Rosie Dudley

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
I have 9 Irish Setters age from 15 years to 2 years
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
for over 25 years
About Me:
My Kennel name is Fairuby, all of my dogs trace back to my foundation bitch Scotswood Cairenn, and are almost pure Wendover. I breed occasionally and endevour to keep to the lovely type and good temperment this kennel is famous for. I had a litter in May 2008.
I owned Loughantarve Glenross (Phil), bred by Mae Trenwith, he was by Fairuby O'Donovan Rossa out of a lovely bitch Ir ShCh Loughantarve Kerry-Erin whose dam was English and Irish Ch Timadon Exclusive Edition. Phil sired several litters among his progeny was Wendover Lorna.
I take a keen interest in the health and well being of the breed and have served on the Committee of the Irish Setter Association, England since 1995.

Comment Wall:

  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Welcome Rosie!
  • Ana Gaspar Kozelj

    Welcome,you have beautiful dogs!
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Good to see you, Rosie. Enjoy!
    M XX
  • Susan Stone

    Welcome here! You may get caught up in some 'hot' discussions - but it is worth it:-)
  • Sandra Mather

    hi there, im just seeing whos on the site and spotted you. are you ok. im waiting for pups to arrive.hope all is well with you.
  • Dee Rance

    hi there Rosie welcome to the site you will find it very addictive, I just loved Wendover Larna. Dee and the girls
  • Dee Rance

    I think that when you do find your way around you will not be able to switch off, I must go my girls need their dinner, I don't think I would eat, well I would, I like my food, so do the girls, thanks to the request must go and feed us all Dee and the girls
  • Sandra Mather

    hi, its taking time to get used to the site im still learning. no news yet. she ate her tea so on we go a little longer.
  • Sandra Mather

    still no news she is fine me im worn out now let alone later on when it all happens
  • Laura Kolbach

    Welcome to this site, Rosie! I am sure that you'll enjoy it!
    All the best, Laura and the girls
  • Sandra Mather

    god wish it was over but no. i ended up taking her the vets at 8.30 this morning just to be carefull.anyhow they scanned her which is something id not done as id not been able to connect the girl who i go to for it,so i was in the dark on how many and still am. but at least i saw them alive and kicking. just not ready to come out.she is in good spirits not like me worn out and frazzled from the walk from her bed to the house every hr over 2 nights.
  • Sandra Mather

    hi well its all over now ,she had ten. 6 girls and 4 a little shattered to say the least.
  • Sandra Mather

    tell me about it.luckily shes a so good at it, i dont have to worry too much. ive had to ring so many people this morning to let them know what is still a bit wossey from my sleepless nights and all the sleepwalking i did.
  • Sandra Mather

    just to let you know i lost little girl today. but luckily the others are fine. in fact she was just weak nothing wrong with her.
  • Sandra Mather

    hi just to let you know all is on track now after the loss of my little one on monday. have you been out and about at all. ?
  • Sandra Mather

    i havent booked to go there at all. ill still have the pups and they will just start going then all being well. I had a couple come yesterday to see about having one they already own one which is nice.
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    HI rosie,
    Just wondering if there is a catalogue I can buy from the Kennel Club exhibition, which I am still regretting not being able to get to.
    The photos on the club's site look super.
    Can you tell me too, please, who has done the life size bronze statue. Is it an Oakley?
    Best Wishes for the coming show and celebrations.
    Saddened to hear about Sybil Lennox. Certainly the end of an era.
    Leave Sweden, for Australia, on Monday.
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Thanks Rosie, I appreciate your help. I know how very busy you will be right at the moment, so just enjoy, and I can speak to you later.
    The statues just look superb from the photos.What talent!
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    The babies look gorgeous, Rosie. Who are they from?
    Thankyou so much for getting in touch with the Gallery. I will treasure the catalogue.
    Good Luck with the puppies in the showring.
    M XXX
  • Kay Donnelly

    Happy new year to you too. Love the photos you've added. Who are numbers 3 and 5?
  • Kay Donnelly

    Really nice photos.
  • Susan Stone

    Hi Rosie, just read your input on PPC - and wondered if the theme would not merit a blog of it's own?
    Maybe you could tell us more about the condition? Are all irish tested in the UK for PPC?
    Many thanks and best regards
  • colette tuite

