

Grande Prairie


Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
23 years
About Me:
Bred a couple of litters under the Moonspinner's prefix. Last 17th of March my Teatime died just weeks before her 14th birthday.
So no longer involved as an owner or breeder, my major concern these days is the genetic diversity of this lovely breed.

Comment Wall:

  • Catherine Carter

    Hi Leen,
    Have you rejoined? I thought you were here already! We need you for any conversation on genetics I think!
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Leen.
    Welcome to the sight it seems I was correct....
    Dee and the girls
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Leen
    Not quite sure what you meant 'stronger' but thanks for the comment, didn't know how to answer you
  • Nadine Bonjean

    Sorry for Teatime!
  • Petra Kasznár

    Welcome back!
  • Susan Stone

    I know what you mean about ES being 'stronger' ... I for one am pleased you could not resist:-)) Thanks!
  • Susan Stone

    :-)) I think I got the meaning...
    Thanks, me too;-)
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Leen
    I am absolutely knackered, my back is killing me, but I must say I came home kind of floating...it is so nice when Jas does well, I am, as they say, just a little prejudice.....I think!!! Won a lovely bottle of whiskey, special blend, just make for the club, and it was our 75 anniversary show, you know for as long as I've been a member of the club, gone to the shows every year and have never got higher than a third, so was thrilled, not just the whiskey but a big bag of dog food, and its the food that I use, worth more than the entry money, great day...all thanks to my beautiful girl, even Saffy got a 5th wasn't expecting that either...Thank you for your congratulations And yes I am soooooooooo proud of her,
    Dee and the girls
  • Petra Kasznár

    Dear Leen,
    Did you receive my last message? I had no reply from you since then.
    Hope everything is ok!
    Bye, Petra
  • Charlotte Godart - Riverwood

    Hi Leen,
    Thank you very much for your comment on Girly 2nd place ! ! !
    I'am really happy with this result for a so young girl ;-) You know
    Best regards Charlotte
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Leen, nice to hear from you, so sorry that I haven't been in touch with you, remiss of me...Yes Jas has won best Veteran in Show twice now, however at SKC yesterday couldn't do any better than 5th out of 5 hum not been a good girl in that circle eh, (me that is) not Jas, she as always behaved wonderfully.. I even moved her myself. Saffy still not in season, over a month late now. Alex and family came to stay for a couple of nights over SKC and Dooley wasn't interested in her at all, so looks like it may still be a few weeks off..she is definitely a watched kettle, I must say that Dooley is a gentleman.. even Jas played with him, virtually unheard of..
  • Sandra Zivanovic

    Hi Leen
    Thank You for friendship.
    puppies are exelent, they are groving, so fast. They are 7 weeks old and they are so sweet now.
  • Caroline Klebl

    Danke für den netten Eintrag zu Amy' Welpen.

    liebe Grüße Caro
  • Sandra Zivanovic

    Dear Leen,
    Yours notice is OK, father of my puppies is son of the famose Vicarys US Dollar World winner. I hope that I will send to You more pictures for a few days and if You interersted for Mogway ,You can get much more on the site of Lady Swan kennel by Jadran Ljuba. I think that is exelent dog and I have lucky to mate my bitch with him. Also Jadran and Justinka are wonderful people.
    You can take my adress- lonisland@gmail.com for easier conversation if You wish.
  • Sandra Zivanovic

    Thank You Leen,
    I think there are some problems with Your private adress. Do You can contact me on my private please. sandrazivanovic@gmail.com
  • Claes Viviane

    bedankt voor de gelukswensen

  • Dee Rance

    Thanks so much for the comment on the blog, it is getting exciting now, and I can get everything ready now...
    Thanks Leen
    Dee and the girls
  • Dee Rance

    Happy birthday Leen 21 is a wonderful age???? have a wonderful day lots of cake and wine, perhaps....??
    All the best Dee and the girls
  • Susan Stone

    Happy Birthday Leen!
    Hope you have an easy-going day and maybe a special meal out? Not sure about he cake and wine, maybe steak and wine??? ;-)) The belgian cooking can be exciting... so hope someone does it for you today!
    All th best
  • Dee Rance

    Oh I wish for 49 I well even admit to 59 if I thought that people would believe me, but I doubt that they would...Ah well you know what they say 1) time flies when you are having fun.
    2) you are only as old as you feel well words like that
    Dee and the girls. Have a great day...
  • Susan Stone

    Enjoy it! Mothers are something very special:-))
  • Carmel Murphy

    Have a very Happy Birthday!!!!!
  • Kristina Brannlund Westin

    Happy Birthday to you:-)
    Hope you will get a nice and memorable day:-)
    //Kristina & Co
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Wish you a happy birthday! Enjoy your day!
  • ursula wilby

    Happy Birthday! I hope you have had a brilliant day:-))))
  • Astrid Landsaat

    Beste Leen,

    van harte gefeliciteerd!!!


