

Évora / Portalegre


Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
Since 2008
About Me:
I currently share my life with Pitanga and her daughter Romã. We go on many adventures together and enjoy every second of our lives!
Why are you applying for membership?
A. I am a human wanting to contribute to the community

Comment Wall:

  • Leonor

    olá priminha :D
    Não te preocupes, fotos dela não hão-de faltar.
    E obrigada pelo teu presente ( a zafirinha ) estou louca para que chegue Outubro!
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Teresa
    Oh dear, so sorry to hear that Pitanga isn't too good, I do hope that it gets better with just the antibiotics works for her, we have such a gamble when we breed our girls. I really hope that she is going to get over this soon.
    Dee and the gang
  • Leonor

    Nem mais :D
  • Leonor

    ohh já estou a ver que vou ter uma comilona em casa !
    como é que tá a Pitanga?
    ok :)
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Teresa
    I am glad that Pitanga is fine now, strange cause of an infection, but I am glad that the vet got to the bottom of it, and that she is now fine are the babies doing well??
    Is the puppy on your cousins site the one that she is having??? Well at least you are keeping the puppies in the family...I don't have anyone in my family that wants a Setter, my daughter has a Visla although related to Irish he doesn't have any hair, he has got allergies, and his hair keeps falling out, poor wee sole..Speak soon Dee and the gang
  • Dee Rance

    Oh I know about that kind of thing....I hope that the people that I sell my babies to become friends, I am still friends with people that I sold puppies to in the early 1970's that is a long time, and many dogs...
    Glad all is going well for you and her, we did have a little bit of a problem with stomachs and I have just wormed them for the second time, luckily still no sign of any worms, but I didn't really expect there were any, all too well and lovely coats...
    Do keep in contact, Dee and the gang
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Teresa
    They are all wormed again everything was fine this time no problem at all, in fact they have put on so much weight I am having trouble in keeping them in the bowl that I use, they now weigh over 6lb well most of then anyway, pictures will be taken today, so hope to get them posted in the next few days, the person that is taking them has a really special camera and I hope that he can take them quickly because puppies going on the table for the first time aren't that easy to control. well not by me anyway...ah well all good fun..speak soon Dee and the gang
  • Pedro Completo PortoRioSetter

    Boa Noite Teresa.
    envio-lhe esta mensagem para agradecer o convite para "setter em Portugues".
    No entanto ,declino pois para mim Setter é Universal e independente do País.O meu interesse e envolvimento em comum com outros proprietarios da raças de Setter será sempre pelo desenvolvimento da mesma e sua criação com regras,responsabilidade,despistagens de doenças geneticas,metodologia,pedigree ,etc
    Infelizmente em Portugal reproduzem-se os caes por impulso afectivo e/ou comercial e esse não é a minha posição perante a raça ou por um país onde se auto intitulam criadores, os detentores de caes que os reproduzem sem avaliar os problemas tipicos da raça ou o patrimonio genetico.
    O que separa os caes de raça pura dos rafeiros ,é uns estarem definidos e os outros não.
    cruzar caes da mesma raça sem regras é tranforma-los em rafeiros (que adoro e tenho grande respeito pelos mesmos,mas que são tão indefinidos como os das ninhadas de raça pura onde não são avaliado os progenitores(por pedigree,fenotipo e genotipo.)
    Esse não é o meu mundo Setter nem eu sou nacionalista num tema universal para mim.

    Muito Obrigado pela atenção
    Pedro Completo
  • Dee Rance

    I hope speechless in a good way...I have had some standing pictures done and the ones that I have seen are fabulous...will be posting them when I get them all back it will probably bore everyone to bits.
    How are your babies growing??? Mine seem to be growing like weeds, they will hopefully go outside for the first time today or tomorrow, as we are supposed to be having a warm spell...
    The one problem that I have is the cleaning up after them, my granddaughter is being potty trained as well so thought about putting her in there with them and I just have to clear up one lot of pee instead of it being all over the house....Just joking... But this lot could pee and poo for Scotland..
    All the best Dee and the gang
    ps Thank you so much for the compliment, it is greatly received, and appreciated...so long since I have had a litter that I am needing reassurance.
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Teresa
    Mine went out for the first time today, only a couple of them, they were terrified, poor wee things, they are playing around the back windows not going rite out, but thinking about it..it was 20 degrees here during the day, at the moment, and rather overcast, but I did put their tea out there, they will have their supper inside, it will be too dark and cold by then. We are high up here apparently the Islands north of here are on a par with the Arctic Circle. So it is getting cold now..you are lucky having some heat we really don't see that much sun etc. Dee and the gang
    And again thanks for the comments again...
  • Dee Rance

    I am waiting for the pictures of them standing and some head shots so I will be boring people with all of them. Two people have taken pictures of them for me, people have been so kind, with all their help. Speak soon Dee and the gang
  • Ju & Flyn

    obrigado, pelo comentário....Sim de facto é bom ver mais setteers em Portugal.
    Mas foi difícil conseguir um. Felizmente conseguimos o Flyn e em breve vem outro para um amigo.
    Ou seja..........ninguém resiste a um setters....só quem não tem....lol
  • Dee Rance

    Sorry all sold...but they are looking good..thanks...but so are yours...mine just a little bit more like setters at the moment because they are just that little bit older, makes a lot of difference being 6 weeks they are now real setters.
    yours will be like that soon, I doubt that I will be able to stand them again in a hurry, now they know what is expected of them I am sure that they wont oblige they are monsters!!!!!
    Dee and the gang
  • Leonor

    10 kg? opaa
    A dona Eduarda disse que ela so podia viajar com as vacinas todas, é verdade?
    Fico feliz pelo pretinho.. come normalmente agora?
    Quando tiveres mandas, nao ha pressa.
  • Leonor

