

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
I own and love very dearly 6 English Setters whose names are Jessie, Bandit, Beau, Hobson, Rose and Hammer. Bandit died in 2000, Beau was stolen in 2003, Jessie died in 2005 and now Hammer has died. And now Rose has died.
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
I have owned English Setters since 1990 (my first dog when I was a child was an Irish Setter)
About Me:
The reason I joined this internet community and every other internet community was to raise awareness about Beau who was stolen on 1 July 2003. My search for Beau received considerable media attention which attracted a great deal of abuse including threats against my animal family members at home with me. However I could not abandon Beau. I could not abandon any of my English Setters or any of my animal family members.

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  • martina mckeag

    Hi thank you for the friends invite I loved all your photos its very sad about the loss of Hammer and I hope Rose and Hobson keep strong im glad you found it in heart to share these beautiful photos with us

    all the best Martina and girls

  • Barbara

    Dear Susan! Beautiful photos you have added. Hope you and your beloved ones are well. Hugs to you, Rose and Hopson. Barbara
  • Barbara

    Dear Susan! Thank you! The name of my beloved girl is Tiny. Kisses to you, Rose and Hopson. Barbara
  • Dee Rance

    Do you not feel them around you??? I know I do...all of them that have gone before..silly I know, but I talk to them too...some would want me taken away, by the men in white coats.....and put in a ''home'' but hey I don't care....

    Buddhists think that we have everyone around us for ever..I tend to think the same way..and these dogs give there whole being to why not stay with us until we pass, something to look forward to...

    Well thats my philosophy for the day....

  • Barbara

    Dear Susan! Thank you. Oh yes, I also think that my Tiny has soulful eyes. How are you, Rose and Hopson? Hugs and kisses for you and your kids. Barbara + Tiny

  • Karen McKelvey

    I have read your sad story and my sympathy is with you as its awful not knowing where he is even if you knew he was dead it would be better than the wondering where he is or who he is with. Asti got out with 3 of this ladies other dogs when the others were found Asti wasnt with them. She has made radio appeals and it is on face book too vets and dog wardens are alerted too. Thank you for your help and concern

  • Karen McKelvey

    Hi Still no sign  her owners are now thinking she has been lifted by someone. They have flyers out radio pleas and all vets, councils and dog wardens notified she is on facebook too still nothing as if she has just vanished into thin air.

  • ereni

    Have a nice weekend  all of you!

    Greetings from Isis, Cairo and me.


    PS Cairo is Isis´s best friend, he lives about 1km far away from us. When I need to go to my parents or abroad, Cairo´s family take care about Isis .Every Sunday we go for a long walk together.It is great to have such goood friends:)

  • Dee Rance

    Well fingers crossed that you don't have to leave your home...speak soon love to all Dee and the kids,

    ps...wild birds can become great friends with us human kind...I used to have a pheasant that would come and 'call' at my house.....he would also bring is wives....he would jump up and down under the bird feeder hitting it with his head and back knocking the food out of the feeder, He fed his ladies

  • ereni

    Hello Hello.

    don´t worry about your commments, there are so  many dogs, you can´t remember their names,..etc.

    We have the same passion and feelings to our 4-legged friends, we can understand each other :D

    Have a nice weeked!

    Reni and Isis

    PS kukurica means corn /Isis was playing with it in the picture

  • Peter Hennig

    thank you for the birthday wishes Elton had a lovely day we went for 4 walks and had special treats through out the day


  • ereni

    Thank you again. Your words touched  my heart  and make my days.

    Many greetings from Bratislava, SLovakia to Australia from Isis and Cairo.

    Cairo in the DanubeIsis

  • James Doran

    Romeo sends cuddles for the Birthday wishes, Susan. Thank you.

  • Peter Hennig

    Hi Susan thankyou for your kind comment I'm glad to see Rose is home dear old girl I hope you new vet can buy you some time together and you can have a nice Christmas . Dogs just get on with life no self pity , not like us, it's their helplessness that causes us grief. I think it's their exceptance  of life that strikes such a chord in our lives that links them so emotionally to us and their desire to be with us .     

