Sherry Miller


Fenton, MO

United States

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
I have been owned by Irish Setter's since 1973
About Me:
We got our first Irish Setter, Shilo, back in 1973 ...knowing nothing of the breed but soon fell in love with our boy...and since then we have had 5 more males....we lost our last old gentleman Irish in 2008 and our inherited rescue Brittany a month later and husband said NO MORE DOGS !! Well , in June of 2009 I talked him into letting me rescue an itsy, bitsy dog but the more I looked the more I knew my heart was truly with my Irish Setters....then one night watching the Cardinal's Baseball game ....they had the Purina Pro Dog of the week looking for a home....a young female Irish Setter named Heidi ( on You Tube under Heidi the Irish Setter) and to make a long story short ....Heidi has become our Miss Molly ! Wee bit wild at first but was out of crate even when we were not home within 3 months, Miss Molly has just been an awesome Irish for us....have ran out of tricks to teach her....and she sure changed my mind about insisting on always having a male dog! I had always gotten Irish puppies around 12 weeks old before but after being owned by Miss Molly ....I would search for a rescue dog as she has just been so easy to train and fit into our lives. The only thing I wish we did know was what her pedigree was . I still miss my boys but Miss Molly sure healed a lot of aching hearts in our home.

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  • Eunice Marott

    yes your Molly will slow and ours will get more nosy. She seems o.k. will have to leave her for awhile tonight as going to Neil's sisters if he is o.k. still sick.
  • Eunice Marott

    thanks... see how we go. Baby Molly sends her love
  • Eunice Marott

    weather is really strange. Yes Neil come again went to doctors. Sherry how did you do your page with the sideshow of Molly? I think Neil may have picked up a bug in the NT when we were visiting last week. There are many funny viruses around.
  • Eunice Marott

    thanks. Neil has flu like symptoms I will give it a go.
  • Eunice Marott

    yes it is there. Do you see it when you comment to me?
  • Eunice Marott

    how is dear Miss Molly. I was going to put some more pictures on of our Mollyon the site this morning then realised no good as they are all the same. I guess she spends most of her time on the lounge. I will have to get her moving. She just hangs with me all day. I do a lot of work on the computer and she just sits near me. We need more exercise.
  • Eunice Marott

    Computer issues here see how this goes
  • Eunice Marott

    worked from my IPHONE. Amazing... Neil back at work but still not 100%. Hope I don't get it. Molly's eyes seem better. I think they treated it at the kennels and did not say anything. Also she came back flealess which was good. Glad you get a rest soon. Hate it when they call on us on days off that used to happen to me. Weather certainly getting cooler here. Molly is going o.k. I guess... must get moving though. 
  • Eunice Marott

    thanks... Molly alseep on the lounge what else is new. It is quite abit cooler here now. Our last IS was terrified of storms. Molly is o.k. thanks goodness. Insurance is finally starting to move on the damage and next door have been better although kiss the damage to the heater goodbye. I think I am over it. Every time I look at your Molly's pictures she does remind me of ours. I am sure Molly just waits on the lounge for Neil to come home. She starts getting restless around 5pm he gets home just after 6pm  
  • Eunice Marott

    you are right. She sees him coming up the hill and into the driveway. This morning I let her inside and that tale I swear it can hurt when she beats it against my leg. The others did not have that tale thing. Anyway I complained when it was so hot now I wish it was warmer, although we have never had heat like that before except when I was a child and not living so close to the sea. I hate winter. Will have to buy wood soon. our electricity costs in NSW are getting higher and higher. Your Molly will enjoy the warmer weather they can do so much more. When we can find time and funds we will take Molly away but the coast to pet friendly accommodation for a run on the beach. Not for awhile though as I have another trip to Alice and Adelaide to my hypnosis training in June. 
  • Eunice Marott

    NO Molly just runs around settles after Neil gets home on the lounge has dinner and sits and sleeps. Hope this is normal because the last two were more like your Molly. She is so spoilt. When it is time for bed she goes outside but not happy knocks on the door to come in and then on the bed with the 2 cats not much room for the humans. She is now snooring on the lounge next to me.
  • Eunice Marott

    not sure whether you use facebook. The kennels where Molly goes have printed a mag for our flights promoting their kennels in Sydney and Melbourne airports. Baby Molly has her photos in it. I am so proud of her... They took them last year at training.
  • Eunice Marott

    if you look for the HANROB site if u find it let me know and I will tell u where to find the brochure that has Molly in it. Good on you all for walking.  
  • Eunice Marott

    sounds like a weid looking cat. Our Molly is great with our cats but no sure about others. Were they birds you and Molly were watching? Going into the city tonight so Molly will have to watch TV and wait until we come home.... I am sure she does watch it
  • Eunice Marott

