Chantal McIlveen-Wright


Coleraine, Northern Ireland

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
Two again. Darwin (17/10/2004) and Mac (born 1/6/11).
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
Since 1996
About Me:
My love story with Irish setters started in 1996 with the most wonderful IS ever - MC, a field trial with Monroad ancestors. I was so lucky to have this very special and clever boy!!! Unfortunately, I lost him in May 2010, a couple of days short before his 14th birthday.
In between, in January 2005 came very handsome Darwin, the sweetest nature possible, Irish born with Thendara gd-parents. Recently we had a new addition to the family, Mac (the holy terror), born the 1/6/2011 from Sumaric Mr. Jingles and Thendara Vanilla Ice.

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  • Barbara

    Belated Happy Birthday Chantal!

  • Heike Sporleder

    Thanks very much for the birthday wishes. The Wether was not so good, but I take nevertheless a long walk with my boys and have a nice day.

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Chantal, Happy belated birthday hope you had a great day, (",)

  • Marzenna Barczentewicz-Kus

    Thank you very much for your kind words.

  • Susanne Legneskog

    Thanks you, nice to be your friend as well.

    We all has so much fun with our fourlegs friends and have this in comment with so many around the world, I like that.


  • Jim Hunger

    Thanks so much, Chantal. looking back at our string, I should tell you that we still have Donder, and he's such a wonderful not-so-little guy. He's very loving, loves to burrow his head in the pillow next to us in the morning and cuddle at night. He definitely feels he is a little prince.

    Hope all is well with you!

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Chantal, Finlay seems to be doing well, vet really pleased with him at the moment, we have everything crossed he stays that way for a long time, i'll give him lots of cuddles (",)

  • Karen B

    thank you so much for the warm welcome, Chantal. I look forward to chatting with everyone.

  • Kate R

    It's my pleasure Chantal ! My puppy still in her mother's belly ;)

  • Marzenna Barczentewicz-Kus

    Thank you. Nicely to read such words.

  • Kate R

  • Cornelia

    Thanks, Chantal! I could not spoil her at all; I had to go to work... - although in the morning we went out on the training ground for a nice hour of play! All the best, C & J xxx

  • Kerri Ward

    thanks Chantal


  • Astrid Landsaat

    Chantal, thank you for your comment on my photo's. Yes they have a lovely time together! How are Darwin an wee little Mac doing?

    Best wishes, Astrid.

  • Astrid Landsaat

    Hi Chantal, they are welcome in my garden. I could use some gardeners, the weeds are taking over my garden like every year! ;-)

  • Joke Patist

    It's a old off them died 2 month's ago.Greatings Joke

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Chantal, how are things over in Northern Ireland, are your boys behaving them selves, Finlay and I are fed up getting soaked at every walk the rain here has not stopped for days,caint wait to see the sun (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Just seen the new photos of your boys they love the water dont they (",)

  • Dr. Batta Ildikó&Zambelly György

    Thanks for The birthday wishes! Yes, Peggy likes cakes and everything else..,- she'll have puppies in the end of May :-))
  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Chantal, you rearlly are getting the nice weather it's rained here nearly every day for about 2weeks, think i'd better learn to swim, no Finlay doesn't swim he's never been in water to try, there is a resivoir near that we used to walk around it's Finlay's favorite place to go but it's all fenced off, we dont go down much now as it's quite a walk vet doesn't want him walking to far but i phone someone i've met walking our dogs he brings his car so Finlay can have lift home must admit Finlay and i miss the long walks, but at least he's keeping well sometimes i forget he's ill, were still keeping fingers crossed, hugs to your boys from us (",)

  • Richard Kitson

    Thank you Chantal. He is very cute and the rest of the family will all give him a hug for you, although they don't need any excuses at the moment as they are queuing up to do so.

  • Jan Kooy

    Hi Chantal, 

    Thank you for your welcome last week.

    I can't believe something like this exists, and can't wait to have a look around and eventually get some photos up when I work I what to do etc! It surely is an exciting site.


  • Andrew Morris

    Hi Chantal,

    You must forgive the lack of communication but blogging is a bit of an alien concept to us. Ozz has been the most amazing addition to our family. When we got him we never could have imagined how much he would change our family. We saved him but he really saved us. He has become a constant companion to Damon who is 17 now and sitting NCEA level 3. He has a stressful time with school and juggling everything so he and Ozz are always out walking together. He follows Niamh around and uses her like a squeaky toy. They are always playing together and he waits at the top of the stairs for her to come home each day. What I didn't realise was that he would be like having a two year old in the house again. After surviving two toddlers I would have to say he's the most 'helpful' I've ever had. Whatever you do his head is in the middle of it. If you look in the cupboard he sticks his head through your legs to see whats happening. He has to help carry the shopping up the stairs for you which usually means the bags you are carrying become twice as heavy. And as for thinking he is a lap dog I'm sure he was a Chahuahua in his last life because he cannot understand the exclamations of surprise when he pops up on someones knee. Fancy that. All in all we are loving every minute of him. We hope you and your family are well and we will do better to keep in touch. take care.

