karen chesher



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
none at present
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
over 20 years
About Me:
My family had red setters for over 20 years and i just adore them although i dont own one at present .My plans for the future once hubby is sorted with a new career change and we move,to have a belovered red back in our lives

Comment Wall:

  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Welcome to ES Karen!!!  and hope we will very soon see pictures of a lovely puppy  :-)

  • karen chesher

    Thankyou Chantal - this site is so addictive lol

  • martina mckeag

    Hi Karen thank you for the lovely comments no they are not related Shannon is from Dublin and Sophie is from Armagh hope you are enjoying this site

  • Charlotte Godart - Riverwood

    Thank you very much Karen for your comment about my little Miss Penny

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Thanks Karen, Finlay is not usually good at posing think we got him on a good day (",)

  • Lynn Spencer

    Thankyou Karen for your kind comment.  Irish Setters have always been my special 'heart dogs' too.  My beautiful Tess is almost 11 years now;  love her so much.  When she was a baby of 10 weeks, we came across an 'English' baby so Tess & her best friend Megg grew up together.  Loved & adored each other.  We lost Megg almost 2 years ago now & when we were all ready for another addition to our family;  along came Grace.  We had not made up our mind as to which breed;  had to be a Setter though & when we saw baby puppy Grace, our minds were made up.  She is a sweet little girl & our family, once again is complete with both an Irish & an English Setter.   

    I hope you find that special Irish that will come into your life & win everyone over in a heartbeat. 

  • Catherine Carter

    Happy Birthday, Karen!
  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.

    Thank you Karen for your kind comment ! I wish you will get soon a Red in your life ...

    After the male I bought in 2009, I decided two years later to get my second one with a female. They are so close, they live really a perfect love.

    Best regards.


  • Finding_Beau

    Hi Karen, Thank you for your kind words about my English Setter boys, Hammer and Beau. Hugs from Susan 

  • Finding_Beau

    Hi Karen, Thank you for your comments on my photos and for thinking about my dear boy, Hobson. His emotional health has certainly improved a great deal since Misty has arrived. He is not happy with my working longer hours now though. None of them are happy, and neither am I, but I am the only one who can keep a roof over our heads! I love living here with all my animals. They are all special. Best wishes xxxx

  • Finding_Beau

    Hi Karen, Thank you for commenting on my blog for Beau, Hammer and Rose. Hobson and I are lucky Misty has come to us. Keep well. Susan xx

  • Finding_Beau

    Hi Karen, Thank you for your comment about Misty and Phoebe. When she first arrived, Misty loved all the toys. She has not forgotten Phoebe but now her main interest, apart from Hobson, is birds. I wonder why! Best wishes, Susan, Hobson and Misty xxx

  • Carmel Murphy

    Thanks for accepting Karen;o) I hope you get a setter again soon? Life isnt the same without one;o)

  • Eileen Olivares

    Thank you Karen, I feel the same way. It's good to know you! Greetings from Mexico

  • Delia Bryce

    Karen, thanks so much .. Apologies for the delay in replying but thank you x
  • Baileys' Page!

    Thankyou for your kind comment on Baileys photo!. Do you have a wonderful red bwck in your life yet Karen?....

  • Baileys' Page!

    Karen i have left a comment for you but accidentaly put it on my page! lol am dozy! Sorry.

  • Baileys' Page!

    Can you pop over and read it?..lol. Tina x

  • Baileys' Page!

    Hello Karen!.How are you and your little boy?.Bailey is being his usual mischevious self.He ran onto the bowling green at our local park in the middle of a game and terrorized the pensioners!. Cue flailing arms and legs and words of disgust!. Poor Bailey-he only wanted to say hello!!!.lol.I'll never live it down SOOOO Embarassed!! I walk past incognito now with hood up!.Hope you have a lovely weekend.Tina and Bails x

  • Finding_Beau

    Hi Karen, Thank you again for caring about Hobson. As you know he has been suffering a life threatening health problem for years now. He is not stressed out about what is going on at the moment, but I certainly am. I keep hoping that Hobson is about to really "turn the corner" but have always known that his recovery will take a long time. Unlike Hammer, Rose and Annie, Hobson is still alive so I continue to be grateful for this every day. Best wishes from Susan xxxx

  • Baileys' Page!

    Oooh Hagen das as well! bet you were mad but you just cant tell them of for laughing!! x

  • Finding_Beau

    Hi Karen

    Thank you for caring about Hobson and your comment about his photo. His skin and coat were starting to improve but I recently gave him a probiotic recommended by an holistic vet and even though I started Hobson off on a minimal dose, the probiotic has been far too strong. Hobson has developed systemic yeast infection which is a life-threatening condition and causes immune, auto-immune, endocrine, allergy and digestive problems. A vet dermatologist would have euthanased Hobson long ago. The probiotic caused the bad yeast cells to die, which is a good thing, but because it was too strong, too many yeast cells died too quickly which placed huge stress on Hobson's entire system. Over the past week I have been worried that Hobson was going to die again. Fortunately I stopped the probiotic but it has taken weeks for the yeast to stop dying. When the yeast dies it comes out through the skin of a dog and this in itself causes extreme itching. There are dead yeast cells everywhere in the house! Poor Hobson! But he has kept fighting and today, thankfully, he seems much better. Best wishes xxxx

  • Finding_Beau

    Hi Karen, I just read your comment on Sam's photo. Thank you very much. Sending you back lots of hugs from all of us. Susan xxxx

  • Finding_Beau

    Hi Karen, Thank you for favouriting my blog about Khatalyst. I am pleased you like her, and the videos too. Hobson has not met Khatalyst yet. I won't be allowing Hobson to wander with Khatalyst the way he does with Hallmark and Charlamayne because of his blindness. Misty greets Charl the way she would a male English Setter, so for a while Misty will only be getting to know Khatalyst on the other side of the fence. Hobson continues to recover but he has a long way to go yet. I hope you and your family are all well. Best wishes, Susan xxxx

  • Kenny Jarvis

    You are very welcome Karen.