Sian Thomas

61, Female



Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
17 Years
About Me:
I am Welsh and now live in South West France with my husband and beautiful dogs, we have been here for just over five years now and all love it. I fell in love with the breed after rehoming a wonderful Irish setter called Beau who was from the English Karidell Kennels owned by Brian and Norma Limpus. We have since added Thendara, Caspian and Shenanagin lines to our dogs and are currently awaiting a litter.

Comment Wall:

  • Monique VIRY

    Rejoignez nous sur Frenchy car une Galloise vivant en France nous aidera bien pour les traductions.
    Nous avons engagé une discution concernant les nouvelles directives de jugement du Red Club sur le forum.
    Amitiés irlandaises.
  • " Lordly " Jean en Rita Struyf-De Groof

    Hi Sian!

    Nice to see you here. Hope the pups doing fine.

    Jean & Rita
  • Susan Stone

    Hello Sian!
    I think we were introduced at the belgian clubshow - as fellow expats: you in France, me in Switzerland. Dare you join in on the 'Frenchy' theme?
    I'm off to the ISAE in the UK this weekend and looking forward to english sausages!
    all the best
  • Cecilia GUIOT

    Hello Sian,

    We met in some shows. Pleased to see you her.

  • Susan Stone

    Hello Sian
    tell me about your litter - maybe I can pass the word round
  • Vanessa Woodward

    Hello Sian

    Nelson sends love to his Mama, Papa and 12 new brothers and sisters. He hopes to come and view the competition in the next few weeks.

  • Susan Stone

    Good luck to the 12 boys & girls!
  • Meldor-Sett

    It's nice that in France are so beautifull dogs:]

    Hi Sian,
    I enjoyed your comments. I, also, very much liked the photos of your females. As you might already know I have three generations of Irish Setters: the grandfather-Grieg, The father-Jolly Joker and the son-Shar (Sans Rival) in documents. Beside beauty all are hunters. I will send you some photos illustrating their passion for the hunt. I very much admire French Irish setters as they are participating in field trials and other hunting type competitions. Hope to hear soon from you. Doina
  • Michelle Webster

    Hi Sian,

    Of course you can! I would love to hear more about your dogs
    Best wishes,
  • philippe.deram

    Bonjour Sian
    Merci pour les compliments sur ma Tulssye;je dois dire que je suis très fier d'elle;mais je reste très humble quand à ses succés sachant que je dois beaucoup à ses origines qui ne sont évidemment pas de France...
    A bientot pour des échanges fructueux sur nos chers setters....
    Très amicalement PHILIPPE
  • Meldor-Sett

    Hi Sian,
    We are grate funs of your 12 puppies. Wish you a lot of fun with theme.
    Renata & Julia
  • Monique VIRY

    Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année 2008. Plein de bonheur avec vos compagnons à 4 pattes.

  • Anna Przywecka Saturnii

    hello Sian,
    I can't find Your email adress here.Please, contact me on email way:)
    best regards
  • Catherine Carter

    Hello Sian,
    Back from Crufts and looking through the catalogue I realised too late that you had also entered. I would have liked to meet you and talk about the french shows. I am french but I have lived in the UK for over 30 years and have only ever shown and bred here. I may come back to live in France and I wanted to know how it would be possible for me to continue showing and breeding in France. I am sorry I missed you at Crufts and I looked forward to your response.
  • Linda Andreu

    Hiya Sian,

    Thanks for your comment which rang very true. Tara has comandeered her own settee in this house - I am disgusted at myself. I was previously a 'no dogs on the furniture' kind of gal, but Tara has a way of winning over even the hardest heart. She has impeccable manners however and will never get up on 'our' settee without permission.

    I love the pictures of your new puppies. I am very puppy broody at the moment, and have considered offers to breed from Tara.

    I just don't know how to be sure, without showing her, that she is breed standard. She has a good pedigree, and of course as far as I am concerned she is the best dog in the world, so who wouldn't want to have a dog with her qualities...

    But there are so many 'pet' dogs out there looking for homes already...
  • Catherine Carter

    Hi Sian,
    Thank you for your comment. I have just picked up my computer from being repaired tonight, so I have just seen your note. I will try to go on the french website to see what is available and I would like to be able to speak to you on the phone too so I will try to ring you in a few days if I may. I am writing this in a hurry as I am off to ringcraft tonight with one of my dogs. Thank you again for writing back.
  • dee milligan-bott

    Hi Sian, thanks for the email glad your'e on the 'case' too, lets hope enough people worldwide sign the petition and stop this monster.
    speak soon, Dee
  • Ian

    Hi Everyone

    New to this so unsure how everything works. This is Hovis, not a Two Acres woofie, but 'Jasper' my last one was. I'll post some pics just as soon as possible. Thanks to Michelle Webster for telling me about this site.

  • Brian & Norma Limpus Karidell Setters

    Hi sian & Dave lovely to see your photos just getting used to this online thingy Belle looks a really good mum just like her mum our darling Blossy We had a wonderful few days away with our 3 girls at the I.S.A.E. centenary show etc Blossy doing her last bit of showing on the parade day we were so proud of her she has certainly perked up since then will get in touch agin ver soon luv Norma & Brian
  • Brian & Norma Limpus Karidell Setters

    Hi Sian still awaiting your reply will put you on my friends list anyway luv norma
  • dee milligan-bott

    Hi Sian, hope this finds you 'ok' I have emailed you but it keeps 'bouncing back' look forward to hearing from you.
    Best wishes, Dee
  • Esther Siegrist

    Hi Sian
    I would ask you, have you a homepage adress from the kennel Shenanagin
    Thank you and best regards from Switzerland
  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.

    That's really great that you have so many excellent English origins with your four setters. Do you have often litters, and are you going to the show ?
    Kind regards.
  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.

    What Sian,
    What do you think of the situation of the Irish setter in France.
    Thank you.
  • Cecilia GUIOT

    Happy birthday Sian,

    Hope to see you soon on a show.
    Best regards
  • Dee Rance

    Happy birthday hope that you have a great day
    All the best Dee and the gang
  • Monique VIRY

    Joyeux anniversaire Sian !!!! Have a great day !!!
    Monique et les Setters Irlandais du Domaine du Fuchsberg
  • Monique VIRY

    Mon dernier message date de tout juste un an et quel en est le sujet ???? Ton anniversaire ;-)) Joyeux anniversaire, j'espère que nous aurons la chance de nous croiser en expo.