    not sure whatshe likes best but no to the footy. When I leave I flick through the channels and wait until she look interested then off I go...
  • Eunice Marott

    they are so much alike... talk tomorrow, don't do to much cleaning
  • Eunice Marott

    hanrob on facebook. There should be a brochure with a girl on the front and another witha buy. You will have to look through all the dogs and cats and Molly appears twice. It is a brochure that will go on the planes
  • Eunice Marott

    not sure but you may have to become friends with hanrob to see the brochure??
  • Eunice Marott

    back home... Molly a good girl and no problems. Going to bed soon hope you find the Hanrob site and see our Baby Molly. Tell Allan she watched TV
  • Eunice Marott

    if you found the brochures you should see Molly. You have to look through them for a bit. She is in the middle at training and another one when she was younger (her first boarding). I will try and copy but it would not let me the other night. Molly is outside chasing birds away from her left over dinner... They eat her dry biscuits magpies awful birds
  • Eunice Marott

    yes she will chase them no time to stalk. She sits on the lounge with the back door open and if she hears them near her bowl she is off like the wind. Had a alternation with a possum the other night. I think I mentioned that. She is more lively now with the cooler weather. Is that a todd or frog. We have cane todds here mostly in Qld. they are poisenous
  • Eunice Marott

    he would have been one sick boy. typical IS
  • Laura Bayless

    You're not far at all.  I'm in North County (Florissant).  Your photo gallery is wonderful. 

  • Eunice Marott

    hi sherry... I put a photo of Molly on last night nothing special but also one of Sydney by mistake. Hope I have deleted it o.k. Molly very busy today. Raining heaps and she will not go outside. Funny  how they get on a mission and nothing will stop them.
  • Eunice Marott

    she is a funny girl. Molly does not want to go out because of the rain... had a few accidents this morning... I just about pushed her out the door and she got very wet so back in and tried with the towel.
  • Eunice Marott

    just reading about bad storms in central US. Hope not near  you?
  • Laura Bayless

    Sadie will be 2 in June. I was just reading your profile page. Miss Molly is one lucky darling. I can't imagine who could have abandoned such a sweet face.
  • Eunice Marott

    that would have been very stressful. Angie would not have forgiven herself if anything had happened to Miss Molly. Hope you are o.k. I know only too well how you would have felt. Both our previous ones were experts at that sort of thing. It is the worst feeling to look for the dog and its gone. Hope you are o.k. and Miss Molly is back home. We have to have a tag with their name and phone number of their collar but not all people do it. I would have lost count of the number of times I received calls about the last IS. Your Molly is too precious to go wandering looking for adventure. Take care
  • Eunice Marott

    Let me know how you are. You have most likely gone to bed for the night now. Hope Molly is behaving herself.
  • Eunice Marott

    I could fill a page with stories of both setters who got lost. The last one was gone for over 9 hours one day and just wandered home. I really felt for you when I read what had happened. That is why I am so protective of Molly. The last two used to dig out under the fence. Poor Neil had to put wire under the ground to stop Cherie. She was a an escape artist. Glad all is well and maybe Molly will remember not to do it again. I wonder what the issue is with the car engine running?? take care
  • Eunice Marott

    The other concern here and most likely for you also is the traffic. we do not live far from a very busy road 6 lanes across. How the other survived that I will never know. The first IS was hit by a car because my son thought she could go out the front with him while he washed his car. She was off they run and run. That event cost us dearly and Sharla lost her tale. IS with cropped tale...
  • Eunice Marott

    I am multi tasking. Talking on the phone and sending u a message. Yes we like the name Molly and it does suit her. Good how u finally was able to have Molly as a name. They are very special to us....
  • Eunice Marott

    i sometimes call Molly Molly moos.... talk later as it is late over your end of the world. Hope Molly sleeps tight and keeps herself at home. Made me laugh at the future granddaughter possible name of Molly.  
  • Eunice Marott

    brushing Molly tonight noticed a small lump on her back. I squeezed it and some stuff came out. I will keep an eye on it hope it is nothing. She is behaving o.k.
  • Eunice Marott

    the earthquake is about at least over 2000kms from us.Could be  like you having something in Texas. It is starting to worry me all these earthquakes. New Zealand and Japan are off the holiday list. We have been to new zealand a few times but Japan was a place I would liked to visit. My daughter in law's parents are going there in a week or so on their way to Europe. Not for me. Also my good friend is doing a few hour stop over next week on his way to London.

    I think you are right about Molly's lump I will keep an eye on it. You see I get worried about those sort of things because that is what Cherie had. Keep fingers crossed.  Molly is noticing the cooler weather now. Remember that discussion of setters and keeping you warm well that is starting to come into play. We will have to get the wood going in the fire soon. Lots of noise next door today. The large ginger cat just frighted Molly by jumping on the lounge near her. She jumped and ran outside. Back now though and watching the big trucks out of the window. 

