Elaine Joan Wall



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?

Comment Wall:

  • Laura Kolbach

    Welcome to the site, Elaine and enjoy the discussions and photos!
    greetings from Hungary,
    Laura & the girls
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Cheers from Down Under, Elaine. Welcome and Enjoy!
  • Kasia Czapla

    Dear Elaine, I am really sorry to hear about Charlie and glad my video could bring him back at least for a while in memories.
    Hope you enjoy this website and if you would like to see some more photos of Charlie you can visit my website with many show photos. All the best, Kasia
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Welcome to the site from 'sunny' Scotland. I wish....hope you enjoy it I am sure you will
    Dee and the girls
  • Chris Sheldon

    Hello Elaine,great to see you have joined the site.Hope you are keeping OK despite the snow. The dogs like it, even Rosy my 11 year old keeps going out to eat some of it!!! The others just like to play in it. See you soon no doubt
    Best wishes Chris
  • Kristina Brannlund Westin

    Welcome to this lovely site!
    Hope you will enjoy it.

    Greetings from Sweden!
  • Chris Sheldon

    Dear Elaine & George, I am so sorry to hear about Charlie, he was a real gentleman. Its hard when we lose our four legged friends, especially the very special ones. I still think of my beautiful Lucy now ( Sh Ch Delsanto Cassandra) & I lost her in 1992, I can't belive where the time has gone but time is the only thing that helps to heal the pain & the other dogs help too. See you soon

  • Agnieszka Ozog

    Dear Elaine & George,
    Great to see you on this site, hope you like it!
    Kisses for Jaycee and Lucas

    Aga & Amber
  • Sandra Mather

    Hi Elaine, see you found the site I did keep meaning to tell you about it but it never cropped up at a moment when thinking about it. Glad you found it though.
    I was so sorry when you told me about Charlie time will help you get over his loss..Speak soon....
  • colette tuite

    Hello Elaine ,sorry to hear of your loss .He would have been a very special dog to you. I hope you have some of his progeny to carry on with. With my special dogs i take some comfort in knowing that part of them lives on through subsequent generations.
  • Agnieszka Ozog

    Well done Lucas!!!
    Elaine please add more pic :)))
    I hope to see you at CRUFTS!!!
  • Kirsty williamson

    Congratulations on your good day yesterday with Lucas, look forward to seeing the photos. Hope George behaved himself, mother is delighted for you also
  • angel

    thanks for the welcome i think Pat has had new arrivals. going to give her a ring soon and pop up with ruby to say hello and ask about breeding.
  • Kirsty williamson

    Pleased you are having fun on the site, we are hoping to come to crufts as spectators so look forward to seeing you mum is looking forward to NOT having to be on bench duty with the dogs for a change, she had better behave herself.
  • Kirsty williamson

    Hi elaine,
    Nice photos of your boy at crufts well done on your place, are you going to the ISBC on Sat?
  • Sandra Mather

    hi there, Ashley as come home id have told you on thurs but as you didnt come class i couldnt. Anyhow hes got a aussie tan and doesnt look very english at the moment.I went the talk yesterday with Patsy Hollings.I was well attended..
  • Kirsty williamson

    hi Elaine,
    hope you got home safe , colins photo from up the ladder is on his site , what a pity yours didn't quite come off.
  • Kirsty williamson

    Yes you are in the photo with camera in hand just about to photograph Colin up the ladder.
  • Sandra Mather

    Hi Elaine theres a class this week but due to easter and the club got it booked so we didnt have one last week.Cory not to good still.Think i mensioned he had his glands emptied and a infection has set in. So hes under the weather.Shadow had his birthday and ive put some pics on.
  • sue morgan

    Hi Elaine, hope you enjoyed your judging last week...............Sue Morgan
  • sue morgan

    Glad you enjoyed it, dont think you will be ostr........ I cant spell hope georges pics were good and helped you with critique.Sue
  • Sandra Mather

    Hi , im not at stafford this week. we have a class thurs if youre free.My cold is just starting to wain thank goodness. Got a meeting tonight agm so were in for a boring night.
  • Sandra Mather

    hi elaine, little Willow has finally come into season. hope you ok missed you at class.Keely in also ,so very wonderfull.
  • Sandra Mather

    well done for her. theres a break after this week for a couple so that will give you time to sort things out with her and those sleepless nights.We all send her a kiss and cuddle.xx
  • sue morgan

