a good handler, if it hadn't have been for her I wouldn't have got half the placings in the last couple of years that I have, she always moves Jas for me, they just move around the ring as one. It is so nice to watch, and it looks as though she now has a full time job with Saffy, I can't move either of them now but Saffy needs to move so fast or she starts gaging. I love showing them both but we have to do the best for them.
    Will see you on Saturday, I hope.
    Dee and the girls
  • Michelle Webster

    I love your photos Ruth. Actually I have one of your girls on my web site. Hope you enjoy it here on ES it's great fun.
    Best wishes,
  • Michelle Webster

    Funnily enough I also check this site whilst running my bath. I've had a few hairy moments when the bath has almost run over the top!!
  • Lynn Spencer

    Hi Ruth. Your girls are gorgeous. I certainly agree with you. Two are much better than one. We got our two girls, one Irish & one English, together as baby puppies. They are now just 7 and have been the best of friends forever. The best thing we ever did. And yes, my English girl smiles also. I just love it.
    Lynn, & the girls in Oz.
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Ruth
    It was really good to see you the other day and thank you for the help just getting the chickens was a wonderful help, we are looking forward to seeing you when you get back from Ireland, have a great time over there it is a wonderful experience. Once bitten though you will be back year after year, Oh and thanks for the bikkies.
    Dee and the gang
  • Ingrid Gilray

    Hi Ruth - good to hear from you! I was looking out for you at SKC...hope the girls are well. It was a good day for Reggie, he was quite charming...trying to kiss the judge and cuddling up to anyone that looked like they might have some food on them.
    I've been taking him to ringcraft, but I think we've still got a way to go!
    Dougal on the other hand has been behaving really well - he was so good yetserday - but isn;t doing as well as he did when he misbehaved all the time!! I suspect my hairdressing skills aren;t helping his cause much either, so I'm trying to work on that:-)
    Hope all is well with you guys, and that we'll see you at ISCS open show in a couple of weeks?
  • Jennifer Welsh

    Hi Ruth, it's nice to know we've been missed by someone :-) I've not made many shows this year at all. My health has been quite up and down so not only have I missed shows entered but also missed LOADS of closing dates of shows that I'd really have liked to make - not to mention being really unorganized (like I am) doesn't really help.
    Lovely to to hear from you your girls are looking as lovely as ever, my 3 are absolutely fine, into mischief always :-) thank you for asking. Hope to meet you out somewhere soon, lots of smiles jennifer and gang x
  • sammi pease

    Hi Ruth., I was just nosing around and found your page....enjoyed looking at pics of your two lovely girls....we just had a great holiday up in Scotland with our two.....(whereabouts are you?) and are looking forward to getting back a.s.a.p.!!
    Best wishes...Sammi
    p.s. We had a 'smiler' once too..(Sophie) .she didn't start doing it 'till she was about 7 or 8 years old though....lovely.....!
  • Zsuzsanna Kázsmér: Maya and Skíp

    Thank you for your kind words! This day is special for me because today my dog is 1 year old and because i have suce friends like you.
  • Ossian

    hi Ruth
    I have to think about Angus - will get back to you today
  • Ossian

    Ruth sorry for being slow to get back to you
    have you tried Jess Probst at

    Take a look and give her a shout
    Let me know how you go and if that isnt for you will try to find someone else
  • Ossian

    You are very welcome! Glad she was able to hel you both
    KIT and let me know how you get on
  • Yvonne Wark

    Holly is great she has settled in really well, she has never cried or mopped around but having Cassie around and with me being there nearly every day since she was born that is no surprise really. Will get more photo's on soon. Everytime she sits nice I don't have my camera to hand but I have manged to get some nice ones. Will be good to catch up with you at SKC and Holly and Cassie sends hugs and kisses back.
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Ruth.
    Nice to see you the other day, just noticed that the 'new baby' is called Holly. just goes to show that I don't read everyones comments.
    Hope all is well with you, if you feel like a trip to Belfast just give me a call, all the best Dee and the gang
    ps your god-dog is fine, well he is being a newsence but well in himself....;o))
  • Yvonne Wark

    Hi Ruth how are you. Just thought I would drop by to say hello. Holly has had her last injection and can get out and about as of Monday. Looking forward to taking her for her first stroll wonder how we get on!!!!

    Hope you are all well.
    Hugs from Cassie and Holly x
  • Yvonne Wark

    Hi Ruth Holly's first outing went well. She stopped and sniffed at absolutely everything but she walked not too bad on her lead. She would be very honoured to meet her Aunties Maeve and Bridget. We could come for a visit or you coulod come here whichever is best for you. Are you going to Blackpool and or Borders this weekend? I am not going to either staying at home with my beautiful girls. Yvonne x