Susan Mogony




Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
3 Our sweetest Dutch en German champion Lancelot van de Grasbroekerhof "Darcy" (27 march 2008 from Enjoy and Fairy-Tale vd Grasbroekerhof) and Marvellous Red van de Grasbroekerhof "Bingley" (10 februari 2009 Enjoy vd Grasbroekerhof and Fairhaven Engla) and our little lady German youth champion Passion van de Grasbroekerhof "Jane" (20 april 2010 Dubliner Tiger Woods & Glamour Girl van de Grasbroekerhof)......and lastbut not least our Black and Tan teckel "Dashwood" Rascal's Home Go Hear-Hear (2 maart 2010)
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
25 years, since 1984. it started with my parents. They become a irish setter without pedigree. He was only 3,5 years when he died of a bad heartcondition. We then thought we should go to a breeder with healthy dogs....and we got Nagy Nemes of the Hunters Home from Piet and Marga Roks and then it all started....
About Me:
A several irish setters before:
- Nagy Nemes of the Hunters Home (1987-1995 Sir Aegir vd Maarnse Meent x Companion Charming Girl)
- Ambitious Abony of the Hunters Home (1990 -2005 SuperStar of the Hunters Home x Love is in the Air of the Hunters Home)
- Grandeur Gable of the Hunters Home (1992 -2008 Newgay If x Starlight of the Hunters Home)
- Shandwick Gloredhel (1993 - 2006 Bardonhill Team Spirit at Wynjill x Shandwick Golden Girl)
- Endless Evita v/h Adelaarsvaren (1996 -2010) Tarodene Thaddeus x Wickenberry Dutch Gold)

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  • Astrid Landsaat

    Hallo Susan,

    heb het morgen nogal druk dus voor ik het vergeet;

    Alvast van harte gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag!

  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Oh Happy Days, Susan! Wishing you a Wonderful Birthday - hope all your dreams come true.

    M XXX

  • Marta Magi

    Wishing you a happy doggy birthday ! :-)

    Wish you a very happy day with all your dogs..!
  • Nadine Bonjean

    Happy birthday Susan!
  • Linda Holgersson

    Hello Susan!

    Thank you for your nice comment about my boy Rooney. It s correct, he is brother to Lilu (F. Engla).

    Best regards


  • Anne Bouman

    Hoi Susan,


    bedankt voor je felicitaties. Me dag was heerlijk!


    x Anne

  • Barbara

    Hi Susan! Thank you for your Birthday wishes! Sorry, I have missed yours - so belated happy Birthday, Susan! All the best. Barbara
  • Charlotte Godart - Riverwood

    Hi Susan,

    Big congratulations Susan for yesterday :-)

    Darcy looks very nice . . . let's go boy, you can do it ! ! !


  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Susan

    Thank you so much for the contact names. I have sent both of them emails and the BBC to see if they could get in contact with the person that bought my puppy, They are still to contact me. I can't get through on their phone number...I am at my wits end as to what is going to happen...Thanks again Dee and the gang

  • Nadine Bonjean

    Hello Susan,

     Gelukwensen voor de resultaat Met Lancelot op Groningen!

  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.

    Hello Susan,

    You have a nice page and a wonderful website, but it's not in English ? Will you make one in English sometimes, unfortunately I do not understand Dutch.

    Have a nice day.




  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Susan

    Thank you for your comment, I was only trying to find out if she was OK, perhaps the owner didn't think that she was rood to me. I would like to think that was the way she was thinking...I do hope that Tally will be OK, and that she will be returned to the UK as soon as be reunited with her family...and that the war over there will stop

    Thanks again Dee and the gang

  • Laura Kolbach

    thanks Susan, all good here! working a lot but always paying attention to have enough time for the girls!
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Hi Susan! Everything is just fine over here! Will I see you at Crufts? I going but just for one day. Will be great anyway. Take care!
  • Nadine Bonjean

    Congratulations Susan for Lancelot at leiden!
  • Nadine Bonjean

    Thank you very much, Susan!
  • Michelle Walsh

    On behalf of Lego...Thanks very much :)
  • Dee Rance

    Don't worry Susan, Jasmine has a birthday every she is happy to have cuddles and x's every day of her life....but thanks very much for the birthday greatings...
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Many thanks for your b-day wishes Susan... :-)
  • Marjolein Bogaard

    Fijne Paasdagen!

