



Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
1 (I wish I had 2 :))
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
since 2006
About Me:
I am from Ljubljana, Slovenija and I work in a library.

As long as I can remember my wish was to own an irish setter. That dream came true when Seterday Flora Ira was born (11.3.2006). She is very tender, elegant, playfull, frendly towards people (even strangers), sometimes a bit stubborn but still very obidient and a joy to live with.

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  • Renata Hybka

    Hi Kristina,
    I´m looking at pictures of your girl. She is very pretty. You do very similar activities like I do with Zara, so sad we live in different country, it would be very nice to meet you.
    This Saturday we´re going to autumn´s hunting tests, so we´ve been practicing every day:))
    Didn´t you ever think about another setter? I would love to have one more:)
    So take care and good luck!
  • Renata Hybka

    Thank you! I hope we´ll make it:))
  • Robert Krajnc

    Sem vidu, da ste fejst uživale. Tud jaz sem bil dostikrat na Jezerskem s Šanom. Tam je ful lepo. Je pa Flora dobra, da je tam gor zlezla. lp
  • Robert Krajnc

    Ah so! To je še zame problem :)) Nisem za take zadeve, občutim tesnobo na stolpih in višina ni zame. Sam vseeno je dobra :)) Ne nisem še bil na Češki koči. S Šanom sva se bolj sprehajala po ravnini tam na Jezerskem. Prišla sva do žičnice, pol sva pa obrnla nazaj do Jezera. Pa bla sva še na Vogarju na Bohinjem. Kjer je pa treba plzat pa še zame ni. No zdej, ko imam Allegra bom spet začel hodit mal v take lažje hribe. Sam zdej je še premlad 3 mesece. lp
  • Robert Krajnc

    Saj če bi bli vsi glih, bi šele blo dolgčas. Ja Velika planina je pa prava zame. Sam še nikol nisem bil. Drgač pa jest Allegra vsak dan vodim na sprehod, ene 5 km in je skoz odvezan. Tko, da se ornk zleta. Jest bolj po ravninah hodim. Recimo Jezersko, Bohinj, Pokljuka, Vogar, Planina jezero, Planina Voje, ....
  • Carmel Murphy

    Thanks for Birthday wishes Kristina!!
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Just two days to go! Many Thnks for your caring thoughts.
    M XX
  • Denise Hawkes

    Hi Kristina, thanks for birthday message! I have managed to get up and about after doc's visit and his wonder drugs last night. So my birthday has been spent fighting the girls for the cake. Yes, Bonnie won! For her ten years of wisdom pitted against my 'great' beahviour management skills , guess who snatched that cream bday cake of the worktop while I got my drink!! The shame of it!! Does she seem full of remorse?? What do you think? No, just cake!!
  • Nenad Mocorka-Red Irish Dream

    Hvala na rodjendanskoj cestitki!!!
  • Esther Siegrist

    Thanks Kristina for your comment on my photo! Yes, they will found a mouse under the blanket of snow :-)
    All the best and regards Esther
  • Silvia Lindner-Rae

    Thanks for your message, my daughter is fine, has been for a long time now. The affix Reddeer we chose because my husband is from Canada and used to go there all the time - its the name of a town in Alberta. The number of puppies looking for a home changes all the time as people who had reservations for a long time now cancelled, others that did not, want a dog -two or three definitely - the boys, of course...
  • Kristina Netterwall

    Hallo Kristina!
    Thank you for nice comment. It`s Iris two and a half years old. You kan only see her tail on that photo.
    Have a nice weekend!
    Kristina, Malva and Iris
  • Gene

    Sorry about the video size issue. I would bet that Ning raises this eventually, but I don't know of any immediate plans to do this. Sorry about that.
  • ursula wilby

    Thank you for the kind comments on my blog-post about Ivy...she was a super horse...
  • Robert Krajnc

    Brez problema. Naložim ga na Youtube, tukaj je pa samo link. Drgač sem pa že loadal 9 min dolg video. Na Facebook in YouTube. Ponavadi imajo omejitev na 10 minut. lp Robert
  • Dee Rance

    I thank you for the BDay greetings we will try and have a good time...
  • Robert Krajnc

    He he. Zgleda, da smo dons vsi izkoristil sonce za fotoshoting. Lepe slikce!
  • Robert Krajnc

    Ja poznam to. Tud jest sem mel prej tacga. In sem čist znoru. Akcije je šla mim, ko je on blagovolu slikat. Zato sem pa kupu DSLR Nikon D5000 in je akcijska fotografije mala malca. Vse te slike so narejene v rafalih. Pritisneš in slika par slikc na sekundo. Pol pa sam izbereš ta dobre. Izkoristek 10%. lp
  • Kristina Netterwall

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
    Kristina, Malva and Iris

    Wish you a happy ended year !

    Hvala lepa , tudi mi vam želimo lepe praznike.

