Eileen Chesworth


Calgary Alberta


Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
5 years
About Me:
My husband and I are retired. We have 2 cats in our home in addition to our little red boy who is named BaiLee. It was hard for him to understand that cats are not dogs at first but he is learning rapidly. The cats and the dog are great friends now. Bailee is growing up as well, he can walk in the house now, instead of flying through the home.

Comment Wall:

  • Judi Schuerman

    Wow, It is great to see my brother! He looks tall and handsome. Welcome to this site! I think I want a cat too! Boys have all the fun!
  • Judi Schuerman

    Eileen, I'm so sorry to hear about BaiLee! I hope he recovers, I've heard it is very painful. Keep us informed about him. I better read more about HOD.
    Annie is getting very active and loves to steal anything we will chase her for. She is sleeping on her bed now.
  • Judi Schuerman

    Eileen, Annie is digging. You know how to deal with it?
  • Judi Schuerman

    Eileen, Annie has dug up my sprinkler hose to my tomato garden! I didn't even know it because we had so much snow. The hose is pulled completely out of the garden area, it is still linked to the hose that waters my yard beyond the fence. We will have to replace it and bury it. Annie just barely started digging in the grass area. I admit I put her outside to play while I get things done.
  • Anne Pellette

    Hi I was up to BC several years ago to the IS speclty do you know Pam
  • Deborah Christopher

    Hi Eileen
    I notice from your blog that you feed BaiLee grapes, I used to feed my dogs grapes until I found out that they are actually poisonous in large quanties, raisins even more so. There's an article on it at http://dogbreedinfo.com/grapeandraisin.htm
    Regards, Deborah
  • Sandra Mather

    hi eileen nice of you to join our site. you will have noticed ive not long had puppies and ive been rather busy with that and now they have all gone to new homes. Ive been to see one of them this morning which has been ill after her 1st vaccination.she ended up on a drip and was really offside and luckily now she is back on her feet . She enjoyed seeing her mum and auntie and had a play with them.
  • Judi Schuerman

    BaiLEE! My brother! How handsome you are! You like cats too? I love your photos. Hope you are feeling great! Hope you are enjoying the summer in Canada.
  • Sandra Mather

    hello there are you getting used to the site yet.My cats love the dogs at least spice does, sugar always goes and does a wide birth they look at her like why are you doing that.It gives rise to willow wanting to follow her.spice will run up to them and fuss them or chase them hes funny , hes seen of dogs on our lawn before now.The front of our house the lawn is open on to the road,
  • Deborah Christopher

    Hi Eileen
    Hope you and your dog and cats are well. I don't have all the puppies any more, which is a shame, I've just kept the one, who is now nearly 5 months old. I also have cats, is yours a ragdoll, just seen the ears peeping up!
    Regards, Deborah
  • Sandra Mather

    hi eileen we have had some awful bad weather today.went to a show trying to keep them dry for that is hard work.How id bailee?
  • Linda Andreu

    Hi Eileen,

    I see you figured out how to change your background! :-)
  • ursula wilby

    Thank you so much for the nice comment about my obedience-dog Eileen! Love your photos too! He looks quite a happy-go-lucky type of setter!
  • Sandra Mather

    how is bailee?hope he his ok....
  • Susan Stone

    Hi Eileen, happy to be your and BaiLee's friend - how is he doing? Looks great on the photos:-))
  • Lynn Spencer

    Hi Eileen, Love your new photo's of BaiLee. He looks gorgeous.
    Lynn, Tess (Irish) and Megg (English) from Australia.
  • Kristina Brannlund Westin

    Hi Eileen!

    Thank´s for nice comments of my photos. You are right about the bed, they always seem to spread out over the whole bed, so there is always just a little spot left for me. So now I always trye to be the first into bed. Still I really like to having them there...

