Zdenka Badlikova




Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
one till 29/06/12, now two
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
since 2000 I am not sure...
About Me:
I am from Slovakia but at the moment living in Ireland and I going stay here longer. I had setter in Slovakia but then happen what happened and I leave country. After few years I got power start again with setters so I would like to enjoy people on Exclusively Setters.

Comment Wall:

  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Welcome to ES Zdenka!!! Let us see plenty of pictures of your Irish setter  :-)
  • Lada Navratil

    Ahoj Zdenko, mam podobny pribeh jako ty. V cr mam u rodicu 12.5 leteho Montyho, ktery mi moc chybi. Konecne po peti letech v Irsku jsem si poridila stene IS. Tentokrat fenku- Scarlet. Zdravime z Kilkenny

  • Zdenka Badlikova

    Ahoj to som rada ze si sa tak rozhodla lebo ja to vobec nelutujem. Proste ak uz si raz mala setra myslim ze ho uz budes mat vzdy.........

    Bruno je moj partak vsade a vzdy takze si to spolu riadne uzivame.......

    Aka je stara Scarlet? Bruno bude mat dva v Decembri.  Zdravime s Corku

  • Carmel Murphy

    Hello again Zdenka;o)) Good to see you here on ES ;o) Lovely seeing you at the Tralee Show!!
  • Danica Morarova

    Vitajte zrzavý írsko- slovenský tím=))
  • Lada Navratil

    Ahoj, Scarlet mela 18. augusta 3 mesice, uz ma deset kilo a vypadly ji uz 4 zuby. To je strasne jak nam roste pred ocima. A s tim setrem na vzdy mas pravdu, ja jsem ho chtela celou dobu, ale s manzelem jmse prochazeli na netu vsechny plemena, ale nakonec jsme stejne skoncili u setra. Proste zadny pes nebyl ten pravy pro mne. Mejte krasny vikend Lada a Scarlet
  • Carmel Murphy

    Happy Birthday;o))
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Happy Birthday Zdenka!!!  have a great celebration with your beautiful Red  :-)
  • john murphy

    happy birthday...have a wonderful day
  • Danica Morarova

    Happy B-DAY=)
  • Zdenka Badlikova

    thank you very much, we celebrated very nice together
  • Marzenna Barczentewicz-Kus

    Thank you for the nice words. Your dog looks happy.

  • David McIlveen Wright

    Zdenka, yes, all setters are wonderful, IMO. How is your new pup?