Sandra Zivanovic

47, Female



Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
9, 4 females and 5 males
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
13 years
About Me:
You can get all informations about my dogs on email adress or phone +381 61 81 200 60

My name is Sandra Zivanovic and I have 9 Irish setters.I'm International FCI judge (VII and VIII FCI group) and competitor.
My very first Irish Setter was a bitch called Maza, officially known as Loni and she adopted me in 2000.
The great love of my Maza (Loni) and Ben (Fergus) brought us an even greater happiness.
We got Don Vito, Don Carlos and Donna Constans. All three have become International champions. Judged by more than 40 different judges from the country and abroad.
Their father is INTCH Multi CH FERGUS

New page of our history is written by my Donna Constans and O'CEALLAIGH'S YOLOOKATME (MOGWAI). 2009. we got seven puppies, 3 boys and 4 girls.

Year 2010. was very successful for us. I have pleasure to introduce 6 Junior Champions from the litter of 7 puppies (mother- INTCH DONNA CONSTANSA and father- OCEALLAIGHS YOLOOKATME - MOGWAY-owners Jadran and Justinka Ljuba, Sibenik, Croatia, 3 x EW, 100x BOB , 92 x CACIB, INTCH, CH of about 14 countries........he is a son of famouse WW Vicary's US DOLLAR and Shadywievs Breaking Records)
Their very succesfull uncle O'ceallaigh's Bandit is World Winner (owner Brigitte du Fay de Lavallas, Brasil).


New chapter has begun to be written last october. New member of our family is Kerrigan Saturnii Cartoon's , his parents are Vicary's Cobacabana and Evenflow Saturnii. We thank Anna Przywecka.

Only this wouldn't have happened without the unreserved support and understanding of my family, especially my brother, Alexander who is in charge hendling my dogs.

There are few people who were with me all the years and which is not enought to say ''Thank you '.
Without them it would be difficult, and many more would not be possible to implement.
It is an honor and great fortune that I have a friend Dusko Savic skilled connoisseur breeders and Irish Setter breeder from Belgrade. The long-time friendship and cooperation have been caused to the good man become a mainstay in my breeding dogs.

A very special place belongs to Dragan Ristic, international FCI judge who has helped me to achieve some of my great dreams. Dragan is Rijani's kennel owner who is primarily known for the breeding of English Setter. He is always there to advise, must have the courage to brave even the risky journey, to teach me, to criticize, in a word, to help me to live in a world of kinology and more.
Why are you applying for membership?
A. I am a human wanting to contribute to the community

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  • Astrid Landsaat

  • nathalie

    merry christmas and a happy new year
  • Nunzio Dimauro

    Grazie, Buon Anno anche a Voi....Nunzio , Clara e Jose'
  • andre en anja van dijk


    Greetz from Andre and Anja
  • Przygoda Bajkowe&Rude Ziolko

    Much happiness in New Year.
    If you have the internet site, ask specify his address.
    I want nearer to become acquainted with your puppies.
  • Jo Ann Haseltine

    Sorry for the slow delay,but I had a flu for 48 hours. almost back to normal now. How wonderful to have a large red family. That would be a dream of mine,but I feel very lucky to own 1 to 2 Irish Setter over 57 years and hope I never have to stop of age. My dad had one till end of his life at 87 and walk Patrick 3 times a day. Hope 2010 has been good to you so far. We are getting some very much needed rain this week. 5 storms are lined up for this week with 10 to 12 inches of rain by the time we have dry weather this weekend. Love, Jo Ann and Jillian
  • elena donatella turrichia

    Red Ribbon
  • Danica Morarova

    Thank you Sandra:)))
  • Patrizia Bonanni

    ciao ciao
  • Patrizia Bonanni

    Red Ribbon
  • Phil du Plessis

    Thankyou Sandra for inviting me as a friend. I really appreciate it very much. I just really love your big family of setters!!! Precious darlings!!! regards from Knysna, Phil and Ari
  • Vana Lovric

    Hvala najljepsa :)))
  • Amita de Sequeira

    Hi Sandra,
    Must be lots of fun to have all the setters and puppies too!!! Best regards, Amita
  • Kriszti Csaba

    Thank you! :)
  • Leitner Herta

    Hallo Sandra,
    vielen Dank für deine Einladung, ich habe mich sehr gefreut.
    Viele Grüße
  • Ulf Penderock

    Hello Sandra,
    thanks for adding me on your site. I try to put an link on my Homepage.
  • Hana Bočková

    Hello Sandra!
    thanks for your kind comment! Your dogs are beautifull as well!
  • Ladislav Cerovsky

    slovensky or english???
  • Ladislav Cerovsky

    Hey Sandra.
    I´m a new member of this site. You have a really big kennel, 9 dogs, great.
    With best regards Ladislav.
  • Eunice Marott

    they are so adorable.
  • Michelle Webster

    Love your photos.
    Best wishes,
  • Ladislav Cerovsky

    I suppose the dogs make the best friendships .... and on the eighth day the God made the red irish setter, because it was a really good job I can tell you, the most beautifull creature I ever saw.
  • Workert Violetta,Automne

    Bonjour Sandra,merci de m`avoir ajouter comme amie,tes photos sont tres belles.Thank you to adding me.Violetta.
  • emir delic

    hvala puno :)) pozz iz tuzle
  • Nenad Mocorka-Red Irish Dream

    Hvala na lepim zeljama !!!!

