ken kennedy




Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
About Me:
start showing irish setter 15 year ago , its taken me this long to get a good one glennara coer de lion jw cw2010

Comment Wall:

  • Angela Roberts

    Welcome Ken. I saw your young dog when he was over here being shown. Well done on gaining his JW and wish you well with him in the future.
  • Angela Roberts

    Well done on gettiing the Green Star at St Patricks day show. That's right Martin had a bitch from me nearly 10 years ago and I have heard bred a lovely bitch from her although I have never seen her. I hope he makes her up into an Irish Show champion soon. The combination should be good as I used a son of Concept on the same lines and have got a very nice bitch from it but unfortunately she had an accident at the end of last year and fractured her pelvis and although she is doing very well I'm not sure if she will ever go back in the ring. Show wise I am not doing much at the moment as I have two bitches very out of coat and puppies 12 weeks old but will be busy when the puppies are old enough to show and the other two grow their coats. I would very much like to get over to see Martin's puppies when the time comes.
  • Carmel Murphy

    Hello Ken!! Well done again with your win on St.Patrick's Day!! I'm sure I will see you Saturday for the Easter Show?? I hope the weather stays dry!!!
  • Gillian Sterritt

    Welcome to the site. Congratulations on your 1st Green Star on St Patricks Day, the 1st one is very special! See you Saturday.
  • Karen McKelvey

    Welcome to the site. Congrats on your 1st Green star hope its the first of many
  • Sue Randle

    mmm probably but not made up my mind on what flavour yet :-)
  • Carmel Murphy

    Well done again on your great results on the weekend!!! 2 Green Stars, a C.A.C.I.B. and a B.O.B. in two days!! You must be so thrilled!!;o)
  • Ossian

    ah so it is that Ken Kennedy. Well done at the weekend!
  • Ann Miller

    Hello Ken,
    Thankyou for your welcome. It's great to see how well you are doing now after all your perseverence. Congrats on your successes so far and good wishes for many more to come.
  • Gillian Sterritt

    Well done another fab saturday for you!!!!
  • Karen McKelvey

    well done on Saturday
  • Gillian Sterritt

    Many Congratulations on making up your 1st Irish Show Champion!
  • Carmel Murphy

    Congratulations on your new Show Champion;o))
  • Karen McKelvey

    Ken many congratulations on your new Irish Show Champion!!!!! He's looking great well deserved.
  • Carmel Murphy

    Well done on your two Group wins over the weekend!! I hope Ben is better now!!
  • Nadine Bonjean

    Thank you for your invitation...
  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.

    Hi Ken,

    I'm very pleased you asked me to be in your contacts. Your dogs are really beautiful.

    Have a nice day !

    Happy new Year.




    Hi Ken, I hope you have a super birthday. xxx
  • Michelle Walsh

    ~~HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEN~~  Have a great day !! :)
  • martin falsey

    hi ken congratulations on bens win and going on to 4th best in show so well done
  • Michelle Walsh

    Hi Ken ! Many congrats again to you & Ben on all your wins and final placing :) Great result !
  • john murphy

    ken thanks fpr friens have some great looking dogs..look forward to seeing more photos...john

  • martina mckeag

    Hi Ken thank you for the friends request your dog is so beautiful then i whould say that

    as my Sophie is one of his she is a great we girl

    all the best Martina

  • martina mckeag

    Hi Ken Congratulations on another great win
  • Elín Gestsdóttir

    Congratulations from Iceland to you and Diane - we have Gwendariff Rock Krystal (Lína) a litter sister to Gwendariff Rock Diva (Sunshine).
  • martina mckeag

    congratulations Ken on another great win
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Joining everyone here to send you our warmest congratulations Ken!!!! very well done, fantastic victory!!!!
  • Karen McKelvey

    Happy Birthday Ken have a great day

  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    A very Happy Birthday Ken!!!!  Have a great celebration with family and all your wonderful Reds  :-)

  • martina mckeag

    Happy Birthday Ken hope you have a great day

  • Nenad Mocorka-Red Irish Dream

    Happy Birthday Ken !!!