Marta Magi

43, Female


Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
since 1992
About Me:
I have been in love with the breed since I was 12.
Biggest love to me was my Benga / Berboss Hinghlander - first born son to the legendary Erinade Extinguished / Robin. After the loss of Benga (2001) I was mourning for him for 3 and a half yrs, without having any dog.
Joy came back in life by importing Sarah / Shandwick Obsession (ShCh Scotselaw Jackson At Lynwood JW ex Shandwick Reason To Believe) from the UK in 2005.
To make long planned dreams come true, we went back to England to get her mated to Louis / ShCh Caskeys Concept At Aoibheanne JW. From this litter I have kept a little girl, namely Burnie / Sangarah Conspiration.
This is the way my Sarah has become the foundation bith of SANGARAH Irish Setters - a story begins :-))
Also have kept the first choise of male puppies from this litter due to a booking cancelled, so that Sangarah Copyright / Bono - our gold boy brings colour in our lives. So special to have a gentle man around!
Can't forget about our little black mixture "Pici" who makes us laugh each day.
Planning for the future all the time ... actually rearing Burnie's litter of eleven puppies by the gorgeous Kerryfair Snow Fox JW. They take all my time, and I love it :-)
Be welcome on our renewed website for more about us - weekly updated nowadays.

Comment Wall:

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  • Vojna Medvedec

    I express my opinion sincerely when I like the dog and never say if I do not.Objections have to be said in ring only with the possible explanation!
    I find the different behaviour is the bad sportsmanship or bad behaviour to other people!
    Have a nice time with your complete gang!
  • Zsuzsanna Leskó

    akkor azt hiszem majd a vasárnapi show-n találkozunk!! :) tervezem hogy kinézek kicsit.
    örülök hogy jól vagytok és gyűjtögetitek a sikereket szépen!
    mi is jól vagyunk KO-val bár kicsit messze egymástól, de arany élete van otthon, anyáék kényeztetik, ha meg hazamegyek övé a főszerep :)
    remélem sikerül eljutnom majd a show-ra és ott majd találkozunk!!
    addig is simi a kutyuknak!!
  • Petra Kasznár

    nagyon szépek a képek a kicsikről, tényleg. ilyen nyugodtak voltak vagy ezek csak véletlen pillanat képek?
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    What beautiful words you have left on my blog, Marta! Thankyou so very much!
    M XX :):)
  • Petra Kasznár

    Köszi a kommentet. És a te gyerekeid gyakorolhatják a kedvenc elfoglaltságukat? Készülsz már a tavaszi trialokra? Hóban nincs annyi bogáncs:)
  • Petra Kasznár

    ja, csak most olvasom, hogy nálatok nincs hó. figyi, nem volt benne sok örömünk, mert nagyon hamar megfagyott a teteje és inkább csak dörzsöli, vágja szét a kutya lábát, úgyhogy ne irigyeld!
  • Dušan Rauški

    Köszönöm szépen Marta,
    Yes, i am very pleased with Lady.
    Now only if she would stop biting so hard :)
  • Barbara

    Hi Marta! Thank you for your kind comments on my photos. Have sent the half snow to you :-) All the best. Barbara
  • Hana Bočková

    Hello Marta!
    Thank for your birthday greeting!
    I sent you an email circa one month back, did you get it? :)
  • Suzanne

    Hello Marta, Thank you for your comment on my photograph. Mai loves the beach she was looking out for seagulls to chase!

  • Susan Mogony

    Thanks Marta!! We are very happy with your comment. Big hug from Darcy en me!

  • Lois McCullough


    Thank you for your comment about Hamilton (Caskeys Connemara brother to Concept, Checkmate) he has a lovely head in keeping with his breedline and the most amazing 'goo,goo' eyes a very spoilt boy never shown unlike his well-known brothers. Toys, he loves his toys they get taken to the office each day!! What breedline are your Irish? Best wishes Lois

  • Carmen Lorenzi

    Hi Marta

    Thanks for your lovely comments!

    It's great to see Chiara and the dogs! It's a big love between them:-))

    Best wishes from cooold Switzerland


  • Lorraine Martin

    Welcome friend - i look forward to much setter talk.

    Best wishes


  • Susan Stone

    Thanks for your comment, Marta! We certainly had a super holiday and were lucky to get some really nice doggy photos. Don't worry, there were enough scrap photos too... I just have to take loads!

    Have a Merry Christmas!


  • Theresa

    Hey !

