Carol Gill


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
1 Irish Setter, 2 IRWS 1 Gordon Setters 4 Field Spaniels and 5 Bengal Cats
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
around 25yrs
About Me:
Started Showing Irish Setters in 1976, then bought my first Gordons Setter and now also have a IRWS and Field Spaniels..i have bred Sh Champions my dogs have sired Sh Ch's and i currently have 3 Sh Champs in three diff breeds..when im not showing i Judge all Gundogs..i also Breed Silver Spot Bengals

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  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Carol welcome to the site, love your pictures. All the best Dee and the girls
  • Laura Kolbach

    Welcome here! You'll enjoy it a lot, I promise :-)
    All the best, Laura and the girls
  • Marta Magi

    Welcome to the site!
    What a gorgeous head your IRWS has! Just beautiful :-)
    I saw your Liam several times whilst visiting some UK shows in the last few years. He is a very nice dog to my eyes :-)
    Would be lovely to hear from you in the future, so enjoy the site and let us know a lot about you :-))
    Regards / Marta & Sarah (Shandwick Obsession) :-))
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there the site is very addictive I seem to spend breakfast, dinner and tea on line. My excuse is that I have to sit down then so I can play!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Speak soon Dee and the girls
  • Dee Rance

    Congratulations on the ticket etc I would imagine the journey home was great..................... Dee and the girls
  • Carol Gill

    welll everyone i clicked on a invite and now i have two pages of Carol Gill and my dogs grrrrrrrr if the moderators are around can you kindly delete the new one i accidently made? not this page the other tiredness after the champ show kicked in im afraid
  • Carol Gill

    Well after a lovely weekend in Ireland..i have a long last a PUPPY!!!!!!!!! Grandson to my Liam, his name will be Rian..seems fitting as we usually travel over from Cairnryan to it had to be..only i have spelt it i think the Irish way...he travelled from 9am on the Sunday morning till i got home at 5.30 with only one stop for a pee and drink...he sleeps at the moment in an indoor crate or cage..there has been no little accidents he asks to go out and performs then trots in..what a eater!!!!
    breakfast consists of his all in one with live yougort, then dinner is sardines or pilchards, tea time is rice pudding (home made of course) and night time he has meat and all in far he hasnt turned his nose up at anything what a very impressed at how clever he is and how quick he learns things...i have a small footstool you know the ones with the whicker matting on the top made many many years ago ..well he can get on top of this and then he is straight onto the settee where he curls up with my Bengal cat who seems to have fallen in love with the little devil eweeeeeeeek a prtnership made in hell lol
    i def will post pics when i find my camara conection
  • Carol Gill

    hello pals
    i have added some more pics of Rian...he has gone from angleic to satanic!!!!!! what a little monster chase bite chew terrorise and answer back!!! i can only think its his foregin blood!!! lol his Grandad is a gentleman this wee heathen is a sod!!!
  • Kasia Czapla

    Hello Carol,
    Congratulations on your new puppy. I am breeder of his father - Heros and owner of his granddad Odi. Hope little Rian turns into a lovely dog. Looking forward to more of his photos. Best wishes from Poland, Kasia and the Diervilla gang ;)
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Good luck with your new puppy. I like his name much!
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Carol. I left without asking about the trophy......who do I ask to maybe get it to me at some time, if it is at all possible, that is...nice to see you yesterday, it is so strange leaving home and getting back in the same day its not too far for your shows, will be at more of them in the future, nice to see you again Dee and the girls
  • Carol Gill

    Debbie you know i will get you back (grin) off tonight to see the Tar Barrel parade at no drinking i am driving
    love and best wish's to you and yours
  • Kirsty williamson

    hi Carol, Looking forward to seeing you in the ring with your new pup I remember seeing the litter advertised and thinking what a nice dog the sire was. Your sense of humour will be much appreciated by the few of us showing who do still have a sense of humour!!!
  • Kirsty williamson

    Hi Gill,
    Seen you had quite a conversation with yourself on the chat feature!! How exactly does that work?
  • Kirsty williamson

