Sue Paterson


Cowbit, Lincolnshire

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
43 years
About Me:
We've had Irish setters in our home ever since we picked up our first puppy when we got back off honeymoon in July 1972. After a few years we bought another puppy to keep our boy young, and then never looked back. Started showing our 4th boy in 1990 and have shown on and off since then. Bred a couple of litters too and had some lovely times rearing them.
Only showing occasionally now.
Why are you applying for membership?
A. I am a human wanting to contribute to the community

Comment Wall:

  • Susan Morley

    hi sue welcome l am sure you will enjoy looking at all the photo's
    best wishes sue
  • Michelle Webster

    Great to see you on here Sue, welcome to this wonderful, addictive site. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Love your photos.
    Best wishes,
  • Michelle Webster

    It's amazing how many try before they buy so to speak!
    Looking forward to hearing all about your new addition and seeing the photos.
    Best wishes,
  • Linda Baldry

    Hi Sue, interested to know who your puppy is from? Just being nosey really !!!! x
  • Linda Baldry it a boy or a girl? When is your first show?
  • Dee Rance

    Thank you so much for your thoughts and comment on the Forum.
    Dee and the gang
  • silvia

    Thanks a lot Sue! Unfortunately we had to stop RC for a while (still an almost full 15kg bag in our storage) since, after Oberon get sick in October, he became a bit fussy with eating and he never get back 100% ok with his belly (I still have to see 10days in row without a bad stool day...). Maybe at some point we'll try again with RC, but for now he seems better with blander diets (as naturediet with plane meat/rice, actually he's ravenous with this new food;)). Indeed, I have been told that for some dogs dry food can become an irritant, so maybe he's been a bit unlucky and that's just the case for him..Reason I asked is because I was really keen on RC and I was wondering that these blander foods are not enough structured for the growing age, but judging from your answer that's not a big issue, so we'll better stick with what works well for the belly :)

    Thanks for the other suggestions as well ! Slippery elm seems to do the job, indeed!

    And a big hug to wonderful Steo from his brother :)
  • silvia

    Thanks Sue, very interesting and useful to know! I really hope is just a matter to adjust a little bit the diet: since last week Oberon seems ok with the new regime, but yes: he started to be a bit sensitive and refusing RC after he's been sick last October, so finger crossed, I hope its' not something a bit more serious as it was for your girl..

    If we give biscuits again he'll look at us as we gave poison.. In part he may have associated them with the bad belly or it may have irritate its stomach, so we don't want to insist.. But we'll never know: also, I guess he now knows there is meat in the fridge, so you can see him thinking "I'd better refuse this and wait for the meat" :0 :0

    But, as I said, at least the last week we stopped completely the RC food and he was fine and this is what is important.. so far so good, so finger crossed and thanks a lot for the suggestions, we will try :) Always appreciated from somebody with a so long-standing experience as you :)
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Happy Birthday Sue!!!  Are you sharing the cake with your redheads?
  • James Doran

    Hi Sue, Romeo sends cuddles in return for your Birthday wishes. Sincere regards.

  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.


    Congratulation for these nice photos, and very impressed by the great qualities of your Irish setters. Glad to hear you will be back to the shows with such beautiful dogs.

    Have nice holiday.

    Take care.


  • silvia

    Happy Birthday Sue! Enjoy your celebration with the gang :)

  • Carmel Murphy

    Happy Birthday Sue;o)

  • Finding_Beau

    Dear Sue

    Thank you for your kind words on my tribute blog for my English Setter, Rose.

    Best wishes from Susan

  • Mike

    Hi Sue, Thank you for accepting and your comment. Callum must be a big boy, he looks similar to my 6 month old Gunner.

  • silvia

    thanks a lot Sue!!! and a hug to Steo and all others:)

  • Finding_Beau

    Thank you for all your kind words and support over these past few months, Sue. I hope Bridie continues to do well. Susan xxx

  • Finding_Beau

    Dear Sue, I am very sorry to hear that your Bridie has lost so much weight. She knows how much she is loved and I am hoping with all my heart she is with you for a long time yet. I understand how heart-broken you must feel, but you know you are doing everything you possibly can to help your special Bridie. Please give her many gentle hugs from me. Hobson continues to defy the odds. He still has a long way to go but it is a miracle he is still alive. Hobson still does not look very good on the outside but inside he is happy, and like Bridie, he knows how dearly he is loved. As for Misty, I have to stay positive and not consider the cancer will return. Sending you and Bridie lots of English Setter kisses and many hugs from me. Susan xxxxx

  • Finding_Beau

    Hi Sue, I am so sorry to hear that Bridie has had a very bad week, and I know how hard this must have been for you too. However, Bridie has rallied again and isn't it amazing that even though our Setters may not be feeling too good, they still love their walks. Another good sign is when they wag their tail. When Hobson was very close to death, he would still wag his tail for me, and he has amazed everyone and he is improving, so I hope your tough little fighter, Bridie continues to do the same.Wishing you and Bridie all the very best from Susan, Hobson, Misty and the rest of our crew xxxxxxx