    Ah, e como está mancha do peito? E da cabeça? Ainda lá estão ou mal se notam?
  • Dee Rance

    I had one like that, not an eye problem but she was very small and she took a lot of time to keep feeding her and looking after her, but I am keeping a boy not a girl, I have to say that 'Mia' is the most feisty and bossy little thing that I have ever had, she is a spoilt little brat, she is a little horror, I am really pleased with this litter they are so even they are the same size, they all have the most wonderful heads, and there coats are all going to be wonderful I think long and thick..I am so happy with them I am also so lucky to have been able to get all of this, it is only luck when you choose the sire for your dam, I have many years experience showing dogs but have only breed three litters in 30 odd years, so a lot of luck here, and thankfully it worked, it could have gone the other way, good luck with your little girl...Dee and the gang
  • Leonor

    Não consigo. Aparece : The following message could not be delivered to all recipients:
    Mas pronto, se ela não tem a mancha na cabeça então não faz sentido chamar-se Zafira! Ai , os nomes são um grande problema para mim...
    Não consegues mandar as fotografias mesmo sem falar comigo?
  • Leonor

    Tu vais ajudar-me :P
  • James Martin's

    Teresa, nem imagino a sua angústia e desespero com Romas. Deve ter sido um momento desesperante.
    Agora é esperar por suma recuperação rápida!
    Não sei mais que possa dizermais.
  • James Martin's

    M. obrigada Teresa,
  • Michelle Walsh

    Hi Teresa ! Many thanks for the well wishes for Legolas and it's great news about your own girls :) i'm sure you must be so relieved to have Roma & Pitanga back to full health. I'm hoping the next two weeks won't make me totally crazy :)
  • Michelle Walsh

    Hi Teresa ! Thanks again :) Imight try some indoor games that aren't too active but we'll have to keep the treats to a minimum...don't want him getting too big as he won't be able to burn it all off for a while...he's already a big lad 35kg but thankfully not fat just big, actually much bigger than Theoden , when ever I bring them out together people always assume Theoden is female as he's so much smaller all over than Legolas :)  ~Happy Easter to you & yours ! xx
  • Michelle Walsh

    Yep 35kg a big lad ! but thankfully not overweight yet just BIG !

    You can see clearly here in the picture the size difference between the two of them :) and I cartainly shall keep you posted ~Thanks again.

  • Michelle Walsh

    Hi there Teresa,

    Sorry I haven't been intouch, just a bit busy lately, always this way coming up to the end of the school year :) Just means I don't always have lots of time for ES. They boys are doing really well, thank god & I hope your lovely ladies are all ok now. Legolas is flying around the place like a young puppy at the moment :) himself & Theoden managed to kill two birds in the garden lately. Not good for the birds obviously but it certainly means that he's back on top form. I just don't know how long the 'good times' are going to last. The effects of the injection will eventually wear off & then he will have to head back to Cork to have the tendon removed. Plus I've been busy getting ready for my new little red addition to the family :) He arrived last night.

    The lads will have to make some readjustments !

    Bye for now & hugs to you and the girls

  • Michelle Walsh

    Hi Teresa ! Many thanks to you & your lovely girls for Legolas' well wishes, I'm certainly hoping for a speedy recovery & pain free future for him too...he's been through alot and deserves to have some long-term relief from this injury ~fingers crossed :)

    ~Thanks again...Michelle & the boys.

  • Peter Hennig

    Hi Teresa thankyou for the nice comment yes Elton loves to run around the ring he looks up and smiles at you when he's running
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Teresa

    I remember doing puppy walking for the Guide Dogs they like people to have the puppies (and take them out into the world without inoculations) at 6 weeks

    Your puppies are being 'handled' by Pitanga, she is your greatest asset, she loves you and your family, so the puppies will do the same..it is a great feeling taking something that is 'wild' and having them trust you...so satisfying...do you have great homes for the other two??? Do you have a picture of their parents??? and keep the pictures coming so we can all see them grow into well rounded members of society...ha ha...

  • Dee Rance

    Ah so they are basically like Irish then...ha ha...I have found with clicker training that I have got to keep it up..started with a couple of mine..but never kept it up, they soon forget but I think that if you keep it up they will learn and learn well...I have seen it done with things like Chimpanzees and Tigers etc if wild animals can be trained in this way then I am sure that you can train one or both your puppies...me however...I doubt if I could...haven't got the attention span....let alone the dog...lol...;o)
  • Cornelia

    Thanks, Teresa! Do your girls never see snow in Portugal? It would be lovely to see some more red-heads here - there a very few in Switzerland. Happy New Year, C & J

  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    A very Happy Birthday Teresa! have a great celebration with your family and two red girls  :-)

  • Kristina

    Happy birthday! Have a lovely daay.

  • Carmel Murphy

    Happy Birthday;o)

  • Cornelia

    Obrigado, Teresa! It was very cold in the beginning but we had a wonderful time, packed in a lot of layers and Joy did not mind at all :-). Al the best, C &J xxx

  • Cornelia

    Thanks for the B'day wishes, Teresa - we just had some great time outdoors this weekend! Best wishes, C & J xxx

  • Barbara

    Hi Teresa! Could you please tell me which drug with glucosamine you are giving Roma? Thank you. All the best for you and your two girls. Barbara

  • Barbara

    Hi Teresa! Thank you very much! I will check if Caniviton is similar. Good luck for your exam. Barbara

  • Cornelia

    Thanks for your nice comment, Teresa - maybe you should look at my blogs, when your girls are already in bed so would have less explaining to do :-). I'm glad Pitanga is stable and in a good mood. Best wishes, C & J xxx