Deborah Christopher

, Female

West Yorkshire

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
Since 1983
About Me:
I'm married with children. I bought my first Irish Setter from an ad in a local newspaper and have never looked back.

We also have an English Setter and 4 maine coon cats.

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  • Sandra Mather

    thanks for your note. The doctor mensioned having it flushed out.~Ive got friends who have had new knees. or hips. IT seems to be very common this operation now.
    i wont have the results until the new year. So how are you with your knee now then..
  • Sandra Mather

    I should get the results from my xray in another week. My hand s tend to tire very quick ly and i didnt get all my xmas cars written. the my back this cold wweather isnt good and my knee well old injury when roxee was a puppy i fell with my knee up and hand on its side so my hand swole and my knee has trouble me ever since.Ive had jabs in my hands and take tablets constantly . Unfortunatley we have a lot of arthitis in my family. Do you have it in yours.
  • Sandra Mather

    Had cory home for a coupleof days its been a gt delight ive got some pics of him. the girls lovved him being here. Hes back at gills now so ill have a couple of days before i see him again.
  • Sandra Mather

    Hows your knee now then. Ive not been back the docs for my report yet. Allthis bad weather its keeping us glued to the fire.Can only have it on when c is at work.
    The car now has new tyres on as that has been a worry this bad weather.Are you doing excersizes.I had a sheet to do some but i get enough with these lot up and down all the i have to be carefull some things it affects either hands or back will ache.
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Deborah
    What a naughty girl..only luck that Fin hasn't done the same. I cage him when I am out of the house, I just wouldn't trust him. Will you be showing her??? and if yes will you be at Midlands Ch Show next weekend?? We will be at our first show then. Not sure how he will take the journey down.
    Speak soon Dee and the gang
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Deborah
    Thanks for the comment on Fin, he has his first show on Saturday, going to be the entertainment for the day, he definitely isn't a shrinking wallflower, he is very outgoing, I know what you mean Fin is the way that a show dog should be, perhaps she will come-out of herself later in life, then you can go and wow them when you bring a smashing dog out in maturity.. Seen it done many times...
    Speak soon Dee and the girls...
    ps thank the lord for cages they are a wonderful piece of 'doggy' equipment..;o))
  • Sandra Mather

    hi glad your knee is improving ive not been back the docs to see about my results. the weather has been aweful and ive had to take ash to work a lot of the time and collect him .Sometimes my husband has collected him . Then walking cory and just everything fitting it in. I havent been to many any shows as we were snowed in. then also on top o that the car was also being repaired so that stopped me a show and others cancelled.
    I didnt get my paperwork for mis so couldnt enter that. My isbc paperwork also went astray .
  • Sandra Mather

    I rang up at manchester as i throught she would be there to ask. ive not been back the vets either with spice though his fur is now starting to grow. im pleased about that.
    Ash got engaged whilst out at peru and janet is coming over in april so hes now trying to drive but failed his theory . he did it before aus and passed but it expired so has to do it again.
  • Sandra Mather

    We have snow here this morning sc attering so its not causing any problems.My car had to have mot and reinsurance jan so it was all this that caused it to be repaired. My husband had to arrange with another garage to go on the dianotic machine only orange light had been on for months anyhow all fixed now thank goodness.
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Deborah
    It was snowing a little here this morning, on our walk, but OK now just Bl***y cold..What is Jinney's breeding??? Do you have a breeder in mind that you would like a puppy from??? and if you do worry about it, it is one of those things that will play on your mind, but when it has been 'clear' for 1-2 years then you can start to relax.
    What was the run-up to the bloat like?? did she do anything different??or did you do anything different??? I bet these are questions that you have asked yourself time after time.
    I do feel that there are two kinds of bloat, one is past down through the generations, and the other is a management thing, (not bad management, but just one of those things that happen) Stress or something new.. as a breed they are, as you know, they are pre-disposed to this problem, body shape etc. If you want my email address to talk more, just ask, and I will help if I can, one thing that I wont do though is say whether or not one dog or another has a problem by siring or as the bitch. But will try and help you. Dee and the gang
  • maddy/ Staratlanta Irish setters