  • Cynthia Cluck

    Hello Susan

    My name is Cindy and I have Lancelot's brother - Lucky Boy here in America. We call him Berkeley after Berkeley, California.  Great to connect with you.- Cindy

  • Dee Rance

    Thank you for the lovely comment on Fin's win. I am so very proud of him....Dee and the gang
  • Cynthia Cluck

    Great to hear from you Susan. It is exciting to be connected with members of Lucky Boy (Berkeley's) family! I hope to visit Bertina in 2 weeks. I wish I could bring my dog with me <smile>.

    Your new friends - Cindy & Berekely

  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Thanks Susan! Hope you have a lovely summer with your doggies!
  • Marjolein Bogaard

    Hoi Susan, fijn om te lezen dat de heupen van Jane top zijn, helemaal goed! Hoop je snel weer een keer te zien! Groetjes van Marjolein
  • Susan Stone

    Hi Susan

    Many thanks for your comment! I enjoyed meeting you at our show, it was great to have you there.

    all the best


  • Peter Hennig

    Hi Susan it's a pleasure to be your ES friend
  • Michelle Walsh

    Hi Susan ! on behalf of Theoden...thanks very much for the birthday wishes :)
  • Benny and Pia Hansen



    Thanks  for the friend request! You have beautiful dogs!!

  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Hello Susan,

    Many thanks for your birthday wishes. It was a super day all round. One year older though, so that hurts a bit!!!!

  • Charlotte Godart - Riverwood

    Thank a lot Susan :-)
  • Irina Isaenko

    Hi Susan,

    We back home)) Paris was wonderful, but Dog Show... I have no words)))

    My dogs is OK, they are happy to be at home. I think that we spent last summer in our country house. I will write about our result later ;-)

    Hugs, Irina

  • Cheryl Gorey

    Thanks Susan for your congrats on Clancy's blog.  Hope all is well for your and your redheads.  cheers, Cheryl
  • Peter Hennig

    hi Susan we wont shoot the fox but I can't say he will be safe if he goes into the neighboring farms
  • Peter Hennig

    thankyou Susan for your comment he is a lovely boy very quiet and patient you can see his ears on some of my other photos
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Susan, thanks for your comments on Clancy's title blog.  Hope all is well for you and your redheads!  cheers, Cheryl
  • Susan Stone

    Hi Susan

    Many thanks for your comment, you are right: seeing the dogs work as is in their instinct is the best of all. And if it is your own dog... even better:-))

    kind regards


  • Peter Hennig

    Hi Susan thanks for your comment , this mother is about 1.2m tall and quite dark there are some males around with her that are light grey in color and a bit taller. There is a road near by our place that we travel on and at times there are dozens of them, makes driving very slow as they tend to rush across the road, there are some big reds among them about 1.5 to 1.8m tall very impressive creatures on the move
  • Cornelia

    Thank you Susan! Joy really 'liked' Reindeer!! I could nearly not hold her anymore!! Later on one camping, there was a tipi and Joy pulled me towards it - when I had a look in, the floor was covered with Reindeer fur!! Have a nice weekend, Cornelia
  • Nadine Bonjean

    Thank you Susan!
  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.


    Thank you for your comment ! You have also beautiful dogs.

  • Finding_Beau

    Dear Susan

    Thank you for your kind comment about the photo of my English Setter boys, Hobson and Hammer. Even though I try to brighten him up, when we go for walks now, Hobson has his head lowered to his knees whereas before when Hammer was beside him, Hobson would stride out proudly with his head held high. He really misses his brother, Hammer so much. We all do.

    Best wishes to you and your beautiful Setters

  • Nadine Bonjean

    Congratulations for Lancelot!

  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Hi Susan, thanks for your nice words for Kruszynka. We all miss her very much

  • Susan Stone

    Thank you for your kind comment, Susan. Don't we just love spoiling our dogs? I am sure yours will get well and truly spoilt this year:-) Congratulations!!!


  • Dee Rance

    Thank you for that...and the same to you....;o)

  • Barbara

    Hi Susan! Merry Christmas and a healthy New Year 2012 to you and yours. Barbara

  • Barbara

    Happy Birthday Susan!

  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Happy Birthday Susan!!! have a lot of fun with all your family and 4 legged friends