Cheryl Gorey


Mackay Queensland


Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
22 years
About Me:
I live on 17 acres, north of Mackay, Central Queensland, Australia with my husband, Paul and my two sons, Kelvin and Mitchell with our dogs, horses, cows, goats and chooks.

I have owned and loved UK Type Irish Setters since 1988 when I got my first male Irish from Mary Clarke and Norm Clarke from the Rhuboda Kennel in Brisbane, Queensland. I then also bought a female from Rhuboda and bred my first litter in 1992. Since then I have owned Irish Setters from the Kelliher, Brazenwinds, Linleymvorne and Nanyima Kennels. In 2010, I imported a lovely female puppy from the Millcroft Kennel in UK to restart my breeding program.

Currently I have:
Emby (Brazenwinds Maybe ET) 13yrs;
Clancy (Aust Ch. Nanyima City Clan TD) 3 yrs;
Bridget (Aust Ch. Millcroft Moon Dreamer imp UK) 2 yrs;

2010 In Memoriam:
Monty (Aus Ch. Kelliher Regal Red CD. ET) 11yrs 9mths - RIP 23/01/2010.

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  • Nadine Bonjean

    Hello Cheryl,
    Thank you for your comment about Vicary's hunk Of Love.
    The mother is Vicary's Yassmine, the grand father is the famous Vicary's US Dollar from Belgium + Vicary's Sugartop; the father is Queensett's Of The Seventh Son from Sweden, the grand father Witherdale World Wide Web+ Queensett's Arwen. But you can go to for the full pedigree...
  • MicheleD

    Hi Cheryl!

    Thanx for Welcome!

    My Parents live in Melbourne VIC. Since 14 years.

    Best Regards
  • Melinda Auld

    How's Bridget? Can you believe Aneira is just finishing her first season? They grow up so fast lol
  • john murphy

    Hi Cheryl,
    Thanks for the welcome, apologies for not responding sooner, but just getting use to navigating site. You have an idealic place for wonderful setters, I'm greeneyed....I've enjoyed your photos.
  • rosie beere

    Hi Cheryl,
    thanks for the kind words.
    my lovely Zeta i have just lost was a long coat GSD. i have had Irish all my life but when my last Irish Spirit died it seemed to painful to get another.She was an Amhurst bitch.
    i will be possible going back to an Irish when i feel it is time. i am a gentle dog
    cheers Rosie
  • Rieky van Hal

    thank you for you lovely words about my litter
    regarts rieky
  • rosie beere

    Hi Cheryl
    sorry to be so long in replying.
    yes i do have a dog training business. today i went for a cuddle with two Irish that i have trained.
    miss my girl life is empty but a little to soon to get a new pup.
    i love you new pup now it is ages since i check her name is it Millbrooke Moon Dreamer? she is a lovely girl. i am green with envy.
    cheers Rosie
  • Peter Hennig

    Hi Cheryl
    thanks for your comment , Elton is fabulous full of energy I'm thrilled with him he's come along beautifully. How is your little Bridgit doing?
  • rosie beere

    Hi Cheryl.

    merry christmas to you and your lovely Irish.

    cheers Rosie

  • Chris Murrell

    Hi Cheryl,

    I've put another photo of Leah on my page now, taken on Christmas day. Funny how setters always think they should be on the settee! Evena chair is a poor substitute!

    How is Bridgit doing? Do you find she's really lively for about 2 hours in the evening? Leah goes mad for a bit and its very difficult to do anything when she's on the go! I've just started to do a bit of clicker with her, to try to keep her brain engaged!

  • Monika Hoth

    hi Cheryl,

    i wish you and your dogs all the best for 2011 !!!

    best regards Monika

  • Esther Siegrist

    Hi Cheryl

    have seen the report from Australia in TV! Hope, you are all fine and the flootings are not in your area!

    Best regards Esther

  • Peter Hennig

    Hi Cheryl
    we are clear of any fires it has been very wet this year,we have had a couple of 40c days we dont get the sort of rainfall you get though ,mission beach seems to cop it every other year
  • Sheree Parrish

    Thank you Cheryl for your lovely comments about Henry, I think he is a smasher, he picked me up and made me smile again after I had lost Leon...dogs have a way of doing that to you, don't they?


    I'm glad yours also bring you so much pleasure, they are beauties :-)

  • mahagonii

    He thanks for the commentary. Of greeting from Poland
    Wojciech Kryger

  • Claire Prangle

    Thankyou for the comment on Moet I look forward to his next Champ show on the 23rd Jan
  • Wendy King

    Hello Cheryl

    Thank you for your compliment on Bores and the photographs and thank you for yours.  Sorry I didn't reply earlier, didn't realise there'd been the activity here.  

