Sherry Miller


Fenton, MO

United States

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
I have been owned by Irish Setter's since 1973
About Me:
We got our first Irish Setter, Shilo, back in 1973 ...knowing nothing of the breed but soon fell in love with our boy...and since then we have had 5 more males....we lost our last old gentleman Irish in 2008 and our inherited rescue Brittany a month later and husband said NO MORE DOGS !! Well , in June of 2009 I talked him into letting me rescue an itsy, bitsy dog but the more I looked the more I knew my heart was truly with my Irish Setters....then one night watching the Cardinal's Baseball game ....they had the Purina Pro Dog of the week looking for a home....a young female Irish Setter named Heidi ( on You Tube under Heidi the Irish Setter) and to make a long story short ....Heidi has become our Miss Molly ! Wee bit wild at first but was out of crate even when we were not home within 3 months, Miss Molly has just been an awesome Irish for us....have ran out of tricks to teach her....and she sure changed my mind about insisting on always having a male dog! I had always gotten Irish puppies around 12 weeks old before but after being owned by Miss Molly ....I would search for a rescue dog as she has just been so easy to train and fit into our lives. The only thing I wish we did know was what her pedigree was . I still miss my boys but Miss Molly sure healed a lot of aching hearts in our home.

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  • Eunice Marott

    not sure abut the trading hours this easter. Sunday is a public holiday so maybe 10-4 not sure. Certainly nothing is open good friday it is like Xmas day. Our chemist is open limited hours I noticed the other day. Shops like yours not sure about those. Hope your other daughter gets to come up to see you. And yes just noticed Molly on the lounge legs and paws nearly to the ground. She is making friends but just nearly got into the paint.
  • Eunice Marott

    funny you say that about Sundays.Shops have been open here for years on Sundays and public holidays. Even Boxing Day. Sunday when I was little was going to sunday school/church, sunday lunch sometimes with extended family and mostly family time. Now just like another day... When do we rest Neil will have 5 days including the weekend for Easter.
  • Eunice Marott

    yes we have timer we will have a nice break
  • Eunice Marott

    you are most likely busy with birthday celebrations but had to tell you this.

    Getting a little cool so I went to put jumper on. Molly on the lounge and when I walked into the room she grawled at me. Took her until I sat next to her to realise it was me

  • Eunice Marott

    Molly was on the lounge as normal not alseep and I got abit cold so went upstairs to put jumper on (no hood). On my return walking through the room she noticed me and growled. I went over and sat next to her and let her know it was me. After a few seconds she was fine. I think if anyone did come in and try anything she would protect us. The others would just jump all over them (I assume). I have pictures with Cherie when they came to measure up for a pool some years ago with her standing next to them having a very friendly time. She did not know them, Molly would not do that.
  • Eunice Marott

    thats sweet. We have been watching more DVD's lately and last night Molly was getting restless waiting for us to sit on the lounge and she does the same thing. Head on both our laps and sits there for cuddles and pats... They are so spoilt.
  • Eunice Marott

    thats so funny... our Molly does that also she licks and licks
  • Michelle Walsh

    Hey Sherry ! Hope all is well with you  many thanks for the well wishes for legolas. He certainly was out of it Sherry :) only a few hours after his general anesthetic, he's really only back to his full usual self today. Good job I have a fairly decent dvd collection, I think you're right about the movies & massages ~Thanks again xx
  • David McIlveen Wright


    Thank you, but I still have a few hours left as a teenager - only kiddin!

    Beautiful weather here today, so we have been in the garden. Our wee garden got destroyed during our renovations and we are just getting it sorted out again. Darwin likes to be in the middle of everything - a typical setter!


  • Eunice Marott

    Sherry... hope Molly is o.k. have you checked for ticks. It is always a worry when they are off their food.
  • Eunice Marott

    keep us posted
  • Eunice Marott

    IT is good friday today. Next door is quite. In the mornings Molly goes outside until I let her in later in the day. No problem but since they have been there with their jack hammers, earth movers not the case. I think they frighten her. Today public holiday Neil home so she has had more interaction than normal.
  • Eunice Marott

    enjoy your easter. Let me know how Molly is I hate it when they get sick.It always did rain on Good Friday here also I remember when I was younger. Today warm and sunny but rain forcast for Easter Sunday.
  • Michelle Walsh

    Hi Sherry ! Happy Easter to you too ! Hope you enjoy your own chockies ! I'm one of those 'savoury freaks' ! :) not that big into chocolate..I like it but could live without it...but savoury things yum yum...peanuts, pringles & pop-corn & I'm in heaven :) wonder if there's a sour cream & onion flavoured easter egg ? :) xx
  • Eunice Marott

    how is Miss Molly. If it was our Molly I would be concerned. Hope she is eating and being her happy self today
  • Eunice Marott

    yes Molly is a clever one. Surely she is not pretending just to get your attention. Tell her baby Molly and her Aussie friends were worried about her. Naughty girl.

    Hope you do not have too much bad weather. Raining here today. Just got back from the shopping centre. Shops closed yesterday and again tomorrow. Usually i leave Molly at home when I go there but today she kicked up a stink and went racing to the front door. We took her but had to leave her in the car for 10 minutes which I do not like doing. It was really busy she was o.k. Why do they rule the household. Must be because we let them..