    All the best, Kristina
  • Annika Liikanen

    Hello Eileen!
    Thanks for comment on photo, we all have those jackets with reflectors on in our family.
    This dark season it´s really a safety jacket for all of us including dogs
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
  • Mary Crumrine

    Thank you, I love taking pictures. Last year my husband bought my first digital camera and told the salesman it would be used for animals and flowers...he's been about right! LOL
    Yes, these setters are all so wonderful...who could ask for more (smile). Yet all four of mine were differnt. Gotta love them ! Have a wonderful weekend. Blessings, Mary w/ rescued Riley O'Grady & Golden Sasha
  • Mary Crumrine

    Hi Ellen, I was just reading your blog and noticed you said Bailee loved eating grapes...not a good thing! Grapes and of course raisins are very toxic for dogs. Please feel free to double check this but my vet has them on a list of dangerous foods for our dogs. Blessings, Mary
  • Sandra Mather

    merry xmas and a happy new year to you from us all.ive put some pics on for xmas ..hope you like them
  • Luisa

    I am looking for a jacket for my 6 year old irish setter and I saw one of your dogs wearing a lovely red one.
    Would you share where you bought it?
    Warmest regards
  • Luisa

    Thank you Eileen for accepting friendship request andd for the tips on dog's wear.
  • Mariana Åhnberg

    Lovely pictures!! Snow, sun and happy feelings makes the redcoats really shine... I
  • Sandra Mather

    hi trhere a while since ive been in touch with you. how are you?
    ive been so busy with shows and then ive been ill. And of course just attended crufts the year is going by fast. Let me know your news....
  • Christi Eckert

    Hi Eileen.
    I decided to join and show off some pictures of Liam and Flynn. I thought I'd say hello and welcome you to look at some pictures of Bailee's daddy.
  • rosey fyfe

    hi eileen
    i just love your pictures of bailee in all the fabulous costumes they really cheered me up and made me smile
    what a lovely dog
  • rosey fyfe

    yes eileen
    bailey looks like he enjoys getting his pictures taken in all the different costumes quite the wee poser
  • rosey fyfe

    hi eileen
    i am now the proud owner of a 10 week old irish setter puppy hope you don't mind but i have called him bailey as i really like the name
    he is very mischievious and is in to everything at the moment and i darent turn my back for a minute as he is wanting to chew everything in sight
    regards rosey and bailey
  • rosey fyfe

    hi eileen
    thank you for all your advice it is very much appreciated
    my last setter herbie was also quite obsessive with sticks especially in later life
    and most times i took him out to the local park he was constantly on the lookout for them to pick up and eat i eventually had to sometimes put a muzzle on him when he was doing this as i was terrified incase he got a stomach obstruction
    i am taking bailey to the vets tomorrow to get his first vaccination so hopefully it wont be to long now until i'm able to get him out and about...i can't wait
    thanks for the advice re the chewing ... i got him a puppy starter kit out the petshop which contains 3 different bones for different stages of the puppys development but i might get some of the thing that you suggested for to try... anythings worth a try eeh
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Eileen I read that you feed BaiLee Grapes, did you know that they and their by products are poisonous to dogs, Grapes. raisins, and sultanas. all the best Dee and the gang
  • rosey fyfe

    hi there eileen
    i was reading your history of your awful experience with bailee it must have terrible for you and so worrying poor little bailee
    i am so glad that he appears to have made a full recovery and you now have a lovely happy setter he is very lucky to have such caring owners
    i have not heard of this condition (HOD)
    thanks for sharing your experience as i am sure there are loads of setters owners out there that have not heard of it to
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Eileen
    If you find that he isn't eating enough, try a couple of sardines in his dinner mashed up or tuna mashed up as well. he needs to keep his 'gut' working regularly, Saffy had the same problem when she was young, couldn't keep weight on her she just wouldn't eat at all. I had to hand feed her up till she was over a year but now well anything is legally hers even if it is in someone's mouth.
    Surprising how they change their ways....Good luck with Bailey speak soon
  • rosey fyfe

    hiya eileen
    hope you and bailee are well
    my bailley was 4 months old on monday he's a right wee monkey and always up to mischief however he's lots of fun to and its just great to get out and about on my walks again
    the weather in scotland is freezing at the moment minus 2 tonight with snow lying but i just get wrapped up warm and baileys loves the snow
    anyway hope you and your family (bailee included) have a wonderful xmas
  • Eileen Chesworth