    Your Pics atr trally cool and I also know one of your dogs , Sangarah Crackerjack who lives with The Red Rising Suns in Bavaria. Cracker is such an awesome dog, we all love his face . He's so lovely. ;) Our Lilly loves to play with him when we're with them. :)

    Greets x)

  • Marta Galuszka

    Hello Marta,

    Thank you for your nice comment on Charlie:)

    Hugs to you all,


  • Marjolein Bogaard

    Thank you marta! I am also very happy with the result! I love Bruno and Scarlet's puppies, they are all beauties! Hope to meet you again soon! Love, Marjolein
  • Ewa Wojcik

    Thank you very much Marta for your wishes :)
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Thankyou Marta, for your lovely comment. With support and encouragement from you all, how can it possibly fail?

    M XXX

  • Ana Gaspar Kozelj

    Thank you Marta on your birthday wishes!
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Marta, thank you so much for the comments on my pictures, the reason I haven't had any posted lately is because I didn't have a camera, so one new camera and a few experimental pictures, especially the close up ones. But thanks again, will you be at Crufts????
  • Susan Mogony

    thx marta!! with your lovley dogs!
  • Dee Rance

    Thanks for that Marta.

    I do hope that you get to Crufts, I won't be at Midlands so if you don't get to Crufts I won't be able to meet you...shame, well some would say you had a close 'shave' ha ha

    As for the camera, hm 'could do better' was always said on my School reports....:o))

  • Theresa

    Thanks for the lovely comment ! We're so pleased to have him here . Our trip to Sweden was perfect and hes a really cool one. ;)

    Greets from Germany !

    Theresa , Lilly and Captain Jack

  • Susan Mogony

    Thanks Marta! Darcy and I will do our best. How is everything over there?
  • Rebecca Goutorbe

    Thank You

  • Danica Morarova

    Thank you Marta=)Köszönöm=))
  • Laura Kolbach

    köszi Márti! neked is sok sikert, majd a legújabbakkal :))
  • Marjolein Bogaard

    Thank you Marta for the nice comment on Jim! I hope that you and your dogs are well!

    Best regards from Holland!

  • Cornelia

    Thank you, Marta! Yes they will be beautiful memories - there is now the possibility to do your own photo book and the service is not that expensive; maybe I should put the whole tour in such a book by the end:-)). Have a nice time, Cornelia
  • Agnieszka Rola

    Thank you :) oh yes I was spoild by my boys very very much :)

    hugs from us all!

  • Tania ..danwish-irishsetters

    Thank you ... You must be very excited about your forth coming litter ? I plan to come to Hungary soon maybe see you at some shows .
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Hi Marta! Just realised that you and Burnie are having puppies soon. I want to wish you both the best of luck and that the delievery goes well. Looking forward to see the little ones! Take care! Love Jenny
  • Marjolein Bogaard

    Szía Marta! Hogy vagy? Tibi told me that the puppies are born, GREAT! Congratulations and hope to see the first pictures very soon!

    Big hug for Burnie!! marjolein and the redheads

  • Marjolein Bogaard

    Beautiful puppies Marta! Wish you all the best!!
  • Ewa Wojcik

    Thanks Marta:)
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Hello Marta,

    Thankyou so much for your lovely birthday wishes. Super day all round, even warm and sunny!

    Hope that big, red bundle of babies, is giving you much joy. :):):)

    Love and Hugs,

    M XXX

  • Laura Kolbach

    szia Márti, csinosak a gyerekek! ki(k) marad(nak)?
  • Dušan Rauški

    Thanks Marta,

    I am very happy with her.

    Hope to see you and your gang soon.

    Congratulations on another lovely litter, i was looking at the pictures - really nice pups (purple is my favorite). Keeping someone this time too?
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Sending you Birthday Wishes, Marta - Have a Wonderful Day. M XXX
  • Barbara

    Happy Birthday Marta!
  • Kerstin Thaens

    Wishing you a day filled with happiness and a year filled with joy. Happy Birthday, dear Marta!

    "And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." A. Lincoln
  • Nenad Mocorka-Red Irish Dream

    Happy Birthday Marta!!!
  • Carmel Murphy

    Happy Birthday Marta;o)))
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Happy Birthday Marta!!!  Have a great celebration with your 4 legged friends :-)
  • Tricia Hogarth

    Hi Thank you for your kind comments
  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Thanks Marta for your warm consolation. The life with Bajka was an epoch for me, so many new interests, doings, friends - completely new world. And along to that normal andevturous life with beautiful and wise red girl:-)

  • Catherine Carter

    Happy Birthday, Marta! We share the same birthday....and mine here in the UK started really well with family, and dogs and a  frost and  gorgeous sunshine!I hope yours is equally as good! :-)

  • Cornelia

    Happy Birthday, Marta! I hope you had a great day and were spoiled with a wonderful meal and cake. Wishing you all the best. C & J xxx