    Hi Deborah the photo's are lovely, Guinness looks great at the mo he had a show trim, dont think he will stop clean for long lol
    The vet Jim said his hipscore should be around 10 which is fantastic, hope you are all well
    Maddy x
  • Sandra Mather

    Hi there , hope u are ok. im coughing again with a cold. Ive not been back the docs yet.
    Time is flying by and a nother month passed already. ill be going crufts taking my pointer friend. so illbe hoping to catch up with a few folk. im entered for isbc .
  • mick robinson

    Hi Deborah iv just put some photos on he is really mischievous any tips on bitting
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Deborah
    Well that is different form an Irish, Great Dane ah well..Dee and the gang
  • Laura Kolbach

    yes, i remember when my great dane friend had pups last year. only 4-5 months old and already the size of my setter girls :-)))
    have fun with him!
  • Natasha white

    Hi Deborah
    How are all the gang doing? Is Barley still a handful or has she calmed down with age? The pictures of your pup look great, how old is she now?
  • janet underwood

    Hiya Debroah
    In the main they or very very good dogs, Dandy is brilliant out however Zac is not he just will not come back he used to up until about 3 months ago they have both been trained exactly the same but once Zac has any inclination that he is going back on lead he's off, 4hrs it took my partner one day to get him back and that was with trickery and then he's wise to that, nightmare they don't travel well either!!!!!!!!!!!
  • janet underwood

    Thats my project for a while it does spoil taking them out they both used to have so much fun running around together down the fields but Dandy won't participate as he used to either if Zac's not playing, will keep you posted on my progress.
  • janet underwood

    Red Ribbon
  • Alison Neale

    Hi all is going well sorry to hear about Oska Millie doing well she cut her foot on Thursday and is feeling sorry for herself as she cant run without it hurting. If you are free on Sunday on Monday afternoon i will bring her up to visit just let me know if you are free and what time. It was nice to hear from you. Alison
  • Alison Neale

    I have added a few recent photos does she look more like her mum or her sister?
  • Alison Neale

    Is 2 o clock ok?
  • Sandra Mather

    Hi well im fed up being ill ive had flu before xmas and 3 colds and sickness since.Anyhow i am over that and we celebrated shadow and his 14th by doing a nice cake to eat. I assure you they ate it all up...see the pics.
  • Sandra Mather

    just had a look at the pics id not seen.. well shadow has certaily done well im very pleased.Im off to welks friday .missed out on booking for bham. plus its that season thing she still hasnt had the 2nd. so it looks like a 12mth wait again. will she come in end of may like last year.
  • Simon & Jacki Kemp

    Thanks, Deborah ! I'm suggesting we form a 'Jingles & Kelly puppies group' on here - perhaps you're friend would like to join to keep in touch ?
  • maddy/ Staratlanta Irish setters

    Hi deborah I have sent a friend request, Paige has her 1st show in Aug, my baby is due sep 14th, lol busy time hope all is ok
  • Ann-Charlott Mattisson

    I was reading about your dogs, my two bitches 7 and 3 years old also fight inside so I keep them seperated,I wish I could find someone to help me.Outside there is no problem.
  • Barbara

    Hi Deborah! I am so sorry to hear about your Daisy and hope you have more time together. Two years ago I very sadly lost my beloved Billy because of cancer. Maybe you can ask your vet about Iscador from Weleda for your Daisy. Thinking of you. Best wishes Barbara
  • Alison Neale

    Sorry for the delay in getting back toyou my internet went down and i have been away in the dales. Millie hasn't come into season yet i just hope its not when we go to France. Have you had any joy rehoming Jinney yet it seems such a shame, Rosie is still doing well but she seems to be sleeping more and more every day are you still looking to get another English? there seemed to be a lot of setters in the dales i saw 2 English 3 irish and a gordon , we will have to go walking soon hope all is well Alison
  • Alison Neale