    LABRADORS????????......HA HA.....All girls by any chance, how is mum bet you and George are looking forward to sleep less nights and shovelling,, give her a big hug from me and enjoy the little darlings
  • sue morgan

    Hi Elaine, yes you love your boys, give them all a big hug from me,as long as they are healthy and happy and mum is content, it doesnt matter, I have had a lady on the phone to-day wanting a dog I have passed your tel no.. onto her she is from Blackpool, I m doing o.k. thanks hobbling well, but dont think I be back in the ring for a while yet, never mind , I just keep waiting for this heat wave, enjoy the babes.Sue
  • sue morgan

    Hi Elaine, no neither, I m not that dozy!!!!!!! I have had surgery on my foot at the beginning of May, but partly mobile now hobbling round house and garden quite well only use 1 crutch now when I go out in case of un even surfaces or lots of people , but obviously cant drive as yet.I will get there.Sue
  • Sandra Mather

    HiElaine , hows the new arrivals.Are they growing well.
    I thought id let you know ive had Erins lumps removed i didnt want them to turn and shorten her life.They were so uncomfortable.They were not mamary ones thank goodness.
  • Kirsty williamson

    hi elaine,
    hope you are both well!! how are the babies doing?
  • sue morgan

    Hi Elaine how are the babes, I suppose you ar busy shovelling the proverbial now.Did the lady from Blackpool contact you....Sue
  • sue morgan

    Glad you both being kept busy,I dont know why people ring and ask then dont follow it up...never mind they dont know what they missing.......
    I dont think I be going any where for a while,,still hobbling cant get a full shoe on and only just started driving but the round trip of 5 miles to asda is enough then it gets a bit painful and swollen....love to all .Sue
  • Sue Wicks

    Hi Elaine ! Nice to see you too yesterday ! Don't remember playing with a puppy though ?? Take care - and see you soon , are you going to Bournemouth ?
  • Jennifer Martin

    Hi Elaine, Just thought I'd let you know that Rio is doing very well, he is growing into a super chap and everyone who meets him remarks on his temperament. Hope to leave you more updates in the future.
  • Jennifer Martin

    Hi Elaine, Another update! - Rio is fit, well and happy, enjoying life and a typical adolescent. He is very attentive and follows me 'Everywhere!', which is no bad thing - but 5 minutes alone in the bathroom would be nice!. We have no problems with him apart from him still not travelling very well, we are attempting to get him over this by taking him out for a car trip with a walk most days - almost got him up to three miles now before he starts salivating and being sick!. He very rarely barks apart from when he is playing in the field, he loves 'digging' - I fear for my garden! but I know I will win that one. Don't think there's a day goes by that he doesn't put a smile on my face with his antics, he is quite comical but like most setters is not impressed by being laughed at!. He is a handsome young chap and as I've said before has a great temperament, it's a joy to watch his reaction to every new experience, - he really enjoyed snow!. He's a bit of a devil for standing up on his back legs to look over the field wall but find the command 'off'' gets him back on four leg's, as there are sheep all around I would never let him out in the field alone, not sure if he could resist temptation!. We have great fun together and are now going out to play!.
  • Jennifer Martin

    Hi Elaine, Rio is enjoying life as usual, for the most part he is a delight but like all setter's - has his moments!. He's easily distracted if there are people and dog's to investigate, he thinks everyone's his friend, there's not many people who walk past and ignore him!.
    He was in his element today when a group of young Asian children wanted to know all about him and pet him, he was the first IS they had seen and for some the first dog they had ever touched!. At 'Devil's Bridge' Kirkby Lonsdale he stood on his back leg's with his front paws on the parapet watching a dog in the river, people walked past smiling, stopped to talk to him and even take his picture! - he's such a poser!
    It's such a relief that he's well over his car sickness and now almost a 'joy rider!' enjoying his trip's out.
    Quite an experience last week in the wood where I let him run loose, he was squealing and screaming, I thought he must have been badly injured - what a noise he was making but it was all because he was chasing a Deer! - he didn't know what it was but he knew he wanted it!.
    Anyway we have no problems or worries just one very happy dog, he certainly keeps me busy and amused, will have to take some more photos of him but guess he looks very much like his sibling's.
    At the moment both he and Roy are having a siesta on the sofa - guess it's a dog's life!.
  • Kirsty williamson

    hi Elaine ,
    many congratulations on your RCC with Lucas today at SKC we are delighted for you. i have had yet another op on my knee and am struggling to walk at the moment which is why we didn't come. see you soon.
  • Jennifer Martin