  • Kristina Brannlund Westin

    Hi Leen!
    Well a dinner with mum is very good, isn´t it:-)
    Take care//Kristina
  • Hanna Järventaus

    Thank you very much :)
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Leen, Thank you so much for your birthday greetings for Saffy, I am sure when she has had the babies she will be celebrating, we will all be celebrating.. Will speak soon
    Thanks again Dee and the girls
  • Melinda Auld

    Thanks for the birthday wishes and the lovely comments about Niamh :)

  • Dee Rance

    Ah well like most men he is off doing his own thing....Thanks for the congratulations, as Aleks said I have waited so long for this litter that darling Saffy has given me three litters in one...so true...And I agree about their dad. Just love the picture of the two of them on Collins UK & Ireland Website.
    Speak soon Dee and the girls
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Leen
    What me use a skirt.....never. Didn't have a dress, or a skirt for my Daughters wedding, Trousers, only Trousers....but I must say they are starting to fall down, have lost a lot of weight so far with these puppies, and the worst is still to come.
    I hope that I am doing it all correctly...And thanks for the comment greatly appreciated. Dee and the gang
  • Dee Rance

    Hallelujah to that I actually only have one skirt, that fits. And I was so pleased to be able to say ''All Sold'' They seem to be going to nice people most have had setters before or still have one. So it has all worked out for the best I think, I hope...one of them had me checked out, and was surprised to hear that I was a ''trouble maker'' and when she asked why she was told about the eye problem, I asked if she was put off by all of that, her answer...On the contrary she would prefer to get a dog from someone that cares for their dogs well-being. That made me feel quite good. Dee and the gang sorry but I will keep posting pictures of the babies...
  • Dee Rance

    Oh I saw Nicole this afternoon and she took Jas out to the woods for a walk she came back happy and damp, Jas that is...she really enjoyed herself, I took Saffy out today as well but didn't have any disinfectant to wash her down, so had to use some of the hand clean stuff, I hope that didn't hurt anyone....as for the ''other'' skirt, (singular) it really is far toooooo big for me now, anyway when the heck will I ware it.
    Ah well it is good to be talked about, isn't it..then people will get the idea that these things need talking about and acting on, it all goes to keep my bank balance, by not having too many shows to go to. There you go...Dee and the gang
  • Garrech and Canagan


    Hi there. I've been talking to Catherine Carter today as well as Dee Rance. I wondered whether you are the Leen with interest in the COI. I have a sick Setter which I've analysed the pedigree although only 4 generations back with a not very good result Peter and Elaine
  • Dee Rance

    I will actually miss them when they go...My favourite is Dark Blue Boy, I just think that he has something special about him, and I don't think that I got the best picture on the site..
    Thanks so much for the comment I have been worried about not doing the best for them...
    All the best Speak soon Dee and the gang
  • Dee Rance

    OMG the mind boggles at that!!! one is more than enough...All the best and thanks again for the comments Dee and the gang
  • Astrid Landsaat

  • nathalie

    zalig kerstmis en een gelukkig nieuwjaar

    groetjes nathalie en de dogs
  • Petra Kasznár

    Dear Leen,
    First of all I'm wishing you happy holidays! I sent you an email a few days ago. Did you receive it?
    Bye, Petra
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Happy, Happy Birthday, Leen
    Enjoy your special Day.
  • Astrid Landsaat

    Hoi Leen,

    leuk dat je weer terug bent op ES!
  • Catherine Carter

    Hi Leen,
    I have seen your photos in the snow.....so you have moved?!!!! I am still planning to breed next year and may need your help again with pedigree and COI..... I hope you enjoy Canada.....
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Thanks for the invitation Leen, and happy to be your ES friend!
  • Astrid Landsaat

    Hoi Leen,

    ik had het al gezien dat je naar Canada verhuist was. Hoe lang woon je daar inmiddels en hoe bevalt het? Lijkt mij geen stap die zomaar even doet. Jammer dat je systeem gecrasht is maar ik kan mij goed voorstellen dat je er vrede mee hebt als de boel niet hersteld kan worden.
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Leen

    do you have my email address...been trying to send you a private message but my computer is being very selective about what it sends and replying to messages is not one of the things it is doing now...I can receive messages but can't send them...bummer. hope to speak soon Dee and the gang

  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Happy Birthday for tomorrow, Leen. Hope you enjoy your special day.
  • Catherine Carter

    Hi Leen,

    Happy Birthday! I hope all is well for you in Canada! :-))

  • Carmel Murphy

    Have a very Happy Birthday Leen;o)