Wim Dokter




Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
I lost my first Irish setter at the age off 2 years.Unfortunite Fergus is now longer around! He was off the kennel vom Kapellenpfad Germany and was all ready the best in Holland. He won the Rembrand Kersten award in 2011 for best youngster. Since today we have Morris. Also a boy. The future is his?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
Since 10 years. After worked about ten years whit a Weimaraner.
About Me:
Enjoy working with the dog! Hope to see ass many setters at the coming field trails?

The pleasure off seeing your Irish setter doing that what he's suppose to do is great.
Why are you applying for membership?
A. I am a human wanting to contribute to the community

Comment Wall:

  • Sandra Zivanovic

    Welcome to the great family.
    Regards from Serbia
    Sandra Zivanovic
  • Susan Stone

    Hi Wim
    You are quite right, I have been very lucky to be able to train my dogs in wonderful areas and with very knowledgable people. I see your Irish is from Thomas Anheuser, another extremely knowledgable person! I am sure you have a great time working with your dogs. Looking forward to seeing more of your photos.
    best regards
  • martin falsey

    hi wim i hope that you will enjoy ex setters and good luck with your dogs in the field
  • Marjolein Bogaard

    Dank je wel Wim! Ik ben er ook erg blij mee! Groetjes van Marjolein
  • Michael M.

    Right Wim, we met last year in france at the semaine irlandais.

    Are you this year in march there again? ( with Fergus ) Michael

  • Michael M.

    Hi Wim, I was also in training at the end of february.
    I will go with our setter until next year after sarry ( France ).
    I will make training and perhaps in the summer and autumn make an test here in france.
    Besides i will hunt with my weimaraner and setter. Michael
  • Astrid Landsaat

    Weet ik! Heb je die uitzending op omroep Flevoland ook gezien?

    Ik heb dat boek van Rembrandt Kersten gelezen en ben daar behoorlijk enthousiast over!

  • Michael M.

    Hi Wim,

    are you comming with Fergus to the party irlandais to France ?

    I train at the moment there to starts with Fin & Lucy.

    Watch to the website RED CLUB FRANCE for more information.

    Greedings Michael

  • Susan Stone

    Thanks for your comment, Wim. Seeing the setters work in this kind of landscape and seeing them range the hills & grouse moors of Scotland is truly wonderful. Nothing quite compares...

    all the best


  • Catherine Pil

    Thanks Wim, nice to hear that you enjoyed your day in the field with Fergus. It was really nice to see him in action. Keep on working with him and hopefully a next time we can get a qualification. Keep an eye on our club's website for our training days next year.

    Grtz Catherine Pil

  • Moons Johan

    Hello Wim,

    Nice to meet you past saturday on the fieldtrial.

    greetings, Johan

  • Wim Dokter

    Ik zal er zeker volgend jaar weer bij zijn!!!


    Het is mij zeer goed bevallen!

  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Happy Birthday Wim!!! have a great celebration, a field trial party?

  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Thanks for the invite Wim, and happy to become your new ES friend!!!  Plenty of cuddles to your Irish and Weimaraner  :-)

  • Astrid Landsaat

    Wim, van harte gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag!