Jo Ottinger


Oakley, CA

United States

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
About Me:
For over 20 years I have had Aussie finally got my first Irish in 2006, his name was Scout. I lost him two years later to SLE. He was such a special boy..My Aussies, Lady and Tiz really miss him.
We just added another Irish to our family this Month (2/17/09) a boy. We are calling him Hawk. Doing field work with Hawk, Scout he would of loved it. Hawk is everything I had hoped he would be.

Hawk's half sister Cara came to live with us (8/08/11) Hawk is so happy to have someone to play with

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  • ursula wilby

    Thank you so much for the comment on my "Bragging-blog"! Have a super day in sunny CA! Here in the south of Sweden dawn is just breaking and I am getting ready for a long walk along the sea.
  • ursula wilby

    But then you would have constant great weather in CA. Here we get howling gales, snow, horizontal rain and everything else...but so far, no snow at all this winter. Not down in the south where I live at least...yes my daughter used to ride on the beach and also swim with her horse. I can imagine its great fun!
    I have become too much of a chicken when it comes to riding, at least when it comes to her present horses...:-)
    I would need something about 20 years old and too lazy to do anything but casually walking along...
  • ursula wilby

    Alexandra is riding her 3-year old now and is picking up a 4-year old (just broken in) tomorrow.
    She is still young enough to be brave! :-)

    It may be cold for you...but I bet the sun shines?!
  • ursula wilby

    So a new puppy in the house! Prepare yourself...and have fun!
    Only for a limited time I asume from the way you wrote the comment.

    Enjoy your sunshine...even if it takes until 9 o clock to appear :-)
  • ursula wilby

    Oh I see...mine tend to take some time before they can be bothered with a new puppy...they tend to think alla small puppies (unless they are theirs) are a pain.
    Well good luck!
    Which ever you will be the right one!
  • Susan Stone

    Thanks for your comment, Kathie Jo.
    Do I read from Ursula's posts that you will be having a new puppy? I do hope so! He will grab hold of your heart I am sure...
  • Susan Stone

    Oh good! Wish you much joy with Baby Hawk!!!
  • Catherine Carter

    Hi Kathie Jo,
    I guess from several comments that you have a new Irish baby.....wish you all the best with him! looking forward to lots of photos,
  • Susan Stone

    Thanks Kathie Jo, but let me put you at ease: it has taken me 30 years of photographing setters to finally get what I want...sometimes;-))
    When do we get to see your youngster?
    kind regards
  • Joan Clancy

    Hi Kathie Jo. Good luck with your new puppy - I just love the name "Hawk"! Definitely try the hunt tests with him, it really is alot of fun, and the dogs love it. You are ahead of the game if he is pointing already. I didn't expose my guy to birds until he was around 18mths... but the instincts kick in even at that age! Good Luck!
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Kathie, I am sorry that I have brought back bad memories of your boy Scout I hope that only good memories remain for you, I hope Hawk has a wonderful long healthy life, that is all that can be asked of any dogs life...they deserve it...
    As for your granddaughter she is so cute..I have 4 grandchildren 3 girls and a boy I look after two of the girls during the week (not both at the same time) I couldn't cope with that, just getting too old. All the best Dee and the girls
  • Susanne Legneskog

    Thank you.
    Wish you all luck with you new pup. And these slippers was a great idea.
    //Greetings Susanne
  • ursula wilby

    Thank you for your comment Kathie...we are keeping fingers crossed for the foal, but everything looks fine so far. Lets hope it stays like that...
  • Kristina Brannlund Westin

    Hi Kathie!
    Thank´s for kind comments on my blog:-)
  • Kristina Brannlund Westin

    Dear Kathie!
    Thank you very much for kind and comforting words about my beloved Viktor!
    It meens a lot..
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Kathie
    Thank you for the comment on the blog, greatly appreciated. Many dreams have come true just getting her pregnant, now to deliver and rear the puppies safely, and of cause get them good forever homes.....
    All the best Dee and the girls
  • ursula wilby

    Thank you so much for the comment about Ivy, its hard loosing any animal, but somehow it feels so much worse with horses being such big and strong-looking animals.
  • Dee Rance

    Thank you for the lovely flowers they are great....;o))
  • Dee Rance

    Again thanks for the through greatly received...;o))
  • Rieky van Hal

    thank you for comment on the foto from charmain.
    i wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year.
  • Susan Stone

    Thank you, Jo. It hurts, but I am also very grateful we were permitted to share so many years with such a good friend. The pain is different to loosing one young. They leave us great memories...
  • Susan Stone

    Hi Jo,
    Thanks for your kind comments on our grouse training pics - Jealous? Hmm, yes, I can understand that;-)) I am jealous of people who can do this kind of training without having to travel through all of Europe first... (well almost)
    all the best
  • Cornelia

    Thanks Jo, for your nice comments on my blog and photos - yes, we had a really funny day with Joy; she just made us laugh :-))
  • ereni

    Thank you for your nice comments.Have a nice weekend!
  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Thanks, Jo, for your nice words about my blog and photos.
    That was truly nice dream, maybe I'll fulfil it in some months. At the moment I have to enjoy puppy quest!
    Anna with Bajka and Kruszyna
  • Esther Siegrist

