

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
none - I have Gordons and Red and Whites
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
I have never owned Irish
About Me:
My hobby all my life has been dogs. I enjoy OB, agility, working gundogs, Search and Rescue, a little bit of tracking.

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  • Ossian

    The greoup shot is called Macadamia Nuts and if you've seen Best in Show you will know why!!!
  • Nicole Wilson

    Hi Ossian,
    welcome to the forum and enjoy. Looking forward to seeing more photographs of your Gordons :-)
    Best regards,
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Welcome to the site, hope you will enjoy it, Dee and the girls
  • Dee Rance

    I was at the Scottish Kennel Club, its just a shame that you know what is going to happen before the day, we all knew who was going to get the tickets, but my young girl got 4th in Post Graduate my older girl got 2nd in Open (out of 2) so not very good, a bit of a thump to earth after last weekend!!! Making up my old girl to Irish Show Champion, still that is showing for you, the party was good at my bench!!!! Where were you showing???? Dee and the girls
  • Dee Rance

    Groans!!!!I think that was the understatement, I think that there were more chins hitting the ground Its always difficult when you know what is going to happen at least a week before the show, still as you say it keeps your feet on the ground, you should have come to my bench, there was nibbles and drinks in celebration of Jas getting here Irish title, Perhaps I will see you at Border Union??? Dee and the girls
  • Dee Rance

    I remember last year very well I got the ticket!!!!!!!! and yes it was horrendous. We were undercover and up to our knees in mud,
    Which stand are you helping on??? I will be absolutely kn***rd by then, will be in Belfast the day before. Its a 'local' show for me. I do know that the judge likes my girl, but she like me, (the dog) isn't getting any younger, but as I have said before, she is wearing better than me. Maybe see you there. Dee and the girls
  • Ossian

    He He - well you would remember. It was a bit squishy and to be honest it was better being outside than under cnavas! the rings were teeny in there!

    I will know to look for you at the "SAGA" stand then
  • Nicole Wilson

    I have to admit that it's very tricky taking photographs of setters - most of my pictures are usually just blurred because the "object" obviously moved far too fast! ;-)
  • Gadhelic

    Thanks for the welcome
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Hello, from Down Under, Ossian.
    Fully understand why you have called the photo, "Macadamia Nuts!" What a Hoot the film was! Need to see it a few times to pick up on the one-liners that are missed from laughing so much. Sad thing is that many dog people are actually like those characters. My husband and I are told we are like the Weimaraner couple, because we are arguing until we get to the show!!!Needless to say we decided to buy a replica of "the bee" just to remind ourselves!
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Of course Christopher and "Cookie's" husband, wrote "Best in Show." What a tremendous job they did!
    Cookie was a scream....just soooo well known!!
    Roll on the "Oscars," is all I can say.
  • Nicole Wilson

    Hi Evie,
    Nice to have you back :-) Yes, I work my older boy (the younger one is still only a baby) down in the Borders with Peter O'Driscoll. We've also been to Bob Truman's and I'm planning to go to one of the kennel club weekends next time if I can manage. Not quite ready for field trials yet but hopefully sometime soon! Do you work your Gordons?
  • Carmel Murphy

    Hi Evie!!!
    Good to see you here too!!! We actually met before the circuit!!! And not even in the toilet!!;o))It was ring side the day Rua won her first green star at Swords in 2003;o) Well done to you and Fergal!!!!!
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Evie
    I was down in the south of England visiting my dad. I was disappointed that I couldn't be there, but I only had a few days off from looking after my grandchildren. So had to do my duty.
    As for the working training, no I haven't done anything since the first time, don't know if you know it or not but I so nearly lost Saffy just after that, literally the same day, she got a pain in her stomach, it is a long story, but she ended up being operated on (£900) so haven't had the nerve to do it since. Although I would love to...Are you going to Border Union this year????
    All the best Dee and the girls
  • Nicole Wilson

    Hi Evie,
    I'm sorry to hear about your eleven year old but hopefully his/her quality of life is still reasonably good. The working day sounds great, where would it be held?
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Evie
    Sorry I didn't answer sooner, Hope to see you tomorrow, It would be a little difficult to take Saffy as I think that she is pregnant and I don't really want to jeopardise that, as I have been looking forward to it for many years now...
    Nicole will be there as well so speak to her, but I would still love to meet you.
    All the best Dee and the girls
  • Ossian

    see you tomorrow we are on after 40 odd wolfhounds! I will get Carol gill to point you out!
  • Nicole Wilson

    Hi Evie,
    Lanarkshire sounds great! I'm definitely up for it if we can make it! Looking forward to hopefully meeting you tomorrow - if I can find you!
  • Ossian

    Hi Dave - ooh that makes me mad!!