    Hi Deborah, Hope you all are ok Millie has just come into season so she is being restricted now, but seems to except it ok,she is eating a lot more but she is still very skinny.I have booked to take her to the Northumberland coast in just over two weeks so i hope she will be safe by then, i have been told it is between 7 and 14 days that i have to worry about. Rosie is not doing very well sadly she is having a lot of trouble walking and yesterday she didnt move for over 16 hours and at times just cries. I took her to the vet and she is now on tablets for arthritis i think it's spelt something like that which gave her the runs which isnt good when she can't move very fast although that seems to have settled down now. I keep looking on the internet for English pups but haven't seen any, not that i think i will be getting one. Hopefully we will be able to get together for a walk when Millies season has ended and before i take her to France i had to take a photo of her to the vets to get her pet passport which was strange. Hope we can meet up again soon Alison
  • Lois McCullough

    Thank you Deborah will contact Madeline. Micawber has helped to fill the gap after losing our beautiful Wellington in February this year aged just 4 years. Total shock and disbelief he was fine on Monday and gone on Wednesday morning. Hamilton really missed him especially after we came back from Aus at the end of April as he had been back with his Mum and 6 others for his holiday. Micawber's white blaze seems to get larger every day, he's a bit of a tearaway and very affectionate, totally spoilt as we work from home, loves the pond which takes up a third of the half acre and still has his 2 meals a day.Hamilton is just 6 and has been with us from 8 weeks of age thinks he should have been a show dog and won't go near a puddle let alone the pond. They're great buddies and Micawber settled well especially having been used to his life with Romand. Do hope Ros and his family have the new start they deserve.
  • Alison Neale

    Hope Lily had a Happy Birthday it has not been a good week here Rosie was put to sleep on Tuesday morning her back legs went and she was not able to stand so it was the kindest thing to do though very hard i only have Millie left now and think i will sticking to one dog.
  • Brian J. Pittaway

    Hi Deborah,
    I've only just joined this site and am still finding my way around it. I hope to get some pictures on in the near future of all 3 dogs. Henry is doing very well indeed and is so full of life, and very loving towards us all. All our dogs go to training classes at least 3 times a week and Henry has passed Good Citizen Bronze and Silver awards and we are working towards his Gold.
    Our older dog, Rusty, is now part of the West Lancs Dog Display Team, which is where we go training. Our English is only 10 1/2 months old, and like all setters is very lively and never seems to stop no matter how long we are out for. We moved house last year up to Formby, near Southport, and have a really nice big beach only a 5 minute drive away so as you can imagine, we are there quite often. Charlie is an Orange Belton and we had to travel to Norfolk to get him. I'm sorry to hear that you lost yours, it's always a sad time when that happens. Do you have a preference in colour for the English? We wanted a blue originally but were unable to get one so we took Charlie. He's a handsome chap, but I would say that wouldn't I.!!!
    Must sign off now to get ready for training school. I will sort out some pictures of all the dogs and put them on soon.
    Good luck in your search for a new English.
    Take care,

  • Alison Neale

    Hi having a great time in France sorry i didn't get to see you before i went. Millie has been brilliant she is being so well behaved, everywhere i take her people are talking to me saying how pretty she is. It is full of English setters round here i have seen at least ten in the first week they are a very popular breed around the Pyrenees. Millie has caught the scent of deer and it was great to see her running across the fields. Hope all is well with you have you got any further with another English yet?
  • Alison Neale

    I am really happy for you and jealous cant wait to see some pictures of her where did you get her from. Millie had a great time in France but has been a bit subdued since we got back i think she misses my sisters dog they played together for hours. I am back at work now and my holiday seems a distant memory. Hope Olive settles in well with all your other dogs i am sure she will hope to see you soon.
  • Alison Neale

    Hi just got back from a weekend away exciting news about Barley has she had her puppies yet hope they are all well do you think Olive will be in charge when she gets older. I dont know how you do it Millie seems to take up all my time i could never manage we have just got a kitten Alfie and thats hard enough. They are like Bonny and Clyde Millie opens the fridge and Alfie gets in i try and keep Alfie downstairs but Millie like her mum can open any doors so she lets Alfie go into all the rooms
  • Alison Neale

