Jelena Kreitmayer

45, Female

Chicago, Tuzla

United States

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
one very spoiled brat of a IS who is a sweetheart and the most loveable creature in the world.
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
Since 1989 ( I was 11). My first dog, Lun od Jadra (Isa Domus Alia x Cari), came from Slovenia in '89. That was one helluva dog :)
About Me:
I am originally from Bosnia, but live in the States now (Chicago). I work in event production and take my dog everywhere with me. I love to travel and so does Lego.He comes from Hungary, from Garden Star's Kennel. His registered name is Garden Star's Hocus Pocus ( Ch. Berboss Highlight x Ch. Gin Tonic Of The Hunter's Home). I fell in love with his mom and absolutely had to at any price have her puppy :-) Fortunately, Lazlo was so nice to let me have a sweet little boy.
I absolutely love the line and they produced the loveliest boy with the most gentle temperament, soft mouth, eager to please and such a joy to live with. I honestly could not have asked for a better dog. :)))
I would say that he is a creature of comfort though, and loves the central air and queen size bed, as well as his leather armchair. He is a total bed hog :)

I also love to participate in conformation and more recently field events. Even thought I might be the least competitive person you will ever meet ;o) I love taking part in the training, because it takes me much longer than the dog to get trained ;o) Just enjoying some quality time with my dog and the fellow dog people is a reward to me.
We are doing some field training as a requirement for his Bosnian Ch. and both of us absolutely love it!!! He got a JH so far. I have never seen him so excited about anything (except a ball thrown into lake).
While the field training is on hold because of the huge gas prices, we are doing the Rally with our training club, which is a lot of fun. It is an exercise for myself and the dog I must say ;O)
We like to do lounge on the furniture together watching a movie as much as doing all the different stuff. Dogs have to rest and have ice cream from time to time, right? ;-)

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  • watergirl0153226

    Hi Jelena!
    Great picture of Lego! He is a lucky boy to have such a loving, involved mama. I wish you both tons of success in all your endeavours.
    Barb Janicek
  • Wendy Czarnecki

    Hi Jelena,

    Thanks for the kind words about the articles on my web site. I am always so pleased when someone gets turned on to field work with their Irish. It is the best!!! I visited your site and loved the photos of Lego - he is a beautiful dog, very nice outline, beautiful head, good angles, nice coat. I'll bet he looks gorgeous running in a green field! Are you his breeder? What can you tell me about his background - I'd love to see his pedigree if it would mean anything to me; I really am not very familiar with European bloodlines. I hope you will be able to attend the ISCA National Specialty next April in Phoenix, Arizona. And you might have fun attending the ISCA Field Championships which are held every late October/early November in Arkansas. We are always there.

    Where are you in the US and who are you doing field work with? Let me know if I can help you out in any way.

    Hope to meet you before long.


  • carolyn slayton

    Thank you Jelena. This site isnew to me so still trying to figure it out. I am not computer literate. How do you do the pictures? I am not sure how to put them on here or pull them down from another program. I may have to have someone talk me through this one.

  • carolyn slayton

    Yes, thank you very much. That was what I am working on. It is still over my head some.

    I have a question. Say I want to speak to someone on this list, do i just type in exclusively setters or what? I know the login thing but not sure how to pull this up without someone writing me. I told you I was stupid. Don't laugh.

  • Susan Stone

    Hi Jelena,
    Thanks for inviting me to be your friend! Have only just now visited your page and found out what an interesting & varied life you and Lego must lead... Good luck with the field training - as you say, the dogs love it! Enjoyed brwosing through your photos - the one of the little cat with Lego is wonderful!

    Hello!Yes,is a Garden Secret puppy
  • Anastasija Nujic

    Hello, Jelena.
    Nice to meet you and your lovely dog
  • pia vilppula

    hi friend! lovley pictures and they made me smile...have a nice day!