    We have been talking about making enquiries at the likes of Scone, and Glamis etc to take the dogs - when you look at the Highland Show there are literally hundreds of dogs go to the show and thousands of dog owners!!!

    Our biggest draw on the Hearing Dog stand was the huge water bowls which we kept full with clean fresh water all day.

    Still working towards getting setters together later this year! Determined!
  • Ossian

    Hi Dave
    ok spill the beans on the Gordon FT - I have my reservations about some of todays Gordons in the field. Penny Darragh's ones are ok and one or two but it seems to me they have lost the ability to cut through rough ground. They rocking horse over the top of it and wear themselves done in no time.

    Your observations??

    We were represented at the CLA and managed to come away with a trophy for the best stand ah well recognition where you can get it!

    Thanks for the feedback on HD stand. They are all quite new to the outdoor events (I have done the Royal Highalnd Show for years) and they like a bit of encouragement.

    Think you might have been talking to either Pauline (she does assessment for us) or a lady with a double barrell name ending in Lamberton who is one of our speakers)

    They didnt make their volunteers pay from the Southern Society did they?
    You get an allocation of passes for every stand and then we pay for the other peole we bring in. When I changed the format of our stand at RHS two years ago I had about 20 hearing dogs over the four days along with my team. We paid a discount price for the tickets but we paid for them. I would be inclined to say thanks but Iam busy. Volunteers give of their time and their energy (in your case your skills)the least they can do is pay to get you in!

  • Margaret Mazan

    hi glad u found me I wouldn't have found you! He is out at Setter and Pointer. I will be at Gundog Breeds.

  • Margaret Mazan

    Hi Evie - getting really excited now it is only 2 weeks to Jarnos big day!!! and then at Gundog Breeds the following week! Hope you are well and are going to Setter and Pointer. I am busy making a patchwork benching rug at the mo. Have been doing some roadwork and using a high stand to feed him on it seems to be doing the trick

    Take Care
    Maggie and Jarno and his red cousins
  • Ossian

    Hi Margaret
    look forward to seeing you at setter and pointer. You can say hello to Irish CHAMPION Dalriach Infamous Grouse!
    Fergal ran his qualifier in the Wicklow mountain trial yesterday and passed.
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there, Thanks for the invite, but I really don't have anything to show at the moment, try again after February I will be open for open shows then, the more the merrier, haven't really done that many open shows since I have been up here, but will have to start, (the two girls are now retired), so only have one to show in the future, Who is the judge????
    Dee and the gang
  • Ossian

    Judge is Carol Moore Gadhelic Gordons. I am just trying to make sure she has a good entry of Reds and IRWS/ she is a good judge and she has agreed to travel from Wales for most of the gundogs and the group.
    Can you pass this on
    Ta Dee
  • Margaret Mazan

    Hi Evie

    Thanks for the reply - it never cmae through on my page or comment thread!!! just seen it on your page.
    We are going to our training tomorrow for our last time befors Saturday! He stands really well but moving mmn!!! is another thing hope Jaqui won't be too embarrised by him - could be ground please swallow me up type of day!! How many puppies are out at the moment - do you know? Is it 1, 2, or 3 that qualifys in R & W's puppies
    Take Care

    Maggie and Jarnox
  • Ossian

    I think its 1st 2nd and third
  • Margaret Mazan

    Sorry we missed you - I couldn't take Jarno in for the puupy in breed as I was in the red ring with Gil
    See you next week at Gundog breeds

  • Ossian

    can you email me PM on eviejohnstone@yahoo.co.uk
  • Margaret Love

    Hi - yes Margaret put up a good arguement for it - so have entered Caley (dog) as Islay (bitch) has just been spayed and i dont think she would be ready in time. However i do warn everyone i have never shown before and it could be hilarious !!!
  • Margaret Mazan

    Hi your email got thru and also your comment made it to my page!!
  • Margaret Love

    Hi Evie - panicking a bit about it but also looking forward to seeing the other IRWS owners and dogs. We are bringing both Caley & Islay although we have only entered Caley. See you then
  • Silvia

    LOL hi Evie you are here as welll ...
  • Silvia

    the Gordon here just love it ! see the one I put up from old fellow Hunter
  • Yvonne H

    Hiya to you too. Hope you are well......Just found the European Winners tv show with Jane and another in the background........!!!!!
  • Yvonne H