  • Marzenna Barczentewicz-Kus

     Thank you for  wishes.I am pleased.

  • Andy fox

    Hi Chantal ,we had bracken for 15 years until 2009.Weve been putting it off but finally got a puppy ordered and it's ready in jjuly can't wait
  • Laszlo Toth

    Dear Chantal, thank you very much!

  • Anne D

    Thank you, I am sure I will enjoy the site, it looks very interesting.

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Morning Chantal, just to say hello from sunny Birmingham, makes a change from the rain, hope you and your boys are well, Ellen & Finlay (",)

  • Jim Hall

    Thank you Chantal!  We are indeed having a very special day today.

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Your right sun shinning makes all the differance, i couldn't leave front door open Finlay would be out and off, he's doing fine sometimes you forget he's not well, he's been lying in the sun he loves that he takes all his soft toys out and lies amongst them, it's like he thinks there his boys (",)

  • Agnieszka Rola

    Thank you Chantal :) yes it was a lovely day with all my three beloved boys! :)

  • kevin and jackie

    Hi Chantal

    Thanks for your comments on our boy, He is Harvancourt Harlem at Jacingail.


    Kevin and Jackie



  • kevin and jackie

    Sorry Chantal

    His name is Jackson, 3 years old tomorrow!!

  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.

    Hi Chantal,

    Thank you for your nice comments ! the photos of your setters are so nice and loverly. 

    Take care !


  • Ellen Turberfield

    Thanks Chantal, for your lovely comments on Finlays photos, he does love his soft toys and a strange squeeky toy of a candy cane, the balls are there somewhere and the basket has been chewed up, your right about the bed he sleeps on the bed and runs up the stairs to get on it befor me, think they all deserve to be spoiled, your boys always seem to have fun i've seen all the lovely photos of them on the beach, you have some lovely places by you, take care Ellen&Finlay

  • graham edwards

    Thank's for the comment. We thought it was a good picture but we are biased. It is our two year old grand daughter with a pup from the litter we got our setter girl from.



  • Jennifer E Bennett

    Thank you Chantal for the kind comment about Grace

  • Cornelia

    Thanks again for your very nice comment on my blog, Chantal! It was a very short (only 6 hours) stay in Venice this time but we too have been there before and have as a matter of fact seen most of it, so we could just enjoy it and breathe in the air there for a while. It was a lot of fun :-)). All the best, C & J xxx

  • Horst Bock

    Dear Chantal,

    thank you very much!

    All pictures are from Antje, I say Lina to her and she is my one and only.

  • Janette erskine

    Thank You Chantal. We're loving every moment of having her.  I wanted my little boy to have her as his childhood friend, she is great with him.  He gets a lot of pleasure from her and in turn she too gets great pleasure from him.  The energy that a 3 yr old buy and a juvenile setter have is very similar !!

  • Guy

    Think I need a racetrack first, not that Alice hasn't turned this garden into one! Still trying to find a way to upload photos and navigate this forum on an iPhone; my laptop's out of action at the moment...
  • Špela L.Sušnik - Rubinus Verus

     a little late, but anyway..thans for best wishes on my B-day, nice to hear you again:-)

    greetings from Slovenia

  • keller cathy

    Merci Chantal , j'ai passé une merveilleuse journée.

  • Tom Farrell

    Thank you for the birthday wishes Chantal!!  And Carly says hello to your beautiful Setters as well!!

  • Margaret Hough

    Yes i'm  the daughter Margaret,  thanks for the comments, all on behalf of my mum who has left me to pass them on.

    Mum and Dorothy will be at the Belfast Irish Champ Show 9th June.



  • Cheryl Gorey

    Thanks Chantal for the birthday wishes.  I did have a lovely day with the family!  cheers

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Thank Chantal, for your lovely comments on Finlays photos, i've been waiting for fur to grow back on his leg befor i got them done, hope all is well in Coleraine with you and the boys (",)

  • Dawne Morgan

    Thank you:). I have been out of the show scene for roughly 20 years now and now my daughter is all grown up I have time on my hands! Having fund catching up with old friends at the shows at the moment....a few of my "era" who have also taken a long break are also getting back into it on,y now we are the "newbies" which we find rather funny
  • Ewa Kochalska

    Thank you Chantal for your warm welcome. I am very pleased.

  • Ewa Kochalska

    I am happy and thank you, that you accepted my invitation.