  • Eunice Marott

    they are just too smart for us. Hope your sister will be o.k. Keep those storms away.
  • Eunice Marott

    i will keep her in my prayers.

    We are still running around in summer clothes but not for much longer. I think another week and then comes on the winter gear. Molly inside much the same as summer. She is a lazy dog but it is raining today and must not get wet. She does not like the rain. Spoke to my son this morning number 2 grandchild fell and hurt her knees with gravel rash. They had to dig the stones out. I can remember the same thing when I was little it really hurts. Same one that put blutak up her nose and swalled the rock on their holiday in the outback in January. Ambulance came 50kms from nearest town. Poor little thing. She will be fine. I am sure being the sort of middle child she craves attention just like our Molly's...

  • Michelle Walsh

    OH dark chocolate Sherry ! Ah can't stand it...I just think it's too rich or something. I have tried it in one sweet that i like but nothing else 'After Eights'..they might be in the US. Very thin square mints with a thin layer of dark i do like those but could never eat a bar of dark choc..*shudders* :)

    Yes the pet shop industry is booming here too & there are soooo many things & gadgets & clothes ! Now I don't believe in dressing my lads up...that's just me plus I know they'd hate it , they just have waterproof lined bright yellow coats when we walk on the roads in the dark evenings during winter..they're made by masta & look like mini horse rugs nothing fancy :) Some of the toys look so cute but like you I know they wouldn't last 5 mins before they'd be ripped to shreads ! I wouldn't worry about the new toys Sherry , no doubt Miss Molly deserves them all..they can be her easter egg ! Have a great Easter weekend & enjoy need to behave this weekend, it's allowed :)


  • Michelle Walsh

    Hey Sherry !

    No ! no dresses for my lads either. I was in the local pet shop today buying some chewies & things and walked by the clothes again ...some are so funny :) Feather boas ??!! yeah I can imagine :) The lads would probably be quite happy to go out in all weather au nauturelle but when it's raining heavy or very cold ..the coats go on, helps cut down on that lovley wet dog smell later on :) plus it makes us all more visible on the footpaths !

    Molly is a very lucky girl ! a whole easter basket of toys & treats :) but she deserves to be spoilt every now and then. Ahh no easter bunny costume :( the idea of the easter doggie treat hunt sounds great...let me know how it goes, i'll bet you & Alan will have the best fun watching Molly. I've nothing planned for easter sunday but on monday Theoden & I are doing a 5K sponsored doggie walk in aid of The Carers Association...haven't done it before but should be fun...just hope the weather stays dry, I would have brought Lego too only its far to early for a walk like that.

    Here's a shot of Lego in his 'stylish' coat :) doesn't stop those nasty snowballs though.


    ~~Happy Easter to you all xx~~


  • Eunice Marott

    thanks and hug to Miss Molly from baby Molly. Keep safe and how does Molly go with all that horrible weather. I just posted a picture of Molly on the Hanrob site for Easter.

    Nice autumn (fall) day here but Neil is painting. We have to get the room downstairs finished so not that much of Easter Sunday but we will go for a walk later with Molly. She has been abit naughty but Neil stirs her up.

  • Eunice Marott

    yes Molly has been running through the house. Jumped on me this morning in bed and then knocked Neil's cup of coffee over... is alseep now on the lounge.

    Yes halloween is in the spring we do it here but not as as much as you I guess. Next door have their house decorated with pumpkins etc. Neil's birthday is around that time.

    Did u say the hot cross buns had strawberrys in them? We don't make them but this year it was hard to find nice ones. We finally got some from the supermarket which were quite nice. So it is Easter Sunday here just before 3pm it must be late Saturday night for you?

  • Eunice Marott

    enjoy your easter sunday. I spoke to the Alice Springs crew this morning having their humpty dumpty eggs. My son had to work so daughter in law and kids were enjoying their Easter Sunday. Kids photos were put on facebook which was good for us. Last year we were with them. Enjoy your lovely food etc. I am afraid nothing special here today.

    How is Molly is she eating again.

  • Eunice Marott

    yep not much fun having them so far away. Do you do facebook with your grandkids? Glad to hear Molly is o.k. I think she is a smart dog so cute funny how they try it on. We do not have doggie icecream here or at least I can't find it. Australia can be strange with certain foods and things passing law. That is why I get my vitamins from US. Even that is touch and go going through customs because if they don't let it in back it goes to your country and no refund. Anyway that is the way it is.
  • Eunice Marott

    just found a receipe for doggie icecream. Yoghut, banana and peanut butter. Because of the floods banana's are $13 per kilo. That makes it about $3 a single banana at least. Then it says to freeze in dixi cups...
  • Eunice Marott

    This is a much cheaper alternative to Frosty Paws for dogs!


    • 32 oz. vanilla or plain yogurt
    • 1 large banana, mashed
    • 2 Tbsp. peanut butter


    Blend well and freeze in small Dixie cups. Allow to sit for 10-15 minutes before serving to your dog.