    Sandra,Matjaž in Kiss
  • Susan Stone

    Thank you Kristina!
    No pain and suffering, that is what we owe them at the end. But it is never easy to say goodbye. We treasure the times we had.
    all the best
  • Krista Dennis

    That's Ok, Thank you! Your dog is Gorgeous! I love the photos!
  • Ro Cox

    Thank you - although the girls and I are finding it a little cold here as used to the warmer climate of Jersey!!! at least i have two `red hot´waterbottles at night
  • Carmel Murphy

    Hi Kristina! Thanks for your lovely comments!! Some pups will go to new homes just before Crufts but the pups going to the USA have to wait a bit longer!!! Some pups have names but not all yet! The theme for this litter is Irish writers/poets so at the moment there is Clannrua Beckett, Clannrua Behan, Clannrua Devlin and Clannrua O'Conaire(if the Kennel Club approves them!) so far I only know one boy's pet name "Cormac"!! Cormac is going to the US ;o)
  • Lesley McRoberts

    Hi Kristina
    Many thanks for your kind birthday wishes. I had a lovely time - but I was at work! Would rather have been out for a walk with Hattie!!! I hope you & your lovely setter are well & having fun.

    Best wishes
    Lesley & Hattie
  • ursula wilby

    Hello Kristina! Thank you for the Birthday-greetings! I had a super day with tons of friends, great food and champagne! :-)
  • Árni Stefán Árnason

    Thank you for your birthday greeting dear Kristina. Hope you are doing well.
    I am getting another Irish setter from England next fall. It was born at the beginning of this month.
    Regards from Iceland
  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Thanks Kristina for comment, I like my garden very much, sometimes it's a lot of work but it's well worthwile;)
  • Carmen Lorenzi

    thanks for your nice words to Meagan's Birthday:-)
    Best wishes from Switzerland
  • Suzanne Humphries

    thank for your comments, the patches on I.R.W.S grow with the dog.
    However, some patches which are close together close onto make a larger patch depending on the white between them.
  • Agnieszka Rola

    Hi Kristina,
    thank you for the Birthday wishes :)
  • Suzanne Humphries

    Thank you so much for your birthday wishes, I am so sorry that I have been unable to reply until now. We have had puppies going off to their new homes, and it has been such a busy time, only now I've spare time to catch up on all I should. P.S. Also you have a happy birthday too!!
    Best wishes Suzanne
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Happy Birthday, Kristina. July is a good month, so Enjoy your day!
  • Danica Morarova

    Happy B-Day Kristina!
  • Catherine Carter

    Happy Birthday, Kristina!
  • Charlotte Godart - Riverwood

    Thank you very very much for your kind words ;-)
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Many Thanks, Kristina. Actually yesterday - the 14th, Bastille Day! Had a lovely day too.
  • Susan Stone

    Many many thanks, Kristina. Yes, I am really proud of Glen - and very lucky to have him!
    all the best
  • Lesley McRoberts

    Hi Kristina

    Thank you for your birthday wishes. I had a quiet day with my dogs - Hattie & Poppy. We had a lovely forest walk in the sunshine!!

    Best wishes to you & Flora (I love her name!!)

    Lesley, Hattie & Poppy

  • martina mckeag

    Hi Kristina i think Flora is nice and also you make very nice beds
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Happy Birthday Kristina!!!  Sharing the B-cake with Flora?   :-)
  • Živa Zupančič

    Živjo! Tudi mene veseli, da se srečamo tukaj in hvala za dobrodošlico!! :)
  • Robert Krajnc

    Ja to sem pa fotkal s hriba nad kampom. Ne vem kako se mu reče Ojstrca ali neki tazga. Greš na travniku pred kampom ob glavni cesti direkt v gozd v hrib. Je potka. Po 15 minut se razcepi pot na dva vrha. To je z bližnjega vrha, direkt nad kampom. lp
  • Nadine Bonjean

    Thank you Kristina for your comment!

  • martina mckeag

    Thank you Kristina glad you liked my girls I do hope Flora makes a full recovery

  • Charlotte Beeney

    He's got colitis and an infection in his bowel, so he's not a happy boy at the moment :( all he does at the moment is sleep all day, which is not normal in a 7 month old Setter pup! 

    Vet has given him some tablets and an injection, and prescribed a bland diet so we'll see how it goes.

  • Teresa

    Thank you very much Kristina!

  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Kristina

    Unfortunately I know all too well bloat, so my heart goes out to you and her....had it many many times with my first three fact so much so I lost all my lines through I am so pleased to see she is on the road to old is she???? has she ever had it before???

    it is so unfortunate that they just shave off all the coat...but....loosing the coat or loosing the dog.... give me the dog every time...all our love to her for a good recovery..Dee and the kids..

  • Carmel Murphy

    Best Wishes to you and Flora in 2012 also! Milo looks and feels great now;o) Flora will be like new again;o)