  • Rhonda Fisher

    Wonderful to be your friend Susan. I loved reading your reply. It is the best part about ES. The understanding and experience of a fellow Setter Lover. Kind wishes to you and your lovely Setters.

  • martina mckeag

    Hi Susan don't know what to say but just to let you know I'm thinking of you

  • Rhonda Fisher

    Thinking of you and Hobson. One day at a time and lots of time for hugs and memories. Take care


  • Finding_Beau

    Thank you all my ES friends for your messages of support. Each one of you is helping me so much. Since Annie died the rain has not stopped falling heavily. I feel as if the Heavens themselves are crying for my little girl and me. xxxxxx

  • Christine Pullen

    Hi Susan,

    Thank you for accepting my friend request, I really just wanted to let you know how so so sorry I was to read about Annie, purely by chance, on the forum the other day. I have now read your tribute to her and I'm sure she would be so proud of you.  She was so beautiful and so young...My heart goes out to you, I know what it is like to have a very poorly dog and you have looked after so many.... I think these dogs are given to us to care for because "whoever" knows that we will love them and care for them with a passion. I am not religious but I think we have them for a reason, painful as it is for us when they leave us. That poor little puppy, my heart aches to think what she went through.


    we have very recently lost one of our irish boys, Jack... he was just 5 yrs old.He was also the runt of the litter, although his breeder insisted he was not.we were a lot more naive in those days, he was coughng on the day we picked him up and he never really took a lot of time and investigations before he was finally diagnosed with megaesophagus at the age of 3yrs old. When I told his breeder she firstly told me that my vet was wrong, actually Jack had been in hospital with pneumonia so it wasn't my vet, and then she told me I should have him put to sleep and not let him suffer. At that stage, although he had bouts of illness, most of the time he was a typical cheeky irish setter. we miss him terribly and so do our other two boys so I DO understand your pain. It WILL get better, life does, sadly, go on without them, but you and i will never forget our beautiful doggie chldren. I am thinking of you, big hugs. LOve Chris Pullen 

  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Susan 

    How are you doing haven't heard from you for a while....Hope all is going well now....will maybe speak soon....

    Dee and the kids...;o)

  • Lynn Spencer

    Hi Susan,

    Loved your video so much.  What a character Misty is.  I am so happy that she is now with you & Hobson.  She is absolutely beautiful. xxoo

  • Dianne cook

    Thank you Susan for asking me to be your ES friend, I look forward to sharing our Setter stories. Just quietly I think my next setter will be an English :)) take care Dianne, Flame, Ruby & Poppy xx
  • Lynn Spencer

    Thankyou Susan for your very kind comments on Tess's 11th. Birthday.   She had a lovely day; got to open her own present, as always, but this year was a little more difficult as she had her baby sister trying to help (lol). 

    Hugs to Hobson & Misty.

    Take care,

    Lynn xx

  • Kimberly Simmons

    Naughty Misty! Nothing worse than the aggravation of trying to figure out why you are unable to connect to the internet! grrr  lol

  • Fran Griffin

    Thank you for the friends request.  My guys are all really enjoying the snow which has been coming down for nearly a week. Unfortunately the videos I have taken have not been very good because the snow was flying into the lens lol.  The photos I have taken have also been a poor quality for the same reason.  More snow falling this morning.  I am not sure if I would like our extreme cold or your heat.  At least we can dress up against the cold, but then over here, when we get snow its inclined to slush and then freeze over which makes walking the dogs a real nightmare.  At least this stuff which is coming down now isn't slushy.  I now dread the day it does start melting, because we will be slipping around all over the place x

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Thanks Susan for the friends request pleased to accept, yes wish you could send us some of your sunshine mind you it's been very hot there 42 i heard on the news, Finlay loves the snow we've had our walk he was covered in snow balls on his fur only think is he wants to run about in it but because of his illness he can only have  walks on the lead in case he hurts his leg running mad, as where we live is on the outskirts of Birmingham with all feilds and farms behind us so we always get the snow bad, it's 3days now and there have been no buses up here, your Hobson and Misty look beautiful dogs a neighbour of my mom's had one when i was a child he was a very big dog and the owner a very small man, dog looked almost as big as him.Take care Ellen&Finlay

