Petra Kasznár




Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
2 - Stonemine-Hunter Andrew/21.01.2001 (2xCAC, CACIT, CACT Hortobágy Cup, CACT Pohár SKS, Res. CACT 20 hours blood trace,FT very good) and Stonemine-Hunter Beretta/03.06.2010.
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
From 1997.
About Me:
I love hunting with my dogs
Why are you applying for membership?
A. I am a human wanting to contribute to the community

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  • Susan Stone

    Maybe... but first a 'Search and Rescue' trial on March 29th - so keep your fingers crossed that he finds all the missing people!
  • Susan Stone

    Hello Petra!
    I will if we pass...;-))
    best wishes,
  • Susan Stone

    Thanks Petra! You see it worked:-))))
  • Dadka


    Yes, we training with Laco Balogh sometime, but this Field Trial we are non-succeeded. Nio popped the quail. :-(((

  • Leen

    Thanks Petra. I had to.
  • ursula wilby

    Ninja is a super horse! And well worth cleaning the box out after...:-)
    Our first ever foal, about 10 cm too small. But then her mother was even smaller so its not easy getting a BIG horse from a SMALL one... :-)
  • ursula wilby

    hey...whats wrong with cat- and chickenshit? Natural products, cheap and readily available (at least here with chickens and 4 cats). :-)

    To day she had a "proper" meal...GREAT!
  • Laura Kolbach

    bea egyik picije. pár hete voltunk náluk nézni, aztán meg séta a nagyokkal. ja, meg előtte is séta a nagyokkal :-)))
  • Laura Kolbach

    8 tán, vagy azon a hétvégén lettek 8-ak, vagy valami ilyesmi :-) nem tartott meg, mind elment, maradt ismét csak dorka és nércsi.

  • Laura Kolbach

    semmi izgi valójában. mezőzünk minden nap, úszunk dunában minden nap. kb ennyi. meg tervezem a jövőmet. de majd priviben többet.
  • ursula wilby

    Hello Petra!
    Just sent you a long message...:-)
    Yes, life IS full of amazing things...and there is a new lot of chickens next week. Slightly smaller than a foal, but almost as amazing when you think about it!
  • ursula wilby

    Yes...keeping fingers crossed that all works outr fine with the foal.
    Thank god the puppies are doing well :-)
    And the sun is shining...cant be all bad, can it?
  • ursula wilby

    I wonder who will be the winner?
    12 setter-puppies or Inez?
    I bet my money on Inez!
  • Eva Stájer

    Szia Petra!
    Nem tudatlanság, de eddig nem vertem nagydobra.
    A neve Zambi Stop And Stare "Fédra". Apa: Lochfrae Ralph Lauren, anya: Ronzalda Electra.
    1 hete jött be az országba, és itt publikáltam először a dolgot....
  • Eva Stájer

  • Laura Kolbach

    téllllleg nincs időm. tegnap olyan fáradt voltam, hogy elaludtam a kanapén... ma van az utolsó napom ezen a munkahelyen, erre bejött egy belső ellenőrzéses cucc... f* kivan :-)
    amúgy metró mögött, minden nap oda járunk - meg a dunára. kb felváltva. vagy mindkettő.
  • Laura Kolbach

    mindkét kutyám 3 hónapos kora óta úszik a dunában és sosem volt bajuk. nem olyan táposak mint azok, akik allergiásak lesznek meg mittomén :-))) mezőre egyedül járok. danc már totál nyúltiszta, sőt, néha már áll is - de legtöbbször még kinyomja. viszont MINDENT megtalál. és a 33 fokban is megy mint a meszes... utána meg aggódok, hogy a nyelve visszahúzódik-e...
  • Laura Kolbach

    mondom, NÉHA áll. ősszel meg terhesek leszünk, akármi is történik. dancnak sosem lesz már vizsgája, hacsak a vemhesség miatt nem nő be a feje lágya :-)
  • kristine thybo hansen

    Hello, thanks for you kind comment..
    Really nice photos of your beautiful dog and landscape..
    Wish you a great week with your four legs ;-)

    Cheers from Norway
  • Susan Stone

    Hi Petra,
    thanks for liking Dillan:-)) It is funny but suddenly I am also seeing a likeness to Glen. Until now I thought they looked a completely different type.
    Unfortunately I can't train Dillan as he does not live with me, I am only his 'co-owner'. His owner is not interested in field training. But I will certainly take him on a training session when he is with me for his holidays;-))
    all the best
  • Susan Stone