  • nicola manduca

    thanks sandra so much. xx
  • Jahn-Aigner Gabriele

    Hallo,Sie haben sehr schöne Setter.Meine älteste Hündin ist 11 Jahre und ich habe 3Rüden und 6 Hündinnen davon 4 Zuchttauglich.Unsere Hunde leben alle bei uns im Haus.
    Liebe Grüße und Danke für die Freundschaft
  • Bosco Prica

    Hvala Sandra, bas se osecam lepo sto sam tu sa Ahilom.
    Pozdrav, bosco
  • Horst Bock

    Hello Sandra,
    thank you, go on and good luck for you and your beautiful red dogs.
  • mimmo presta

    pleasure to be your friend.we like your country very much...we often came ,with our dogs in croazia montenegro,serbia...
  • mimmo presta

    yes, we were in montenegro 3 years ago.was you there with your hasband and his inglish setters?was you there with a bich(irish setter) who won cacib in bar?
  • mimmo presta

    he, I m mariarosaria,we were'nt in celje becouse I had my leg broken so during these last months we went to show only near home to fiish the young italian championship (giovane promessa enci) of our two puppies.our andy ,2years old;is us dollar's grandson too.he is jet young but he is alredy had good can see him also in vicary's web site(champ's page).how old are your two puppies? they seem fine!
  • mimmo presta

  • mimmo presta

    from italy to serbia...the best wishes

                                                  mariarosaria mimmo & company

  • Przygoda Bajkowe&Rude Ziolko

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Latvia!!!
  • Nunzio Dimauro

    Auguri anche a Voi per un sereno Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo. Jose' Clara e Nunzio

  • Marion Didicher

    Merry christmas and a happy new year to you and your setters from Marion
  • Loksley-Zeljko Kovac

    Zdravo Sandra!

    Vidim da imate u najavi novo leglo i drago mi je da je jedan od predaka moj Loksley Love Legend jer je to stene koje sam ja odabrao iz mog legla 2000.g. i dao ga gosp.Pajicu iz BGD-a a znam da je kasnije bio kod Pere iz Iriga. Molio bih Vas ako znate gde je sada taj pas da mi napisete. Srdacan pozdrav i puno srece sa prinovama.

    Odgajivacnica Loksley

    FCI 4080  Zorica i Zeljko Kovac

  • Loksley-Zeljko Kovac

    Zdravo Sandra!

    Gledao sam danas sve tvoje fotografije i veoma mi se svidela tvoja kuja Enigma Bianca. Interesuje me koliko je ona sada stara i kako izgleda. Da li planiras neko leglo sa njom?

    Molio bih te ako mozes da mi posaljes neku njenu fotografiju na mejl

    Hvala unapred i pozdrav iz Nisa.

  • Loksley-Zeljko Kovac

    Primio sam tvoj mejl ali ne mogu da otvorim fotke.Ako ti nije tesko molim te da mi ih posaljes na Moj provajder medianis mi stalno pravi neke probleme sa postom, tamo sam ti poslao pismo ali nisam siguran da li je otislo ili je obrisano. Sto se tice Bona , on je stvarno dobar pas i za sada mi nije nista unistio, sto je retkost za mladog irca.

    Pitao sam te za tvoju kuju, jer mene interesuje da u neko dogledno vreme nadjem kuju koja bi odgovarala Bonu i da onda krenem sa uzgojem sve ispocetka jer od moje linije na zalost nije nista ostalo. Ja sam iz legla sa Medocom ostavio kuju za mene ali je nisam nikad pario jer nisam bio u mogucnosti da idem napolje da je parim onako kako sam zeleo.

    Bono od sredine juna krece na izlozbe i cilj nam je da ove godine uzmemo dovoljno PRM za mladog sampiona.

    Nadam se da cu za par meseci ici kod Mocorke pa cemo se cuti i upoznati.


  • Di Andrews

    Hi Sandra,

    Thankyou for your friend request.  It was great to visit your page.  I cried when I read how much you loved Loni, me too with my Scarlett.

    Love Di & Mahogany xxx

  • Loksley-Zeljko Kovac

    Cestitam na prinovama!
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Many thanks for the invitation Sandra and glad to become your ES friend!!!
    A big cuddle to all your redheads, a special one for your joy and pride - Enigma Bianca :-)
  • Alan RYAN

    Hi Sandra


    Glad to have another friend, had been on other setter pages but this site is more like a family. Lovely dog.





  • Bosko Balcakovic

    Thanks for welcome message :)

    Regards, and hope we'll see you soon.

  • Catherine-Marie & Tiffany

    Hi Sandra, many thanks for your invite and we are al happy to become your ES friend it must be so cool to own and love 8 setters.

    With all our very best wishes

    Catherine-Marie, William & Tiffany

  • Bosko Balcakovic

    Хвала. Честитке иду теби, јер је он ипак из најбоље фамилије :)

    Честитам и ја вама. Чули смо у одласку да сте победили и за најбољу одгајивачку групу :)

  • Ljudmila Popovic

    Sandra Lana (Umar Maria Lana Copolo.) nije više mala, veoma je porasla!

    Postaviću još slika

  • Loksley-Zeljko Kovac

    Cestitam na prinovi!
  • Kristina Netterwall

    Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year

    Kicki, Malva, Iris and Abbey