    Alfie is a ginger tom cat very cute and mischievous. Are you keeping one of Barleys new puppies ? i would love another dog but my mum who has Millie when i am at work has refused to look after another so i think i will wait until i retire in 6 years. Hope all is going well and we will have to meet up when you have some spare time.
  • Tina Clamp

    Hi Deborah
    Just had a look at your photos, what a lovely puppy. i see you have an \irish and an English are they similar in temperment. We have Mia an Irish and are hoping to get another Irish next Year. I haven't been on this site long but everyone is very friendly. x
  • David McIlveen Wright

    Hi Deborah,

    There were certainly differences between Tartuffe and Darwin, some of them due to their personality and some due to the type of setter. Darwin is very submissive and easygoing and Tartuffe was more an alpha male. If you left some food on a side table, Darwin would steal it without you even noticing, Tartuffe would set, sitting staring at the food with drool running on to the floor, but he wouldn't touch it without permission. Tartuffe was more intelligent and stronger, but Darwin is so lovable. I'm glad I've been lucky to experience both of them.

  • Alison Neale

    Hi hope is going well with all your family. I have added a couple of photos one of the new kitten Alfie, Millie was at the vets today for her booster she is having a phantom pregnancy she has produced milk but is not having any mood swings so the vet said she should be ok within a month, she looks as is she has had a litter. Hope Barley and her puppies are doing ok have you had much interest yet ? What does Olive think about them or wont Barley let her anywhere near.
  • Alison Neale

    Hi Hows it going with the puppies i keep looking at the pictures on the website they look gorgeous. How many have you found homes for so far are you getting tempted to keep one it must be hard seeing how lovely they are. Millie is getting over her phantom pregnancy everything is reducing and her hair is growing back i hope it doesnt happen every season.
  • Nicola Buckle

    Thanks - had forgotten I joined this site. Will get some photos on here soon!
  • Michelle Walsh

    Hi Deborah !

    Many thanks for the welcome ! I'm trying to put up a few pics of the lads now. Theoden's 'flecks' are very subtle in places you have to be up close to see it, I think it looks nice...biased opinion ofcourse ! From a distance he just looks cream ! :) It's more obvious on his face.

    ~Thanks again & nice to 'meet' you !

  • Michelle Walsh

    Hi there !

    Finally got those pics up ! I hope you won't be too disappointed with the pics of Theoden...actually he's not that terribly different from your own lovely Olive ! maybe just alot paler on the body. I'm no expert when it comes to labelling dog coats/colours but lemon belton is how the breeder described him, do you think he could be something else ?


  • Michelle Walsh

    Hey again!

    Yep, he's pretty pale alright, and a very light nose & eye colour to match, he's totally different to Lego. They're both from working strains and both have Working Field Trial Champions in their families but I have never worked them, they're just 'my boys' :) that's not to say they don't hunt for themselves ! 

    Loved the fridge comment ! Hilarious ! I think all gun-dog types are pretty smart. I'm sure most Setter owners have resorted to spelling certain words & using secret sign language around their dogs...knowing that they're listening in on everything ! :)

  • Sheree Parrish

    Red Ribbon
  • Alison Neale

    Hi had a very busy Christmas and New Year, Olive sounds great fun she is such a happy dog i am not surprised you can't stay cross with her for long. Millie is doing well she is getting a lot better at coming back and stopping jumping up at people i hardly have to say sorry to anybody whilst out walking now. I am glad all the puppies have got new homes i will never understand people who give in after a week, Setters are hard work but they give you so many laughs it is more than worth it. How did Lily go with her hip score?. I am still in two minds about letting Millie have a litter. Glad you are all well Alison
  • Michelle Walsh

    Hi Deborah !

    Thanks very much for the lovely comment ! Glad you liked my little vampire :)

    Best Wishes ~ Michelle

  • Dee Rance

    Thanks for the comment on my Findlay, I too think that he is a very handsome young man...a bit of a handful but lovely....thanks again...
  • Lauren Waller

    Hi There

    Awww thank you very much he is wonderful and so so beautiful!