    Thank you so much for your Christmas wishes and for keeping in touch with us. I remember when my Bailey was 4 months old. What a fire cracker, determined, stubborn, energetic and so soft and beautiful. Yes our pets are treated with the greatest of love. They are so lucky. I wish I could save all the animals in the world but it is not to be. Your Bailey is as normal as a puppy could be. Cutting in teeth, learning, growing and get into mischief. That is what is so magical about our pets. They are like children - they grow up all too fast.
    Soon I will post some more pictures of our red boy. We are spending a quiet Christmas season together. My husband and I and Bailey. We will at some point cook a turkey. I even put up a tree and would you believe that the dog is not one bit interested.
  • Catherine Carter

    I hope you are OK....why would your dog attack you?....Perhaps he is unwell.......
  • Catherine Carter

    Hi Eileen,
    You must be happy to have found the cause of the problem.....I hope BaiLee recovers quickly.....
  • Catherine Carter

    Hi Eilenn,
    Some of us have met this Year at Crufts. I am French and live in the UK and I met many new friends who came over from the Continent ! Unfortunately I have no plans to come to Canada at the moment although I have very good friends there, but my daughter is off on Monday, back to the USA to finish her Masters degree. Perhaps we will meet one day who knows....it would be great fun!
  • Marjolein Bogaard

    Ho Eileen, what a story... I am glad that all ended up well.... This is a good lesson for mee too, since my dogs are wearing collars at home too.... thanks for sharing this ans wish you all the best

  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Eileen

    Thank you for your kind words I don't think that I will ever get over that...it was many years ago. But I can still see poor Ben just hanging there...so scairy...but it taught his owner that although he was a stallion he should never have had a head collar on in his stall...Unfortunatley he was the one to suffer...and the same for the dogs...Saffy my middle dog...got her leg caught in her collar just yesterday...just as we were about to go out...and it brought it home to me re the collar 'thing' enjoy you dog...Keep them as safe as you can...they are the best thing since sliced bread....

    All the best Dee and the gang..

  • Dee Rance

    Oh I do wish that would be possible...but realistically I very much doubt it...I had family in Canada. Ownsound Ontario but sadly they have all passed away now...and I have always said that I am poor of pocket but wealthier of heart because of these dogs...they have got me through two bouts of Cancer and greeted me when no one else was around. I think if it wasn't for them I would not be here now...though perhaps some would not appreciate that...lol...;o))
    Hope to speak soon All the best Dee and the gang
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Eileen

    Ginger is from the US and hasn't spoken much in the past few years...Don't know what happens to that....it is a mistery...although my computer is going to have to go to the Doctors soon...he is on holiday in Portugal at the moment....my computer is throwing a big wabbly so hears hoping that it isn't anything turminal...probably is. knowing me...I tend to brake them very quickly...I wonder who this will come through as...ha ha...;o))

  • Ewa Wojcik

    Hi Eileen,

    I am pleased that you liked my photos:)

    I lived in Florida at the Hilton hotel (6001 Destination Parkway
    Orlando, FL 32819 Phone : +1-407-313-4300), there were a lot of dogs.

    Everything was great, the place for walking too good.

    I hope to go back:)

    Regards, Ewa

  • Dianne cook

    Hi Eileen, you have to wonder about the rabies shot..don't you!! The dad of our sons pup (not an Irish but Newfoundland) was heading to America from our home country Australia for breeding. Naturally he needed the rabies shot and then quarantine, the vet gave the rabies vaccine and he took I'll pretty much straight away! A couple of days later Merlot had passed away :0(...Absolutly tragic. On a happier note... Our two girls are quite small too, it hasn't bothered me as I struggle to keep up with them as it is, our boy is big and I don't think as I get older I could manage two big boys at once :0)) Take care Dianne.