    Thank you, Jo! Jamie had enjoy our training. Now, we all wait to go on hollidayon saturday :-)))))
    Have a good time and regards Esther
  • Joan Clancy

    Glad you enjoyed the video Jo! It's funny that we can enjoy watching a movie-clip of a dog not moving... only another dog-lover would understand!!!! I really want to film him on birds, totally different, really intense... but that'll have to wait until Fall.
  • Monika Hoth

    Thank for your nice comment !
    best regards
  • Marjolein Bogaard

    Thank you Jo! Best wishes, Marjolein
  • Carmel Murphy

    Have a very Happy Birthday Jo ;o))
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Happy Birthday Jo!!!!! I am sure Hawk made the day very special for you...
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Many thanks for the invitation, and very happy to become your new ES friend!
  • Susan Mogony

    Thanx for your comment! All the best! Susan
  • Lucie Marečková

    Thank you for your comment. I'm happy that you like my photos and video. :-) Lucka and Jessie
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Many thanks for commenting, Jo. Have enjoyed looking at your photos.

    M XX

  • Michelle Walsh

    Hi Jo ! Many thanks for your comment on Legolas' of his rare climbing moments...unlike Theoden who's only happy when he's uphigh :)

    I see you have an epileptic dog, how is Hawk doing ? My beloved Connor was put to sleep last March at the ripe old age of 14, he was diagnosed with it at about two years of age but only needed to be medicated daily as he got older. He always knew when he was about the have a seizure and would come to me moments before hand. I learned very quickly how to deal with him. He needed regular blood tests throughout his life, just to check his organs but otherwise he just got on with was crippling arthitis that got him in the end. I wish Hawk a long & happy life ! ~ Michelle & the lads

  • Michelle Walsh

    Hi Jo ! Thanks for the invite :) Hawk's situation sounds a lot like Con's when he was younger. The fits became more frequent as he got older...hopefully that won't happen to Hawk. He was put on the meds to help reduce to frequency & length of the seizures, which I guess put him under less stress. I lost count of the number he actually had over the years but he dealt with them like a real trooper, recovery time just took longer as he aged..the blood tests were just for side-effects of the meds, though he always coped on the minimum dosage.

    With a name like's no wonder he's birdy :), he sounds alot like Theoden...hunting occupies about 95% of his brain. Have fun with it !

    ~Michelle & the lads

  • ursula wilby

    Sorry Jo!
    I spent my Birthday going to England and then working at Crufts...or should I say...taking notes. The job needed to be done once I got home and there has just been tons of work ever since I returned...NOW finally things have slowed down enough for me to check this site....

    Thank you so much for your Birthday-wishes! :-)

  • Astrid Landsaat

    Hi Jo,

    sorry that I didn't reply earlier. I am having a very busy week. I am glad that Hawk is not on medication. Hopefully it will stay that way.

    I am fine. Hopefully we we will have a puppy again this summer!



  • Eunice Marott

    all good here. Happy to be your new ES friend. Just trying to figure out who you have now??
  • Eunice Marott

    thanks. nice photos and I hope Hawke has a long life.
  • Michelle Walsh

    Hi Jo ! many thanks for the well wishes for Legolas :) let's hope we won't have driven each other mad before the two weeks are up :) xx

  • Michelle Walsh

    So true Jo ! a few weeks of crazy is a small price to pay for such company :) I wouldn't be without him even though he does drive me bonkers at times. Even after almost four years of moving to the 'country'...he still finds the need to bark at every passing tractor, horse box , lorry or noisy trailer, each time it's like the first time he's seen one *sigh* maybe eventually he'll 'grow' out of it :) ~Happy Easter to you & yours ! xx
  • Dee Rance

    Thanks for the birthday wishes for my kids...they had a great time...Dee and the kids
  • Michelle Walsh

    Hi Jo !

    Many thanks for your kind words for Legolas...he's doing pretty well at the moment. Starting to get the hang of going around on 3 legs :) i'm sure he'll feel pretty strange when the bandage comes off in a few days ! Thanks again !

    ~Michelle & Legolas

  • Susan Stone

    Many thanks for your kind comments on my photos. Hope you are well and still enjoying training with your boy?

    all the best from sunny & hot Switzerland... no grouse here:-((


  • Susan Stone

    Hi Jo, great to hear you are having a wonderful time working Hawk - and I look forward to seeing your little girl very soon! No photos on your page yet...

    Field trials are very different in every country it seems. Fortunately I can run my own dog without the need of him being with a trainer. Makes it more enjoyable for both of us. But you have all thes deifferent hund tests so that is good for working as a team. Take care and enjoy!


  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Happy Birthday Jo!!!  have a great celebrations with your 2 beloved 4 legges ones  :-)

  • Dianne cook

    Sorry to read you lost an Irish to bloat Jo my thoughts and prayers are with you. X
  • Dianne cook

    Hi Jo, I know a lot of Aussies at dog obedience and there is a breeder over the road from our property also our daughter mixes with them at sheep herding with Mish her border. That is sad to loose your Aussie to bloat :( sadly at the time my boy bloated there was a border collie too that was been treated for GDV at the emergency centre. The vet was surprised, I am so sorry for your loss. Do you own more Aussies? And thank you Jo for your friends request. Take care Dianne and Irish.