Benny and Pia Hansen



Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
Me and my wife Pia currently owns 4 red irish setters. Pia have in total owned 7 red irish setters through the years.
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
Benny have been a red irish setter owner since December 2006. Pia got her first red irish setters in 1983
About Me:
Together with my wife we have a small kennel, our main purpose with our kennel is to exhibit our four beutiful setters Freddie, Seven 7, Quincy and Balthazar. The dogs comes from Kennel Coppers and kennel Red Tail´s, you are welcome to follow their life on

Comment Wall:

  • Laura Kolbach

    Hej, kul att ha er här. Det blir Coppers-invasion så småningom :) Kram, Laura
  • Lena

    Hej och välkomna!
  • Jeanette Bostroem

    Välkoman till den "nya" settersiten :)
  • Kati Mäkelä

    Hi there!

    Nice to see you here!
    Quincy & Balthazar looks so lovely :o)
    All the best to you all!

    Kati and girls.
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Hello Benny and Pia. Lovely to meet you in far away Sweden. Good Luck at the shows, and keep in touch.
    Myra XX
  • Inger Baav

    Hej på er!
    Grattis till sista tidens framgångar! Vi kanske ses till helgen?
    Inger o Lasse
  • Zatu Rimpisalo

    Välkommen Pia & Benny! Syns nog snart =) Mvh // Zatu
  • Kristina Brannlund Westin

    Hej Pia & Benny!

    Grattis till er lillkille Freddie Mercury. Vilket Härligt namn att ge er lilla pojk.
  • Tommy and Anne Eisgard

    Hej go vänner, hoppas att lille sonen sköter sig. Men heter man Red Tails Freddie M ercuri så ska det ju låta. Ha det gott
    Anne o Tommy
  • Zatu Rimpisalo

    Tack Pia & Benny! Själv vill jag önska er allt gott med nyingen o det andra två =) Syns i Herrfallet! Mvh // Zatu
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Thankyou Benny and Pia, for your comments.
    Looks like you have the new baby now, so good luck with"Freddie."
    Sunny days here, and all is well.
    Myra XX
  • Kikki Dyrendahl

    Hej och Tack för hälsningen!
    Har varit på Gröna Lund i dag med barnbarnen, Stella,8 år, fick mej att åka " lilla " bergochdalbanan, är fortfarande skakis....usch, inte en gång till.

    Ha´de gott / Kikki
  • Lena Fosselius Peterson

    Länge sedan vi sågs. Hur lever livet med er. Här har vi snö och rena golv!!!!
    Fortfarande fullt med valpar som nu blivit 6 månader.
    Lena & Ulf Peter
  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Thank you for yours greatings for my dogs.
    Your dogs backyard is wow!!!!
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Many Thanks Pia and Benny. I will give her a BIG hug from you. Three Swedish boys have been staying with us, so when they come to see her, they can speak some of her language, instead of just "Nokia," and "Ikea!" It will make her feel more at home!!
    M XXX
  • Kristina Brannlund Westin

    Hej Pia!

    Tack för kommentaren till mitt photo. Ibland skulle jag önska en skylt faktiskt, då brevbäraren kommer dånande. "Settrar på väg" Kanske skulle vara passande.
    Hur har ni och hundarna det? Vi ses väl närmare sommaren på ngn utställning då vi norrlänningar börjat tina upp.

    Ha det gott, Kristina
  • Kristina Brannlund Westin

    Tack så jättemycket för era gratulationer Pia & Benny!
    Ni ska veta att det värmer:-))
    Kram, kram!
  • Kristina Brannlund Westin

    Ja, jag håller med, önskar att man kunde göra det ibland,

  • Kristina Brannlund Westin

    Tack för ert inlägg i min blogg. Detta med hunderiet är ibland som ett stort kåseri, så varför inte skriva ett;-))
    Ses i köping//Kristina
  • Caroline

    Hi! thank You for your comment under Lunas picture!! Hope wee meet some day in Sweden :) Best regards
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Grattis till de fina placeringarna igår!
  • Kristina Brannlund Westin

    Grattis till era finfina placeringar i Lördags. Jag själv var ju superlycklig för Challes röda band, kändes nästan som ett BIR bara det,
    Ha det bra//Kristina & Co
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    How is that super house of yours - you must have well and truly moved in by now?
    Yes, I hope to see you in the not too distant future - I do so love Sweden.
    M XXX
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    You will be looking forward to August then!
    Seeing elk has been the highlight of my Swedish visits, and I always look out long and hard for them. I too was extremely privileged to see a mother and two calves on one trip. They are quite magnificent, and to see them on the move is spectacular.
    Thankyou for your very kind offer to "stay," perhaps I will be in the position to accept one fine day.
    M XX
  • Kristina Brannlund Westin

    Tack för snälla ord Pia & Benny!
    Alltid kul när andra gillar ens hund;-) Ska åka norrut i helgen och kolla in hans barn:-))))
    Kram på er//Kristina & Co
  • Thèrése Weckenberg

    Tusen tack!
  • Anna Kristín Einarsdóttir

    Thank you very much
  • Zbigniew Dzionek

    Thank you for your kind congratulations. Johnny's success gave us great
  • Alicia Ferrón Vidán

    Red Ribbon
  • Alicia Ferrón Vidán

    Hi Pia,
    Thank's for your gift.
    I went into your web page, you have a beautiful dogs!!!!
    Best wishes for all.
  • sammi pease

    Hi Benny and Pia !!! Just been looking through your photos of your beautiful doggies...and what a super litter from Balthazar last year....I really adore your house...!! We renovate old properties, but have always wanted to build something just like yours..!! Just need to find the right place !....Best wishes...Sammi and the girls..
  • Anna Kristín Einarsdóttir

    Thank you very much that will be nice. and as you konw you are very welcome to Iceland as well
  • Peter Hennig

    thankyou for your comment Morgan's father is from Sweden his name is All Roads Lead to Nome
    regards Peter
  • Anna Kristín Einarsdóttir

    Thank you but do not worry because we are not so near. We live in Mosfellsbaer and it just outside of Reykjavík. So we hope it will be alright here.
  • Alicia Ferrón Vidán

    Thank you for your beautiful comment of my little princess:0)
  • Tommy and Anne Eisgard

    sorry .but wendover crofter is a boy
  • Lise-Lotte Persson

    Tack för kommentaren om min bild!!
    Visst är de söta;)
  • Marion Didicher

    Dear Pia and Benny,
    You may be sure that they get all our love as our other dogs too. We love our Irishs and are proud of each of them.
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Jag gillar verkligen de två "tyska" Baltazarbarnen. Särskilt Mimi! Hoppas att jag får möjligheten att se dem i verkligheten. Jag har ingen aning om hur mamman ser ut, men jag tycker att de liknar pappa ;) Trevlig kväll till dig och dina!
  • Cornelia

    Thank you for your comment on my blog. It was well appreciated! Greetings from Switzerland, Cornelia
  • Monika Hoth

    thank you for your comment, i have also 3 IS and 1 ES.
    i wish you a nice evening,
    best regards Monika
  • Cornelia

    Thank you for your comment! I'm glad you liked the photos. All the best, Cornelia

  • Joke Patist

    I wish you also a Happy New Year
  • Delia Bryce

    I can see that your setters have a great life too ..... Wonderful pictures !

  • Angelika Park

    Thank you for your friendship. :-) You own beautiful Setters!

    All the best to you and the Red Beauties
