Natasha white


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
About Me:
I've had Irish Setters all of my life, I love sharing my home with my 4
Why are you applying for membership?
A. I am a human wanting to contribute to the community

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  • Claire Joy

    Ooooo yes the collar is the same. What great taste!

    Lily who is also known as Lily Loolah (named by my boys!!!) is as mad as a box of frogs. The boys lay all over her and she never ever moans. From the very first day we let her off the lead she has always come back and is fairly obedient. As I am with her all day I think she thinks I am her play thing and she puts her paws on my shoulders and rubs her head on mine. I can only assume it is her way of cuddling me. She is very vocal for a setter. I certainly don't remember my setter as a child making so much noise! She only has to hear a car door outside and she starts growling. If my husband is working late she won't settle and lays on the landing as if protecting us which is lovely until she hears him come in and starts barking and crying. She is quite wilful and one habit she has developed is everytime I throw the ball she digs and rips up turf wherever it lands. I have absolutely no idea why she does it. It is very strange and I have to walk round the park filling the holes in. I think we may well be banned soon!

  • Liz Rowlands

    Hi Natasha,

    Great to hear from you, hope Ruben is still keeping you busy.

    All our 5 are fine although Alice has started to slow down a little!

    Hope to see you in the show ring soon,

    Best Wishes.

    Liz. Alice, Harry, Ruby Megan and Oscar

  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Happy Birthday Natasha, have a great celebrations with your beloved 4 legged ones!!