  • Eunice Marott

    keep an eye on those ticks. Deadly here where we live.
  • Eunice Marott

    ha ha thats right... they are dogs but very dear to us. I could not stand to have another one go. She is o.k. I will keep an eye on it. I think Molly is so precious to me because I am home with her more and the others I was working full time. Thats why she hangs inside all the time. Your Molly has Alan when you are not there which is good for her. She sounds such a delight.
  • Eunice Marott

    the workman are here fixing the damage caused by the recent storms in the roof. I put Molly outside because I thought they would leave the front door open. I was right but Molly opened the back door and ran inside. Luckly I closed the front door in time. She is checking them out and now sitting on the lounge. They are closing the door. Now she is off to see what they are doing. She is a funny thing you can tell she is not sure but maybe they are o.k. Standing on the top of the steps leading into the kitchen checking out the scene watching them. So funny. She is so busy.
  • Eunice Marott

    thats so funny. Molly does that with Neil. The workman said should she be so skinny. I said she is o.k. does not need anymore weight maybe a little but I think they thought we were under feeding her.Insurance companies are gems they gave our job to tradesmen who live over 2 hours away. Cannot see their logic. Been here since 8am now nearly midday. Your Molly sounds fun. I bet they did not know how to take her. She sounds more like our Cherie who was so friendly. Our Molly can be somewhat reserved sometimes
  • Eunice Marott

    Easter next weekend. We get 5 days this year due to Anzac Day falling on Easter Sunday. Should have planned it better and gone to Alice then but more expensive at Easter and we will stay home with Molly and do some things here. Do you have anything special planned?
  • Eunice Marott

    happy birthday to alan Is he pieces?

    the guys would have included their travel time in their quote. We are about $1.50 a litre and more in the country areas. Whatever that is in gal...

    I would be interested in a sugar free cheesecake and how is the icecream for Molly. They had some receipes for dog birthday cakes in the mag here but I think I threw it out by mistake.

  • Eunice Marott

    that sounds so much fun. Decorating the eggs WOW. I am afraid nothing really special here, just Neil and I. Our grandkids do the egg hunt. We did it last year in Alice.Anzac Day is the 25th April to do with the first world war. Now my history is shocking I should be more interested. Last year Easter fell at the beginning of april so Anzac Day was a separate holiday which it usually is. So much fun you will have. We are doing painting downstairs so Neil should really finish that. The Easter Show is on and I noticed that one of our members was travelling down with his setters to participate. Not sure whether we will get to the show this year. Just noticed your email come through as I type this...
  • Eunice Marott

    where do you get doggie icecream. The other thing you mentioned I am not sure what that is. I also have to watch my sugar although not diabetic but could be border line. Neil has a special birthday this year so we may go to Ayers Rock.

    Do you have a special lunch on Easter Sunday like Xmas. We are boring Xmas is our big thing here. Your Easter sounds so much fun. Wish our Mollys could meet wouldn't that be fun. Unfortunately not possible. Molly seems to be winning over one of the workman. She just went out on the deck with him while he was having a smoke. They have gone to get lunch and he made the comment to his mate look she looks almost human sitting on the lounge like that, then asked her if she wanted anything at the shop!!!   

  • Eunice Marott

    hope you get the dog birthday cakes. I found it
  • Eunice Marott

    sorry I meant Aries. My granddaughter in Darwin is Aries.
  • Eunice Marott

    neil is a computer programmer in his employment but very handy at home thanks goodness. Oh well as I said the best we do at Easter is eat chocolate eggs and hot x buns. I don't eat fish so Good Friday we usually have homemade soup etc. Boring some Aussies do the egg painting I think it is just we have never done so. I do enjoy the easter hunt with the kids though. Not good having them so far away for you and me!!
  • Eunice Marott

    yes to one of those milstones

  • Eunice Marott

    yes to one of those milstones. I looked at the blog yes funny. Our Mollys would have a ball.
  • Eunice Marott

    the royal easter show is where people come from the country with their live stock and there is also dog shows. I am not sure when the IS are on but it is a really big show here. You have to be eligible to show your dog at this show. Not sure whether we will go.Molly would have to stay home yes as it is just for exhibitors and the general public. They used to have it nearer the city but now it is over the other side for us in Sydney. Kids love the show bags what a rip off. They used to be sample bags and samples they were now there is the Barbie Bag etc etc hardly samples anymore. Anyway it is a good time at Easter. When do you think you will be able to see your grandsons again?
  • Eunice Marott

    no buy hot x buns. We have sampled a few this year but not so good. Easter would not be easter without them. Will have to find some good ones to have.Neil loves fish but sorry not for me.