dee milligan-bott

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How many Irish Setters do you have?
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  • Lucie Havlova

    Hello Dee, I would like to send you latest information from Prague . After a year ( do you remeber our conversation in December of 2009?) We hope, that our Adel , who was mated with Jingles in December 2010, will bring to the world first the highly appriciated baeutiful Thendara  and Jonola bloodline puppies in Czech R soon, actually in early in April 2011. We are not sure yet, but will know more by end of this week. Jingles is so cute! We are all in big expectations :) ! Will keep you informed via Lauwers. With love from Prague Lucie Havlova
  • Jutta


    I am new to this site and am not sure if it is ok to just go ahead and ask questions?

    I live in the Caribbean and have imported 7 Irish over 30 years, having had a local one (Hartbourne lines) as a wedding present. - While our previous pups have eventually all had a 'straight' coat, our last addition (7 months) is quite 'curly. He 'lost' his curls around his ears with his first show trim, so I know I can handle that part, incoming feathers under body and legs are straight, but his back is really curly still. Wonder if that might change, or how should I deal with it? - I have seen some of your dogs sometimes back at Windsor, and of course on pics. How do you deal with curls/ Any help would be appreciated.

    Best Regards, Jutta

  • Peter Hennig

    Hi Dee 

    I left a comment on your blog and have since found your web site and saw the photos of your afghans we have two affys both bred by Ray Barter (Satang Afghans) only one of them is on my photo page his name is Azif he is nearly 3yo and our new guy Rahni is 9months your the only other IS/Afghan person I know. The two breeds make for interesting life at our place

    cheers Peter