    Happy New Year anyway. Any further photos of Nanyima?



  • Sheree Parrish

    Red Ribbon
  • Esther Siegrist

    Hi Cheryl

    oh I'm happy to hear that you all ok!

    We have normaly 5 month with snow, and the temperature are -10 to -25. But we have a lot of sun! Boys enjoy the snow and me  to for skiing.

    Take care and all the best to you all


  • Melinda Auld

    Hi Cheryl


    Are you anywhere near the floods?  I hope you and your family are all okay!! 


    Take care,



  • ricky young

    Hi Cheryl

    Thanks for the birthday wishes. We went to NSW for xmas leaving on 1 Jan for Tieri. We were gunna leave earlier but Connie had a high temp and tummy pains and was taken to Bathurst Hospital so that put us behind. Come up Coast Road but just missed getting through Rocky.So we stayed at Bouldercombe for a few nights untill we found out about another way home. On the way they were just putting up closed road sighs in front of us ,once at Dululu and again on the Monto - Caliope road. We got through Chinchilla a few hours before it went under (our first bit of luck)and a very scenic trip through Blackall Barcaldine Alpha Jerico Tambo. We must have seen the outback the greenest it has ever been,you couldn't see the bellies of any cattle.All the rivers and creeks were still running and you could see how high the water was over with trees ripped out grass lying over. 33 hours solid driving(except for flats .broken windscreen) must be a record for Bouldercombe to Tieri.

    On the good side our pup has arrived on Dec 1 and we should get him for the March shows

    Cheers Rick

  • Di Andrews

    Hi Cheryl,

    Thankyou for your comforting words is was lovely to visit your page and remember as I watched your pics.  It is so true love is being owned by an Irish Setter.  My big girl is 14yrs 1mth & still going strong.  Her entire life & emotions are about food!  My baby was the cuddlepot & my shadow.  Hope you are safe throughout all the crisis up there & that it has passed you by.

    Di xxx

  • Finding_Beau

    Dear Cheryl

    I hope you will all be safe tonight.

    Susan and her English Setter kids and her horses

  • Finding_Beau

    Glad that you are okay, Cheryl. I thought Mackay may be safe but the cyclone was so large. I always worry so much about the animals. There is no way I would ever leave my animal kids and I also help a lot of wildlife.


    PS I note you started a discussion on bloat. I have had a very bad experience with a dog internet community in Australia and do not wish to get involved too much with discussions. My English Setter Hobson suffered GDV in 2009 purely because of the negligence of a vet. I am currently fighting the VSB of QLD about this and other matters with the support of my local MP. You can imagine how difficult this is but I continue to be a "thorn in their side".

    Also, thank you for your kind comments re my search for Beau. Even though I have been a member of ES since 2007 I have not been active.

  • Michelle Walsh

    Hi Cheryl !

    Many thanks for your kind well wishes for legolas. I'm hoping wednesday the 16th of feb will be his last trip to the vets for quite some time...fingers crossed.

    ~Thanks again :) 

  • Finding_Beau

    I have not read your discussion topic on "bloat" because I am certain it would upset me but for your interest Hobson suffered GDV (the worst kind of bloat) because of veterinary treatment for a minor skin problem, i.e. Prednisone and Hills Vet Science z/d low allergen dried food. Hobson had eaten a natural diet his entire life and I had been able to keep his skin problems under control with natural therapies. The vet ignored this and gave Hobson a dangerous drug which I was not made aware of and changed his diet only to get more money out of me. He knew he was responsible and wiped his hands of the matter. So far the VSB will do nothing but this is standard behaviour for them. I have attached a photo of Hobson pre and post GDV surgery. Even though Hobson made the most amazing recovery of any dog the vet emergency hospital had operated on for GDV (he tried to get out of his cage to come home to me as soon as he woke up after the surgery and was discharged 1 day later), it took his body 12 months to recover and he has never been the same dog. Just as with Beau and Khomet, I will never stop until I achieve justice for Hobson.

  • Suzanne

    Hi Cheryl,

    Thanks for your comment on our 10k run. It all started off very slowly about 18 mths ago. Not really sure where it is going to take us, it is just for good health. Mai loves the runs and is a great motivator.

    Hope you have faired well with all that mother nature has thrown at Queensland.