    Will it ever be that warm again?..........See you at Crufts?
  • ursula wilby

    Unfortunatly no Crufts this year!
    I am not a great show-person anyhow and have normally just gone when I have worked there.
    Pity, I would like to meet up with some more people on this site in "real life". That would be my reason for going...have fun! :-)
  • Ruth Findlay

    Hi Ossian,
    I notice that you have given Rosey some information about trainers/behaviourists in Scotland. I have a specific problem with one of our girls. Its only when she is on the lead and another dog comes towards her - she barks in its face. In a formal show or obedience setting while "working" she doesn't do it, but outside the ring or round the hall, she does. Otherwise she is a sweetie, loving and eager to please - very obedient. I live in Angus. Many thanks if you can help.
  • Ruth Findlay

    Thanks Ossian. I've been trying different solutions, unsuccessfully for about two years. Any help will be welcome.
  • Ruth Findlay

    Many thanks Ossian. I'll get in touch with Jess and let you know how I get on.
  • Rhona, Bruce n Lil Lucy Skene x

    Awh hehe, yes it is a nice park
    Lucy is good and so is Bruce, bruce is getting pretty old now but he still jumps around like hes a little puppy hehe.
    Lucy is mischevious, hehe, she loved her walks aswell as Bruce.
    Although i have a slight hunch about Lucy
    She seems pretty small for a setter, im not sure whether she is small or whether its the fact Bruce is a large setter hehe.
    Could you tell me the correct height for a red and white setter bitch?
    thank you :) speak soon x x
  • Stephen Jones and Ian Vatcher

    We are obsessed with the irish !
  • ursula wilby

    Join the crowd! I have been in the shit here as well...:-)
  • Elizabeth Ball

    Ossian, thank you for your comment regarding yesterday's "debates" and I fully take on board that you had had an awful day. The case you have just experienced is dreadful and heartbreaking and I can understand why you were upset, but I always find that if my mind isn't in the right place to respond to something reasonably then I walk away until it is, otherwise you can give someone the wrong impression of you when they don't know you.

    I know I was being defensive but I was quite upset by the suggestion that I expected Bella to be instantly fixed without putting any effort in. Be careful not to judge people by the lowest common denominator, though given what had just happened I do appreciate why. I truly believe that the groundwork my husband and I are putting in now will pay dividends in all the years we will have with Bella in our lives and all I want is for her to be a happy, well mannered and sociable companion. We put a lot of thought and effort into getting a dog, it was not a decision we took lightly and in fact it took years of waiting before we were in the right place to make the commitment, I plan my time every single day with Bella in mind. I don't want to keep repeating myself but I am doing what my Trainer tells me, I am giving it time, I truly do not understand how Bella's mind works sometimes and I am grateful that I have someone on hand who is helping me interpret her behaviour and I would never disrespect that. I also know from other posts I have read from you on here that you have valuable experience to offer so I hope that this has not discouraged those who need it most from asking for information and guidance. I've licked my wounds and am over it, amazing what some fabulous sunshine and a good run around with your dog can do to boost your spirits. I hope that you are having a better day today. Liz
  • Elizabeth Ball

    Hi Ossian, Bella has not been spayed and is not yet showing any signs of her first season, I do check her every day as I don't want to cause chaos when out and about and have plenty of room here to exercise her under house arrest. I shall be mindful of your advice. I'm a bit in denial and thinking my little girl can't be old enough for such things yet, though am well aware this is not true.
  • Rhona, Bruce n Lil Lucy Skene x

    Hello :)
    Ahh, Lucy is i think 23inches :) so all seems great hehe
    and thank you, your setters are lovely too, i love the ones where they are in the snow
    i remember seeing a gordon setter not long ago in galashiels, it was beautiful, bruce seemed to get along with them :)
    Well i best be off to walk the dogs, i just in from school and duty calls :)
    goodbye :) x
  • Carmel Murphy

    How very sweet Norna!! Great to see you all and hope you survived the May weather!! My hands were numb for quite a while driving home;o)) See you all again soon!! I hope you corrected that mistaken result in the catalogue;o)))
  • Carmel Murphy

    I didnt correct mine either!! Look forward to the next "blather" session;o)
  • Ruth Findlay

    Hi Ossian,
    Some time ago you gave me the name of Jess Probst for my bitch's wee behaviour problem. We did meet her and she was very helpful. She gave me some useful strategies for dealing with the problem, and I have seen a difference in Bridget and this has helped my confidence too (not anticipating and thus causing it by tensing up the lead). Not completely out of the woods but getting there and I know I can go back to Jess if necessary. Thank you again. Ruth
  • Yvonne H

    Red Ribbon