    Hi Rosie Thanks for inviting me onto the site . I have just realised how necessary it is to be able to put some photos on. How does every body seem to know how to do this. I have a digital camera and a scanner which i have not set up yet but even so the photos need to get from my computer to this site which is a bit of a mystery at the moment.I was supposed to be buying a new washing machine today as mine broke down yesterday however it will just have to wait until tomorrow i guess.
  • colette tuite

    Thanks i will take you up on your kind offer.
  • Michelle Webster

    Dear Rosie,

    Good to see you on here. I loved looking at your photos.
    Best wishes,
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Good morning, Rosie. See you are online.
    My day is beginning, but pitch black out there still, and just a little nippy!
    Good to talk to you the other night.
    M XX
  • lyn hathaway

    hi rosie, yes they have december 2006 was when she was tested for pra(rcd1)
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Congratulations Rosie, on your VHC at Leeds. Doing well with her.
    M XX
  • rosey fyfe

    hi rosey
    thanks for your kind comment having lost my herbie recently its just awful however i will certainly check out the irish setter club of scotlands puppy register and see whats available
    kind regards
  • Dena Abbott

    Hi Rosie,
    I hope you are not refering to me and the dog !!!!!

  • rosey fyfe

    hi rosie
    got the name of a breeder on kennel club website and am going to see a puppy tomorrow so all going well could be the proud owner of a new irish setter puppy
    will let you know how i get on
    kind regards
  • Pat Aldridge

    Thought it was about time I joined - I've been reading the site a lot lately.
  • Susan Stone

    Hi Rosie,
    I see the discussion on 'health database' has been closed but wanted to thank you for providing the info and the contacts to the AHT. I have written asking them how I should proceed to send samples of my dogs from Switzerland. I should really get a sample off Shannon (14 1/2 yrs) before we have to say 'good-bye' as she had two sons with epilepsy in her one and only litter. We will see...
    best regards
  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.

    Hi Rosie,
    The above room for Crufts is available only for one night ?
    Many thanks for your earliest reply.
    Kind regards.
  • Kay Donnelly

    The photos of Dora's birthday are terrific! She certainly doesn't appear to have deteriorated any in the last year! She looks great. Imagine it's a year since yourself and the gang were here in Ireland for the World Show!!! How time flies!
  • Karen Johnson

    Crikey!! What a lovely surprise Rosie , of course i remember you!! Im so glad yiu still have the line .

    I show staffords and will be at Leeds.. would be great to to see you .
    Karen xx
  • Claire Prangle

    I am sorry I didn't realise he was that old but I can see why I liked him now, I know Glenross as he was Wendover Lorna's Dad, she was my Heathclare Blin Kin Magic's G/Grandmother.
    I used one of Lorna's sons a few years ago and I took that fab photo of her that was used in Eve Gardners book
    Thanks for replying
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Rosie, I am so sorry to hear that Steve has passed. It's always hard to lose these special dogs. What a great age to have him till, though. So pleased that Dora is still well and going strong.

    I would love to see some pics of Steve if you have them? I have looked on your page today, so I have had a look at that one, but do you have some more. I believe Steve sired more litters overseas and not used as much in UK? I would be interested to hear more about him.

    Thanks re Bridget. She is just a lovely little girl. I am very happy with her, she is very well put together and such a character. Her and my boy, Clancy are best mates. My biggest challenge now is to find the right dog and pedigree for her litter in 3 years!!!

    chat soon, Cheryl
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Rosie, thanks for posting those pics. I have seen pics of Pat's litter (the girls, Rosie, Lucy and Kirsten).

    This is exciting news of your new puppy, Ruby coming in from Netherlands. I look forward to seeing some pics of her and also would love her pedigree sometime. I have just had a look at Diana and Wilma's pages and their websites, thanks for that info, too.

    Look forward to seeing some more pics. cheers, Cheryl
  • Shaun and Julie Nicholls

    Was wondering about this, thank you for the information, will speak with our vet when he goes back on monday and sort it out.
  • Deborah Barrow

    Hi Rosie, my mum was quite emotional when I told her about meeting you all but I'm sure she would love to meet the gang, they're all gorgeous! Hope to see you again soon.

    Best wishes & Woofs, Deb (my gang below: Lucy Shar Pei, Marmaduke Basset Hound, Agatha Basset Hound (laying down) and Samson Basset x Shar Pei (son of Lucy & Marmaduke).


  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Rosie

    See you are on-line, so I thought I would say Hi!  Hope all your reds are doing well.  How are those little bundles going?

    cheers, Cheryl

  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Rosie

    That's great news.  I look forward to a chat.  Any photos?


    Ch x