    Best Wishes from Sunny WA


  • Suzanne

    Keep safe and I hope that Queensland will fair good fortune. I also hope that Mother nature will get into balance soon.

    Isn't it great sharing everything Irish Setter on this website:-)


  • Eunice Marott

    Hi Cheryl

    Glad you are all o.k.from the shocking cyclone and floods...

  • Michelle Walsh

    Thanks Cheryl !! we're all keeping our fingers & paws crossed here :)

    Poor Lego could do with a break from the vets !

  • Eunice Marott

    yes very hot I have not experienced anything like that before. Molly could not function. We attempted to get her in our pool but she would not be part of that. Anyway abit cooler now, hope next summer is not like this one with all the floods etc. Take care
  • Michelle Walsh

    Hey Cheryl,

    Lego's vet had postponed his procedure until the 22, she was waiting to hear from a specialist in Cork but the latest news now is the people in Cork want to see him...the saga continues...I'm expecting another call from her tomorrow to see what's going to happen, unfortunately it looks like he may have several more visits ahead of him, it wasn't the outcome I was hoping for.

    I'll keep you posted.

    ~Take care

  • Suzanne

    I know what you mean about being addicted :-) Suzanne
  • june walsh


    Happy birthday Miss Bridget     hard to  believe you are 1 year today


    from  your mum and dad           Katie and Piper

  • ricky young

    Hi Cheryl

    Wow,how time flies. Big Junior girl now. Will probably go to Rocky in 2 weeks and new pup arrives Fri 25 so he will be there to. 

    Have a good day Rick

  • Suzanne

    Hello Cheryl,

    Thank you for Jenna's birthday greeting. Say hi to Clancy from Auntie Jenna. Mai my other setter is also related. She has the same father as Jenna.

    Nice to have found the connection,


  • Suzanne

    Hi Cheryl,

    Yes, two daughters of Nome. We had a first attempt with Mai this year with no success.

    My Girls are mainly for companionship, and very special ones they are too, they are the world to me.


  • ricky young

    Hi Cheryl

    Connie has named him Josh (don't know why) but that it.

    Will probably see you at Mackay but I am going to Melbourne and Gin but will be there. Bowen is at the end of March I hope to be there.

    Cheers Rick 

  • ricky young

    HI again

    Please excuse typing errors, just off shift  zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Cheers again Rick 

  • Barbara

    Hi Cheryl! Thank you for your comment on my Photo. Tiny does not look serious on this Photo - it is her "I do not like being photographed look" and I think she got it from me ;-). Hope at your Place in Australia is everthing OK (we have seen such terrible pics in TV). Sorry for my bad english. All the best Barbara
  • Suzanne

    Yes. Looking forward to another opportunity in the future. Looking at the site here, it looks like it would be great fun to get involved in showing, yet I would not have any idea where to start.

    Best Wishes, Suzanne and the Girls

  • Sandra, Monty and Kerry

    Hi Cheryl, Sorry to hear you lost your Monty last year. I'm sure you will treasure the memories you have of him as I do my memories of four wonderful Irish Setters who were all very special to me.

    My Monty is now almost 20 months and a real character. I'll see if I can put some pictures of him on here soon.

  • Barbara

    Hi Cheryl! I am so glad to hear that you and your two and four legged family is well! Belated happy Birthday to your Bridget. Have a nice weekend. Best wishes Barbara
  • Michelle Walsh

    Hi Cheryl !

    Thanks again for your well wishes. I'm trying to remain optimisic that this procedure will solve everything...keeping my fingers crossed :)

    ~Lego & Michelle

  • Jon & Jane Roden

    Hi Cheryl, Thanks it's my birthday and Charlies too of couse on the 18th.


    Charlie is doing fine, he has calmed down a lot over the last few weeks, which means he is only naughty about 70% of the time.  Only joking - he's eating a lot better now and beginning to learn some manners.  The lawn is a complete disaster area, his favourite passtime is burying bones and then digging them up a few days later. Still, we would not have him any other way.  Hope Bridget is doing fine -


    Best Regards,



  • Jon & Jane Roden

  • Jon & Jane Roden

    Hi Cheryl, Charlie aka Millcroft Miko at 1 year old - just returned from hairdressers and smelling like a big girls blouse.
  • Yvonne Wark

    Hi Cheryl thank you for Holly's Birthday Wishes.  Love the photographs of your dogs just gorgeous x
  • june walsh


      Thanks Cheryl


  • Rieky van Hal

    thank you for your comment on houston