    Our granddaughters are 6 nearly 7 and 4 nearly 5. Then grandson 2 nearly 3 who told me the other day he loved me... that made Nan feel good and the youngest nearly 1 (he says nothing on the phone)

  • Marjolein Bogaard

    Thank you Sherry! Miss Molly looks great too and I think that Jim would be looking forward to a data! It was a relexed day for me at home and my 2 boys at the Easter dogshow in Hungary. I will go tomorrow myself for the gundogshow and hope we will be succesful! Have a nice day!!!
  • Marjolein Bogaard

    Then I hope that you will enjoy your Easter too and we will keep in touch!

  • Eunice Marott

    how was your Easter Sunday. Did you get to speak with the grandkids? Raining here heaps.

    Sold my dining table and chairs on EBAY. Molly thinks the space is for her to play. I have news for her.

  • Eunice Marott

    pouring rain here. I best let Molly back inside. She is really wet!!

    Now back in after being towel dried. She likes that. We will buy another table and chairs, until then sitting on the lounge to eat dinner.

    Glad you spoke with your grandson. they are darlings. Anzac Day and Easter Monday here today. We get another holiday tomorrow. Molly might start behaving herself again when Neil is back at work.

  • Eunice Marott

    it is so funny how your Molly hides things. What is a bully stick
  • Eunice Marott

    that made me laugh. Your photo of Molly taken in January looks straight at you. I love it you can see her eyes so clearly.

    Baby Molly is due to have her check in May. She will have her injections and heart worm injection. I must ask about it. I am sure it lasts one year. Have to go and get some food just after 1pm here. The shops close on Anzac Day until 1pm. Yes funny how your Molly acts up like that and ours also. Must be the male thing?? 

  • Eunice Marott

    sorry the photo was taken in Feb. You do your dates differently to us...
  • Eunice Marott

    thats awful. Take care going to work. Why is the world having so much bad weather... I looked up bully sticks on the net.
  • Eunice Marott

    yes we do day, month, year... 19/07/2011 is the 19th July
  • Eunice Marott

    if u get a chance have a look at bully sticks on the net
  • Eunice Marott

    do u feed Molly in the mornings? We usually just give Molly dinner and bones how she is getting enough food

    Miss Molly is so funny how she hides things. I am afraid our Molly does not do anything like that 

  • Eunice Marott

    I did not want to tell you as I was so surprised when I saw it. I was thinking of ordering some for Molly but not now...
  • Eunice Marott

    it would be fine for her but it made my stomach turn when I read that. There was a site just for that...

    It seems Miss Molly gets much the same as baby molly as to what she eats

    I can't stop laughing about the bully stick... can't wait for you to tell Alan

  • Eunice Marott

    hope i did not  upset you about the bully stick... I have a strange sense of humor sometimes
  • Eunice Marott

    you are cracking me up... go to bed I am laughing nearly crying
  • Eunice Marott

    let me know what Alan says 
  • Eunice Marott

    what a laugh. get molly on the case tomorrow with Alan talk to you tomorrow
  • Eunice Marott

    hows the bully stick going??
  • Eunice Marott

    hi sherry... nearly midnight here. Hope you are o.k. no storms for you?
  • Eunice Marott

    thats so funny. I was worried as thought you may have had bad storms
  • Eunice Marott

    I think Miss Molly needs some of those deer things. That bully stick is not for her. She is a lady.

    Workman back next door today 7am. Noise from their radio was so loud I could hear it in the living room. I have phoned the certifiers and they phoned the builders and they have now stopped. It really gets me I think they must think they out in the open space with no houses around and people.

    Do you have a special room in your house where you can go if the storms are really bad. I have heard some houses over there have that. Glad you are all o.k.

  • Eunice Marott

    Molly does not like the noise. She complains to come inside and then sleeps on the lounge. I went upstairs to have a shower and up she came too.

    That bully stick thing will remain with us for ages. I laugh every time I think of it. Poor Alan but I do have this mental picture of him in the store buying it and then finding out what it was. The underwear draw what a great idea what a laugh. Neil thought it was funny but I think a little different to me.

    I received a call from my eldest granddaughter from Darwin last night. I am waiting for her to phone back this morning. I will fill you in later.

    Wish Molly could get rid of her fleas. Frontline last night mainly because of the ticks. We get them all year and the deadly ones.... kill in a flash and we don't want that. Now she is putting her nose on the keyboard. Hope you get that photo uploaded of Miss Molly. Take one with the bully stick!!!! 


  • Eunice Marott

    yes she rolls on the bed whether in the shower or not. The bathroom is separate to the bedroom (not an ensuite). Molly runs and jumps on the bed doesn't matter whether the cat is there or not and depending on which cat as to what reaction she gets. The big ginger one gives her heaps but the smaller black one loves Molly to bits.


  • Eunice Marott

    have been lucky with our IS and cats. Always had both, different cats but all got on o.k. Cherie would be bluffed by the ginger cat he would sit at the top of the stairs and she would not go past. She would even bark and cry for him to move. I would have to move him so she could get past. Molly just pushes past and too bad about the cat. Quite funny to watch.