



Profile Information:

About Me:
I live in Bratislava, near the Danube.
My love, my almost everything was my devil Gordonxxl.He was a big clown with a huge warm heart and a tender soul.
He died 19th October,2008.
He suffered from hip dysplasia-HD/D.
Very painful and horrible death.
I miss him so much
Now I have a witch Isis (Kabaret Girl form the Noble Friends).

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  • Finding_Beau

    Sam is definitely one very intelligent bird. If I am inside the house, she knows exactly which room I am in, she always knows when I come home, and if I happen to be outside the property somewhere, she calls to me in the sky.
  • Yvonne Wark

    Thank you for your lovely comments.  Your photographs of your dogs are beautiful.  My son would love a Gordon Setter and I must show him your pics when he is next home from Uni.
  • Lynn Spencer

    Hi Reni,  We are doing o.k.  Thanks for asking.  Still miss Megg so much.  Four months & it's still like yesterday.  Tess is fine although she seems to have aged a bit more recently.  She is 9 now so I guess that's to be expected.   She has always been a very quiet girl.  Megg was my scallywag.

    Hope you & Isis are well.  Love her photo's.  Always beautiful. 

  • Lynn Spencer

    Thanks Reni, 

    The world is going crazy.  It looks really devastating in N.Z.  We have relatives there, but in the north island & all are o.k.  Prayers needed for so many still missing.


  • Tony Williams

    Hi Ereni,

    Thanks for your comment on my photo of Mitch.

    Enjoyed your photos, especially the action shots :-)

  • Natalie Zastrow

    thank´s for your comments on my picture :)))
  • Lieve De Backer

    Hi Ereni,Thanks for your comment on my photo of Hoshiko. 
  • Tony Williams

    Thanks again Ereni for your comments on Mitch's photos. Thought I would add a few of him in his more youthful days. The quality's not great - I was using a non-digital 'happy snapper' type camera back in the day.

    Best wishes


  • Michelle Walsh

    Hi Ereni !

    Thanks for the smiles ! lego was a little rascal when he was younger...only ever happy sleeping beside or on poor patient Connor :)

    ~Michelle & the lads

  • martina mckeag

    Thanks Ereni for the smiles
  • Nadine Bonjean

    Thank you for your comment, Ereni!
  • martina mckeag

    Thank you Ereni
  • Michelle Walsh

    Hi Ereni ! many thanks for the comments on Lego's pictures ! Glad you liked them :)
  • Barbara

    Thank you Reni! How are you and Isis? Best wishes Barbara

  • Lynn Spencer

    Hi Reni, Tess & I are both well.  Thankyou for asking.  I so enjoy your beautiful photo's you post here.  Always make me smile.  We are planning on getting a new pup in the near future, probably towards the end of the year.  Thinking 'English' at the moment, but could be an Irish which I would love as well.  My friend, who bred Megg is planning on a litter soon & I would like to go with him as I think Megg would like that also, but we'll see.  I have worried that Tess is now 9-1/2yrs. but after much thought, I think she will be fine & will enjoy a pup, as long as I give her lots of quiet time & 'me' time which will not be hard. 

    Hugs to you & Isis.  Will keep you informed

  • Barbara

    Hi Reni! Thank you, we are also OK. The summer weather is a little to hot for me ;-) and Tiny don´t like to swim. Why you had a terrible day at work? Have a nice week. Barbara
  • Dee Rance

    Sorry not to answer before...but had a great weekend....BIS...can't get much better than that if you show your dog...Thank you for the comment on the pictures of my 'kids'
    Hope that your weekend went well...
    All the best Dee and the gang...
  • Alan Marsh

    Some lovely photos - great action shots
  • Soňa Fabová

    Ahoj, Renatka ,,moc děkuji za přánííí



  • martina mckeag

    Thanks Ereni
  • Kenny Jarvis

    Thank you for the comments on my photo's.All the best Kenny, Simba and Samson
  • Michelle Walsh

    Hi Ereni ! on behalf of Theoden...thanks very much for the birthday wishes  :)
  • Finding_Beau

    Hi Ereni

    I know I am biassed but Hallmark is beautiful. He is a purebred Arabian horse, like Khomet. Hope you and your kids have been well. xxxxx

  • Finding_Beau

    Sam said to tell you she is keeping us all in line. xxxx
  • Gene

    Hi Ereni - Hope you all have a great summer as well.  It is very hot and humid here in Texas.  Hope your summers are cooler!





  • Finding_Beau

    Dear Ereni

    Thank you for your kind words. I cannot think about a puppy at the moment because Rose is seriously ill. Unlike with Hammer I have finally found a decent vet. He is keeping in touch with me every week to do what we can to help Rose. A puppy would be the worst possible thing for Rose. Hobson is worrying about Rose as well as missing Hammer. Hobson is also not well but I feel he will improve now that I have found this new vet. I sincerely hope so because I do not know how I would cope losing all of them so soon. Thank you for caring and keep well.

    Susan and her English Setter kids

  • Finding_Beau

    Lots of love to you and Isis too. Sam is keeping an eye on us and my Arabian horse, Hallmark is trying to help. Even though we are going through tough times we are surrounded by love.xxxxxx
  • Catherine Carter

    Hi Ereni,

    Thank you for your kind comments on my photos! Venus is now 1 year old but still a baby......