    Lucky Glen??? ok, yes, but lucky me too;-))
  • Marta Magi

  • Susan Stone

    Hi Petra,
    Thanks for your comment! The photos were taken during a training session with Thomas Anheuser - he and his wife breed and train working Irish in Germany. More photos on my website under 'Jagd'.
    Hope all is well with you and your dogs!
    Best regards,
  • ursula wilby

    I have tried to answer...but as you say, it does not work at the moment...I will reply as soon as I see its OK again! Just returned from a long walk on the beach in full storm!!!!!!!!!!!
    And its FRIDAY (you may have noticed) :-)
  • Susan Stone

    Thank you Thank you Thank you - I'm feeling like we've won an Oscar:-))

    Proud? yes, a little bit...;-))
  • Laura Kolbach

    dancusnak jót tesz a terhesség ;-)

  • Laura Kolbach

    a lizard, az gyík. de mindent áll most épp. beleértve a madarakat is.... legalább haladunk :-)
  • Renata Berlińska

    Thank you again! Unfortunately Janka's dog failed. He must improve swimming...
  • Renata Berlińska

    No, Janka is a very rational girl. Stated that her dog (named Rybnik) will success better as her guardian dog and started training Fokka in retrieving her shoes.
  • Leen

    Hi there Petra,
    It's been a while hé. Same to you, best wishes for the new year.
    No I can't find any mail you send me, please could you send it again?
    I did post yesterday on the ongoing discussion, but really I don't care very much. The fools keep thinking that a DNA test wil solve their problems and that they can go on forever the way they do. Well I wish them good luck. Waiting to read your mail.
    Greetings, Leen
    PS at last found a boy friend. On Facebook of all places. Such a sweetie.
  • ursula wilby

    Yes...we made it!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
  • Michaela

    Hello Petra,

    yes you are right the photo on the top is from Chili in hungary . I like it very much! Thanks for the searching informations .. Is everything fine with you and Andy? I hope so.

    Best greetings from Michaela
  • Henk ten Klooster

    Hallo Petra, hooray for a hunting friend in Hungary!!! Henk,.
  • Susan Stone

    Hi Petra!
    Thanks for your comment - believe me, I am working hard... but with over 1000 pics it takes some time! To keep you happy in the meantime, here is one for you:

  • Susan Stone

    Hello Petra, thanks for your comments on blog and photos! As you can imagine, we would love to go back again...
    best wishes
  • Henk ten Klooster

    No doubt todays partridge came from you, Petra! That’s why Americans call partridge Hungarians!:-)
  • Henk ten Klooster

    Hungarians are luckybirds as for grey partridge sorry Hungarians:-) It becomes more and more difficult here to train youngsters on them (on springtrials only points on partridge count!). Every year lots of trialers travel to Andalusia (Spain) in January for red legged partridge staying there a few months! So thanks again for a partridgebirthdayparty:-))
  • Eva Stájer

    Igen, eredményesek voltunk:-))))
  • Susan Stone

    Hi Petra
    it takes soooo long to download onto youtube that it will have to wait... maybe I can adjust the camera to film in low quality, but that would be a shame too...
    all the best
  • Susan Stone

    Yes, the video editor I have seems no good (or it may be me...) - any recommendations?
  • Marta Magi

    Jó ám, hogy irigykedsz :-)) Lett volna hely számodra, ha egyedül jössz, és nagyon szívesen láttalak volna a csapatban. Legközelebb ki ne hagyd! :-))
  • Marjolein Bogaard

    Szía Petra, hogy vagy? Hope you are well and that all the beautiful puppies found good homes! Best wishes from Holland, Marjolein
  • Susan Stone

    Hi Petra,
    many many thanks! I will keep an eye on the site and hope for updates.
    all the best
    (it is cold and stormy here...)
  • Susan Stone

    Thanks Petra! I had not seen it. I see my swiss lady came third... HURRAH!
    have a nice day
  • Marta Magi

    Igen, tudom mi kell ezeknek a fiúknak :-) KV 1. díj .... hát az is megvan.
    Mondjuk csak az enyémeknek, de annak is nagyon örülünk!!
    Köszi minden segítséget!!
  • Susan Stone

    Hi Petra, why not join Wim's field trialler group?
    best regards
  • Susan Stone

    I'm sure you could:-))
  • Marta Magi

    Dehogy voltak ilyen nyugodtak, a kanapés képeken épp alvásból pakoltuk fel őket a fotózáshoz, másképp nem sikerült volna. Vannak kisvideók is, amikor ölik egymást, majd megpróbálok feltölteni belőle párat ... kis ördögök ezek egytől-egyig :-))
  • Dušan Rauški

    szia Petra,
    havent heard from you in a while. I see you have new member of the family. Congratulations and good luck with him!
  • Dušan Rauški

    Yes, very interesting here also.
    Hope to see you soon again.