    Hi carol,
    So sorry I missed your live singing earlier , it could be 3rd time lucky for you on there, i will look out for you we could perhaps do a duet??
  • Kirsty williamson

    hi Carol,
    Hope you had a good day judging on Sunday.
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Carol
    Just got home, it was like watching paint dry, ended at nearly 7. Pissed my daughter off, I was supposed to be baby sitting for her. Oh well can't please all the people,
    We ended up with bet veteran, and I ended up with a lecture re eye problem, again can't please all the people etc,
    Speak soon Dee and the girls
  • Kirsty williamson

    Nice to chat to you today , the breed needs more people like you !!!
  • Kirsty williamson

    hi Carol,
    Are you at NEISC show tomorrow? I am coming to support the club and also cos it is a lovely relaxed friendly show. Do you know how many have entered? It is unfortunate Wales is on the same weekend i know a couple of folks who would have come but for that i am sure we will have agood day anyway.
  • Kirsty williamson

    Delighted to read about your good news with Liam bless him, it must be a relief for you I hope his cataracts are'nt too much of a problem for him
  • lyn hathaway

    hi carol so glad your liam is ok after having his eyes tested and your gordon too. i bet you are so relieved the waiting is liam going to have the cataracts removed or is he too old? im taking layla back to see mr bedford tomorrow and although i know whats wrong with her im still so anxious as what hes going to say.
  • Marc Ruymbeke

    Hi, Ihope I will wake it, I have enterred the dogs, not sure if I will be able to show them, this time my knee is realy bad, am like the Indian ( native American) Wounded Knee
  • Kirsty williamson

    hi carol,
    Have a look at this site apparently they are drops that ,melt the cataracts away was on the Richard and Judy show and in the Daily mail might be worth a look.
  • Kirsty williamson

    Congratulations with DCC and BOB with your field spaniel today way to go girl!!!!
  • Carol Gill

    Thanks Kirsty, out of 34 gundogs in the Group ring he was pulled out in the cut of 11..i was thrilled with that then she picked funnily enough the first 4 in the line up didnt go down the line at all i was 5th :)) then as she shook hands with everyone left after of course picking Yogi first Gordon setter GSP and IRWS..she had a few words with me and said of all the Gundogs she had in the Group my 10yr old had the best muscle tone!!! so i thought damn why couldnt she have given me a place then in the group lol
  • Marc Ruymbeke

    Hi dear, would you have the results for Sunday ? Did you hava good time ? cheers
  • Carol Gill

    Hi Marc yes i have the results for Native Breeds show and Euro show
  • Marjolein Bogaard

    Great dogs! They look fantastic!!

    Best regards from Holland
  • Lynne Murray Hogsflesh

    Hi Carol, long time no see! I was @ Paignton this week & saw the lovely Sh Ch Reddins Pause, he is a splendid young man & a real credit to your big boy, his Dad; I always knew he was top drawer, what a pity his qualities were never really truly recognised, he should have been made up if only on movement alone...he could show the young ones how it is done!
  • Kirsty williamson

    Hi Carol,
    Love your new profile photo, you don't have scrub up well what a glam chick you are !!!
  • Jo Ottinger

    I really enjoyed your pictures. I worked Halloween so did not party. Thanks for sharing
  • Carol Gill

    im so pleased you got home safely i was so worried about your journey, we have loads more snow here today you would not believe it, have put pics into the album..i wish you all the luck in the world with him and thankyou both for having the wee man love to you and yours and an extra (((hug)))) for Fergus xx
  • Lynne Murray Hogsflesh

    Carol just seen your piccies of the pups...they look like intrepid adventurers out in the snow, bless them. How are they bred? I'm off work again but this time to look after Brits & her 10 new babies. Our snow here has almost gone, pouring with rain....very wet walkies!!!
  • Carol Gill

    they are by Tullamore Troupador out of my Ir Sh Ch Dalriach Indigo Moon At Ardbraccan...they are doing very well...the first show for them will be WELKS...naughty little vanilla bundles they are..good luck with the pups
  • Marie Quinn