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Maybe it is that your using your ipad, looking on your page to add a reply looks like you sent me a reply but to someone else but at least i still saw it (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Sorry Susan, i noticed that Eunice had think i've gone mad doing the same thing, think it's all this snow i've only been out to walk Finlay as we have noy had any buses for days (",)

  • Dianne cook

    Hi Susan, I'm so sorry you have been enduring so much upheaval:(( A cyclone would of been horrendous and no power or water, just arwful. I hope your Heron returns and I'm so sorry to hear your little baby butcher bird died, very sad. Thank you so much for all your help and advice with suggestions on diet for my Flame. I'll try some chook wings as he seems to tolerate the raw things well and see how he goes. How is Hobson? I hope he has setteled down, a cyclone would of been terrine for an animal to deal with. I'll be in touch to see how your going. Take care Dianne and Irish x
  • Catherine Carter

    Hi Susan, thank you so much for commenting on my photo in the snow.....actually it is my daughter and Venus....not me! :-)
  • Kimberly Simmons

    Susan, thinking of you today and hoping all is well with you and yours - Kim

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Thanks Susan for your comment on Finlay's photo, he had a great time he loved everything, taking Finlay to the coast is what spured  my daughter on with her driving lessons so we could take him as I don't drive.  Lovely photo you put up of Hobson and Misty, nice to hear Hobson is doing well. Hugs to the dogs, take care Ellen xxx

  • Barbara

    Dear Susan! Thank you so much for your nice comment on my Photo! We spent a few days in Mariazell (Styria / Austria) - it was really nice there. How are you, Hobson and Misty? Hope Hobson is feeling better ... Love Barbara + Tiny xxx

  • Kimberly Simmons

    Good to hear from you Susan, I think of you and yours often! Dougal is an ornery delight! Take Care! xx Kim

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Thank you Susan, Finlay is dearly loved, not only by me but as you can see by the neighbours too, Kimberly really wanted a photo with him on her wedding day, she did ask if I thought he would walk down the asile with wedding rings, but he would of been trying to sit on the knees of the guests waiting for a fuss.

    Take care Ellen and Finlay xxx

  • terrie lynn stauffer

    finding Beau,I can't imagine the vet bills you have rise. You went on the radio to help find Beau why can't you go on the radio and ask for money for the vet bills that having the rescue animals. You are running a rescue farm like SOS I send them money every month, even a small amount would like when everyone would help just a little. My heart goes out to you. If I had the money I would galdley send money to you but I'm very poor.please write to me whenever you can. terrie

  • Eileen Olivares

    Dear Susan,

    Thank you for accepting my ES friend request. I wish you and all of your beautiful animals, dogs, horses and heron a wonderful Christmas time and all the very best for 2014!

    Kind regards, Eileen, Lucas, Molly, Fiona & Jason

  • terrie lynn stauffer

    Sue you have lost all your engish setters now???


  • Teresa

    Hi Susan,

    Thanks for your comment, I found it very interesting!
    We do talk about intuitive communication, but it's usually not a good thing in our line of work :-(
    We find that most people are sending all the wrong signs to their pets, making them scared and confused, so we normally find ourselves teaching people how to act and talk around/to their pets so they can all understand each other better.
    We also teach people how to read dog language better as there are many wrong concepts out there!
    As for being Alpha... Many of our clients come in our office as Alpha or trying to become Alpha. They all leave as moms and dads!!!
    Dominance is an outdated unscientific concept. Dogs are sensitive animals and they are not trying to rule the world!!! They are opportunistic, guard whatever they see as valuable resources and will do what works on trial and error basis.
    This makes them perfect for pure positive training techniques and not the usual punitive heartbreaking methods you see advertised out there!

    So, the way I see it, you are doing perfectly on any behaviorists' book!