  • Finding_Beau

    Dear Ereni

    I am happy that Isis chose you. She needed someone special, not just any human, to love her. Thank you for your kind comments about my photos too.

    Hugs to you and your beautiful Setters xxxxx


  • Finding_Beau

    Dear Ereni, Lovely to hear from you again. We hope Isis and Cairo are well and keeping you on your toes. I watched a short video of an English Setter being groomed yesterday and one thing I really love about them is the way they constantly wag their tails. How could anyone get upset with an English Setter when they misbehave! Lots of love and hugs to you and Isis and Cairo from Susan, Hobson and Rose, and Sam.

  • Finding_Beau

    Dear Ereni, Wishing you and Isis a lovely weekend too, and thank you for the beautiful photo of Isis. Because of your amazing photos I thought you owned Cairo as well. Isis certainly enjoys herself with her special friend and it must be a relief for you to know she is well cared for when you have to go away. I smile when I think of your love name for Isis. Lots of love from all of us xxxx

  • Finding_Beau

    Dear Ereni

    You must think I am a nutcase. I thought Isis was a Gordon Setter but since Hammer's untimely death and then Rose's seizures I have certainly not been thinking straight and then thought Isis was an English Setter. Please forgive me. Isis certainly is a beautiful girl and you take wonderful photos of her. It looks as if she certainly keeps you on your toes!! Have a great weekend. xxxx

  • Finding_Beau

    Dear Reni

    You and your dogs are special to me. I have not forgotten your emails in December 2008 and your help when you found out about my continuing search for my stolen English Setter, Beau. When you sent me the photo of Cairo, I thought you were saying that this is Isis. It is my fault because my brain is befuddled and every time I log onto ES I do feel emotional because of Hammer, and also Beau. Did you know that Hammer and Beau are litter brothers? When Hammer died I felt as if I had lost them both and this has made my grief even harder as well as what happened to Hammer. I know you understand because of your great love for Gordonko and all animals. I am certain Gordonko sent Isis to you. You and Isis are meant to be together. She must love you so much for allowing her to be and she must bring you so much joy. And you are a wonderful photographer. I hope you are continuing your dream. Lots of love from Susan, Hobson and Rose and the rest of the gang xxxxxx

  • Barbara

    Thank you for the beautiful pic Reni! I hope too. Hugs for you and Isis. Barbara

  • alison lennon

    Thanks for your comments.  I know we all think are setters are special but bentley is amazing.  He has raised thousands of pounds for many of the stray and abused dogs in northern ireland. He is quite a celebratey

  • Finding_Beau

    Dear Reni, Wishing you and Isis, and Cairo a peaceful Christmas too. Hope you take lots of beautiful photos. Love from Susan, Hobson, Rose, Hallmark, Charlamayne and Sam xxxxx

  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Ereni

    Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year....I know what you mean about Ursula...we met at Crufts last year...and I have been 'talking' with her for many years is really nice actually being able to put a face to the writing...

    All the best and have a great day tomorrow...Dee and the kids....;o)

  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Thanks, Reni

  • Nadine Bonjean

    Thank you Ereni!

  • alison lennon

    Hi Ereni

    Hope you are keeping well. Love your photos  Bentley and I have been so busy raising money for the unwanted animals in northern ireland I have had no time to reply to anybody. Hopefully I will get to put more photos of Bentley up soon.

  • Charlotte Beeney

    Thanks for the picture fave :)

    Your dogs are absolutely stunning!

  • Undine

    Hi Reni ... i try a new start on this site

  • martina mckeag

    Thank you for your comments on my photos

  • Barbara

    It is not the same place, but I will show you ;-)

  • elena donatella turrichia

    Thank you for you comments 
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Ereni

    I hope that you and Isis are are fine....

    I need the 'sunny' greetings its raining really hard here and its quite no summer for us here in (very wet)

    All the best Dee and the kids....;o)

  • Catherine Carter

    Hi Ereni,
    We have not heard from you for a long time......I hope you and Isis are well? Xxxx
  • Finding_Beau

    Dear Reni, Thank you very much for favouriting my photo of Misty with her purple giraffe friend, Phoebe. I often think of you and Isis when I look at Misty because Misty is "my black and white witch". I know you will understand. Misty has brought me so much joy since the moment I held her in my arms. I will have to remember to keep my camera with me and I need to improve my photographic skills to capture some action shots of Misty. She runs like the wind. Sending hugs to you and Isis from Susan, Hobson and Misty and the rest of the gang xxxx

  • Catherine Carter

    Hi Reni, how are you? We don't see you here so often these days.....
  • Finding_Beau

    Dear Reni

    What a lovely surprise I received tonight when I saw how many of my photos you had favourited. You know how much I love my animal children so you know how much this means to me. I have been extremely worried about Sam because of all the terrible weather we have experienced, but he came back to me today, a bit frazzled at first, but he is safe. My black and white witch, Misty continues to harass Sam but he is too fast for her. Sending love and hugs to you and Isis and we also hope Cairo is well too. xxxx