  • Joan Clancy

    Thanks Jelena!
    You have some wonderful pictures. Lego is a very Lucky dog, he has a great life!!
  • Joan Clancy

    Maybe I'll put the video up here? I'm having fun filling my page, lol, pictures, music, why not a video too?????
  • Marta Magi

    Hi Jelena,
    as a first timer here at Exclusively Setters I was clumsy enough to delete your message from my site. Just thought why not see what happens when I close that little window, from that I cant bring back your lines any more, I am sorry!
    Didn't want to hurt you!
    Please, be my friend! :))
    cheers, Marta
  • Laura Kolbach

    keep your magazine! and i keep the books, ok? ;-)
  • Laurel Oak Setters - Judy B.

    Hey You,
    So how did the hunt test go? Details girl, I want details! !
    Love your pictures, Lego is a funny guy....looks like he loves HIS kitty....I am so waiting for next weekend....but hope Cailin behaves...she comes, MOST of the time but not when she is playing...or on birds.....oh will still be fun....
    let me know how you are doing...

    Judy and the Gang
  • Laurel Oak Setters - Judy B.

    Wow, I am second both to figure out what time to get there. I talked to Sue this morning...She said she wanted an older fog to run with PJ...well, I told her Cailin won't bug her, she is all businness and wants to hunt not play...I can't wait. Been painting my bathroom for two days...painting everything, even the vanity...just sick of the colors that were in there..only thing is, I have dogs with paint on them...too funny....Well, see you Saturday, I sure can't wait...I love the pics of Lego with his Kitty....

  • Laurel Oak Setters - Judy B.

    Not fog, older dog...geez....
  • Laura Kolbach

    the young ones (for the junior field trial) do not run in braces here :-( and on the normal field trial it varies: sometimes brace, sometimes solo. just wanted to let you know in case you wonder ;-) and i know you do, hehe.
  • Laurel Oak Setters - Judy B.

    Happy Friday,
    Hi, I was trying to figure out what time to get to the hunt test and I just figure since I love being there so much I am just going to get up and go...It will be fun to watch all the dogs....I should be there by 9.
    AND, what is that silly thing on Lego's head when he eats his yogurt, Oh, is that Ben and Jerry's? :)))) He sure seems like a silly boy...Kristopher is like that....just a nut....
    So, can't wait to get there tomorrow.....geez, I love that if it will only NOT rain....

  • Laurel Oak Setters - Judy B.

    so how did you do....I am so sorry I missed you but i made it home in time to change and get off to my nephew's wedding....: )))....

  • Laurel Oak Setters - Judy B.

    yeee gaaa, wooo hoooo....Congratulations....and standing on a bird....yup, only you could do that....

    Cailin was naughty, I was afraid I wasn't going to get her in the bird field...she was running all over the place and would not come....BUT finally she did..woooo that was today all I want to do is get her in the bird field and we will do ok....I shot my gun five times yesterday....Regular ol shooter I am..: )))

    You know you can still run for fun, you paid the money, and besides, you don't want to make someone go to the last brace....(that was suppose to make you feel bad so you come)....

  • Laura Kolbach

    standing on a bird? do you want me to comment this? :-)))
    though i can't really imagine how that goes... here they would fly away :-) normal birds, you know :)
    anyway, congrats, i am very proud of Lego!!! and also odin and danka :)
  • Jelena Kreitmayer

    here birdies are pen - raised. sometimes they do not even fly those 10-20 meters. sometimes they run - and then it is REALLY hard to catch them. Just imagine me almost on all fours trying to chase / look for the running quail while poor lego is thinking "why do I even bother pointing if she will do this anyway?"
    the wild birds actually fly.
  • Judi Schuerman

    I love the photo of your dog with the black cat! I had a cat just like that once and it liked my dog! Your photo's and comments are so fun to read and look at. Thank you for sharing!
    Judi Schuerman
  • Kelly Maurer

    Thank you Jelena!
    I am currently residing in Lawrenceburg, IN (which is about 20 minutes from Cincinnati OH and KY) because I have a new job... but I will be starting classes back up in West Lafayette in August 2008.

    I love the Greater Lafayette Kennel Club, and I know they offer classes for both handling and agility, but they are three hours from Lawrenceburg. That's too much for a weekly class. I would be able to go up on a monthly or bi-monthly basis if there was someone there who really could help me, though!

    Lego is gorgeous!
  • Laurel Oak Setters - Judy B.