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Susan
    Hammer looked lovely in his photos and your right we have to keerp them alive in our hearts. My Finlay is doing well, I don't know if I told you but I changed vets over a year ago, explained about what had been said and done to Finlay new vet wanted to wait untill he saw his notes which took ages to arrive, next time I went he told me in his oplnion Finlay never had bone cancer as you would not have to be a vet to see he wasn't a I'll dog, will I left the vets crying people watching me I had to explain they were happy tears, but later at home they were angry tears that they had put him through all that and me, I worried all the time how long did I have left with him. That's my rant over for now.
    I will have to take some photos of him but I can't get them on here have to wait for my daughter to do it.
    Take care Susan, hugs to the all xxx
  • Ellen Turberfield

    I think sometimes we know our dogs so well that vets should listen to us a bit more while tnere treating them, I just couldn't belive Finlay was that I'll, and the first vet that phoned me while he was under and having x-ray wanted to amputate, thank god I never even considered that.
    Finlay and I sending hugs back to you, take care xxx
  • Mike

    Hi Susan, Thanks for accepting and your comments. Sounds like you have a large family! Have been reading your discussions, so sad about Beau!

  • Valerie Short

    Hi Susan thank you for being my friend I'm sure we can find lots to discuss in the future. We do not know much about Daisy, she is very small and we did wonder if she could be of the working strain. She was imported from Italy, she is about 3 years old and that's all the information my daughter was given.
  • Marie Szychowski

    Hi Susan, Thanks for making me your friend and making me feel welcome even though you are having a hard time right now. I believe in the power of prayer so I believe Hobson will come good. Marie,x

  • Sue Paterson

    Hello Susan. Thank you for leaving me a message. Bridie continues to enjoy her life. She is losing so much weight that I find it very hard to believe we will have her for much longer. She now weighs 19 kg. But she fights on and so do we.

    I hope Hobson and Misty are still improving. Please let me know. You are in my thoughts. Sue xxx

  • Sue Paterson

    Thank you Susan for the friend request which I'm pleased to accept. I'm glad Hobson continues his remarkable journey and that Misty is recovered from her op.

    Bridie now has secondary cancer in the liver and has had a bad week with copious diarrhoea which we thought may be the next stage of symptoms. However she seems to be on the mend at the moment and although the vet included euthanasia in her outline of what may occur in the future, we were all in agreement that Bridie still has good quality of life eating, playing and wanting her walks in spite of everything. She's a tough little fighter. They never cease to amaze me these beautiful companions who share our lives!

    All the best to you and yours. Sue xx

  • Sue Paterson

    Its a case of onward and upward again thankfully Susan. All the best to you and yours, Sue xxx

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Susan, nice to hear from you, sending hugs and best wishes back to you, Hobson and Misty, Take care Ellen and Finlay (",) xxx
  • James Doran

    Hi Susan. Thanks for the message. Romeo is as handsome as ever and doing well. He will be eleven next month. I must get some more recent photos on as he is very distinguished with a lot of grey hairs on his face now. Best wishes to you and all your family. Xo.

  • Debra Harris

    Thanks for the Welcome Susan.  Sonny is such a shy and timid boy, the little bit that I have been told about his background is that he lived outside his whole life with his Dad and was never socialized or brought indoors,  at 8 yrs old, I only hope I can help him overcome it.  I think the lack of any human affection and comfort in his life has forever scarred him and I don't know if he will ever fully trust humans, but he and I are bonding, and he is the sweetest little guy.  He prefers to hide in his crate and seems to like when I come pet him. I have to force him out for walks, as he has never had to tell anyone that he needs to go out to potty. So far he has not had a single accident in the house.  He is difficult to walk on a leash as he pulls so much.  He does not seem to listen at all once he gets outdoors.  If I talk to him when we are indoors, you can tell he is listening, (at least sometimes)  He does sleep an awful lot and at times just lays with his eyes closed when I get up close and try to talk to him.  We are trying him on Prozac as he seems to be very depressed.  It would make me so happy if I could turn things around for him and see some happiness in his eyes.  He has no idea how to play and is very afraid of toys that squeak. If you have any suggestions/advice, I would love to hear it.  Thanks!  Debbie