    Hi Elaine, Thanks for getting back to me, I have wormed Rio once before with Drontal but this time he had such a bad reaction to it I was quite worried, anyway I posted on here and got a lot of replies from people who's dog's have had similar reactions. Like you said we will try something else next time and fingers crossed he can stomach it. Anyway that's the only problem I have had with him so thought it best to check it with you. He is a happy chap and we are very pleased with him, Yesterday evening we met a a lady who was so taken with him she wanted to take him home and she's not the first!. .Must say it's a bit hot for him at the moment he is wandering around and in and out of the garden as he pleases, he was laying asleep under a damp towel earlier to keep him cool - but he's up to something he has a glint in his eye and something in his mouth and is trotting around looking very pleased with himself trying to get our attention!. Will be going out for a walk when it gets a bit cooler. Take care, lovely to hear from you.
  • Sandra Mather

    Hi Elaine. The pups are coming along well. But unforuatley ill not be able to keep one. Ill miss not having one. Willow is enjoying being amum .Ive been very tired with them. Must be our age..I got bit yesterday and im suffering with a swollen arm. i ended up at the docs .I have a very bad reaction to the bite..Ive got a few homes sorted and im getting quite a few inquiries..
  • Kirsty williamson

    Hip hip hooray for Lucas! well done team Hazelbeck, hope the pups are well, see you soon,
    PS mum has had some bad news... she needs a hip replacement, I say go for it she might be able to run round the ring with a dog then!!!!!
    see you soon
    Kirsty & mother
  • Carole Bailey

    Hi Elaine
    Well done on the RCC's you have recently won. You know I am a fan so was really pleased for you. Thank you so much for the card and Kind comments when Monello died. I am suffering from CFS so won't be in the ring until October with my new pup. A Monello Grandson. Good Luck Carole xxx
  • Kirsty williamson

    Many many congratulations on your fab result today, we are so pleased for you and George. Hope the pups are ok too.
    Best wishes
    kirsty and mother!
  • sue morgan

    Hi Elaine,George and *SIR LUCAS*....very pleased for you ............WELL DONE , CONGRATULATIONS....Sue and The Red Ones
  • Jennifer Martin

    Hi Elaine, It's hard to believe that Rio has been with us for a year, he is almost past the juvenile delinquent stage but still likes to indulge in the occasional act of toilet roll stealing!.
    He is much admired and attracts attention wherever he goes and everyone comments on his superb temperament,
    He is such a happy chap, it is a joy to have him living with us.
  • margaret benjafield

    Dear Elaine and George,Hope all is well.Our boys are doing very well.Getting bigger and bigger every day..Will get Bill to send some photos to ye.They love their walks and are very good toilet wise.
  • margaret benjafield

    Hi Elaine and George,sorry for not getting back to ye sooner.We are getting on well with the boys. Still eating everything in sight. Tomo loves stones, twigs ect.We will send ye photographs we will get Will to show us how to do it.
  • Jennifer Martin

    Hi Elaine, will try to get some photo's to you but not sure when!, Had a terrible shock this summer and having a bit of a time of it - Roy is undergoing chemotherapy for inoperable lung cancer (asbestos related) it really knocks him off his feet and he is just coming out of his chemo blip, next session on the 24th but at least it is doing some good and has shrunk it considerably so we are going in the right direction and hoping for remission.
    Rio is a darling and takes my mind off things and keeps me busy, he is intelligent and learns things very quickly - like going into the walk-in shower in the utility and waiting to have his muddy feet washed off, even lifts his paws up for me :) . He's just had a good romp running around a 100 acre field that belongs to a neighbour he can get around it a lot faster than I can, I only have to call 'Car' or 'Gate' and he is straight back!. It took a little while to get him over the travel sick puppy but is now quite the 'boy racer' and bounds into the back of the car with enthusiasm!.
    He still has his moments just couldn't resist stealing a pen to get my attention this morning, there's still the odd toilet roll but they are put out of reach these days!.
    Hope you are 'all' keeping fit and well - Bye for now almost time for another walk!
  • nicola manduca

    yes, i will be there, and i will be happy to see you .