    Hi Carol,
    Sorry to hear about the sad loss of your beautiful Setter.
  • Carol Gill

    thankyou so much..he really is a big miss ((hugs))
  • Elizabeth Ball

    Hi Carol, So sorry to hear that Liam is no longer with you, we are the loving owners of one of his new grand-daughters 5-month-old Reddins Psyche, daughter of Reddins Pause at Magiconkers. Bella (the) Ball, as she is known to us is growing up to be a lovely girl but full of mischief - is that hereditary???
  • Carol Gill

    Hi Fionnuala
    im so pleased to here that he is doing so well, so far the two i have kept the dog is doing so much better than the bitch who is a wee demon!!! where he is totally laid back...god help me :))
  • Claire Prangle

    Hi Carol, Hope you got back ok on Sat, it was good to see you, I was very pleased to get shortlisted for B.I.S with the young man, he moved very well in the big ring
    Kind Regards
  • Carol Gill

    First time i have had my hands on this young man and i was quite impressed ...couldnt fault his movement unlike some others i had under me!!!
  • Elizabeth Ball

    Hi Carol, thanks for your comments, I hope that Bella grows up to be like her Granddad then.... a perfect lady seems far off at the moment. My husband and I really thought we had turned a corner with her in the last week or so, much better behaved and calmer, but I have just been to visit a friend and Bella has completely shown me up with her misbehaviour - tsk. Good job I already love her. As for the show ring - probably not, it's not something I really know anything about and as beautiful as she is (not biased at all!) I'm not sure her temperament (or mine) is right for it. How do you tell when you have a potential show dog?
  • Carol Gill

    omg how you want to take my two on lol...hooligans both of them!!! and you will have to get me a copy of that...A STAR IS BORN whooohoooo
  • Carol Gill

    im so happy for you...mine are wild lol but they do as i ask sometimes :)) as long as they behave in the show ring i can cope with the rest
  • Carol Gill

    no im so proud of your boy because he is loved by smashing people...long may he continue to be a lovely boy xx
  • Adele Duggan

    Hi Carol, Bree is settling in lovely, I can't really remember not having her now and it's been less than a week!. The bairns adore her and she loves playing football with them in the garden. She is getting used to our rules about where she can and can't go. The only thing i'm a bit confused about is that i am trying not to reward her with attention when she jumps up but give it at other times so she gets used to knowing she wont get a positive reward for jumping, but then when she welcomes you in the morning she is so excited she can't help jumping and we can't help loving her back. I was saying to Neil I don't want to confuse her. I took her for a lead walk yesterday with my friend, her two new foundlands and all the kids. She really enjoyed rooting about and I had my first moments of doggy pride when people were stopping to comment on how lively she is. Our house has a completly different feel to it now, its was always a really happy house but she brings a completly new element of fun. We can't help laughing at her funny little ways - like when she stood to attention looking shocked when Cavan pumped! Hope you are well
    Adele x
  • Gill Hart

    Brilliant News, well done him and well done you!

    I am waiting for the results of the CLAD test, I have received the vet receipts and postage receipts so i know they have been done. Now I have everything possible crossed that he is clear, then all systems go!

    Gill x
  • Dee Rance

    And so you should be pleased with them. they are all looking lovely, I wished that I had seen your wee one in the ring. There were quite a few R/W at the show..nice to see.
    Going to SKC???
  • Dee Rance

    I had the same problem, but we had those little yappie Bichon's all around our ring and he (Fin) just stiffened, why they couldn't put all there bloody cages around their own ring I don't know...hundreds of the little Bu***rs...
    Will try and catch up at SKC. and have a look at your wee man...Congratulations again, Dee and the gang
  • Thor Erik Pape

    Yes. so far the Dalriach dogs is the bond. The picture of your pups is so lovely.
  • Thor Erik Pape

    Sorry Carol. I am not able to connect with the link. I will try another way. NB! most of the pictures of my dogs is on my daughter, Linn Cecilie Moen`s profile. There is no doubt that Margaret`s dogs are the best of breed today. I will continue the way she breed. Good looking and good workers. So the good looking of your dogs is the proof.