    How you doing? I sure am ready to get back out in the field..Cailin needs a ton of training, now at 11 months, she feels she no longer needs to come when called...I can lie to her and promise food, well I do give her some when she comes, but she is that teenager age and naughty...
    Let me know how you are, and what you up to.

  • Mojca Novak

    Nice to meet you and your dogs.
    Mojca from Slovenia
  • Stefán Ildikó

    Maybe Sockholm WW??? It will be nice!
  • Laura Kolbach

    you think you are funny? :-)))
  • Judi Schuerman

    Annie invites Lego and you to visit us anytime USA. We live near Yellowstone Park and would love to host you if you ever come this way. The weather is bad except in the summer months. Irish Setter's think it is heaven so far but Annie hasn't been there yet! We have a small cabin that is only open during the summer! Hugs, Fellow diggers!
    Annie and Judi
  • Anna Przywecka Saturnii

    hello Jelena!
    Thank You very much for a kinds words on my last post about my new litter!
    I have also one male who was born the same day what Your dog and my litter-3 July,Best wishes for Your boy.
    About names...Yes,I need names for boys...Can I use Hocus Pocus for one of my little new boys?If You have some ideas,write me,please..:)

    Anna & Cartoon's
  • Anna Przywecka Saturnii

    I forgot to write You...This litter is for "H" word and maxiumum 10 letters-that's the Belgian rules..I like so much Hocus Pocus...But If I can use I will have to write Hocuspocus,just in one word!

    a & cartoon's
  • Laura and Ruby

    You have very funny photos...specially those with fashion styling...
    The cutest are those with sleeping dog...animal friends...

    Kind regards, Laura
  • Gordy Sisson

    Jelena! That was an excellent slide show. Some great pics. Hey...I got a new puppy Sunday...a sweet boy from Captiva Kennels again. See you at a show sometime!

    Gordie Sisson
  • Gordy Sisson

    He turns 6 months old in January...probably take him to the combined in Jan and then the Milwaukee specialty. Then the Western as well if I am able...I'll try to post a picture.

  • Gordy Sisson

    Slater is a puppy boy, 9 weeks old out of Captiva's Bellagio. I put his puppy pic in my photo spot.
  • Laura Kolbach

    Sorry Jelena! Hope you are not angry with me! It is just that I am also sooooo proud of Jenny!!!
  • Joan Clancy

    Thank you Jelena, for your comments re hunt tests. I'm glad there is someone else out there who understands just how hard it can be for a novice who lives in the city to expose her dog to hunting!!! Finding the time, place, a knowledgable person to help, birds etc, for higher levels is way more difficult than one would imagine!! We were able to swing these JH passes with little training, mostly natural instincts, don't think we'll manage that with the higher levels!! Good luck with your senior training. Somehow I believe that you and Lego will keep bringing home those orange rosettes!!!
  • Laura Kolbach

    thank you Lego and mum :-) no numbers today, smog level went back, so party tonight, as deserved!
  • Laura Kolbach

    2,5 days :-)))))
  • Jamiela Ruotsalainen

    thank you
  • Laurel Oak Setters - Judy B.

    Hi Jelena,
    I haven't talked to you for a long time. How are things with you? I have three IRWS now and have been doing field training. Glad Winter has passed so we can get out in the fields again. Let me know how your crew is...
    Judy Baumgartner
  • Agnieszka Rola

    Jelena take a look on our video "two nuts on holidays", it was taken in the same time as photo of "flying devil" :) I can watch that video every day and every time I laugh ;)))
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Jelena I thank you for the comment on the 'competition' I do sincerely hope that you are very wrong....but thanks for the reply anyway..All the best Dee and the girls
  • Agnieszka Rola

    Happy Birthday Jelena!!! :)))
  • ursula wilby

    Have a totally brilliant birthday Jelena!
  • Carmel Murphy

    A Very Happy Birthday to you Jelena;o)
  • Eva Stájer

    Thank you Jelena
  • Carmel Murphy

    Happy Birthday Jelena;o))
  • Barbara

    Happy Birthday Jelena!
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Happy Birthday Jelena!!!
    How did Lego made this day very special for you?
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Oh Happy Days, Jelena. Wishing you a wonderful day. Enjoy!
    M XX