Laura Kolbach

49, Female

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
2 girls right now: Neita & Zilou. dear Odin & Danka watching over us from doggie heaven :(
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
since 1997 february
About Me:
WW'03 EUVW'08 Ch C.I.E. Berboss Instant Coffee (1996-2010) - for me just Odin - was my first setter, she left me 2nd January 2010 after 13 years of friendship. Odin was my all and everything, my best friend in good and bad times. She taught me so much about canine intelligence and behaviour, about love and loyalty. She was purchased for being a normal dog but very soon I got bitten by the show bug. She was a real show girl and compensated my faults in the show ring :) It was her soft character and look-at-me attitude that charmed all people meeting her, friends, strangers and even judges. Thank you Odin for sharing your life with me!
After much thinking I decided to get another girl and doing some research, I ended up in Sweden. This is how Danka - MultiCh C.I.E. C.I.B. Copper's Music 'N' Paws' - came to live with us in 2005. And yes, she taught me new things about canine behaviour :) Through her I was able to get to know the naughty and the run-run-run side of the Irish Setter. She is referred to as 'crazy Danka' by the setter club, hm, does it say it all? So different from Odin, but oh so lovable as well. A real clown, adoring kids, loving dog shows and having so much fun in the fields. Having 13 champion titles and being the first setter to qualify in the field on a Hungarian field trial and gaining CIB by this. Very intelligent, observant and empathetic. Thanks Danka for being with me, love you girl!
And then Neita - Full CH Copper's Wine 'N' Roses HJCH RJCH - arrived. Still cannot decide if she has more angel or devil inside her. She is the sweetest, wants to be close to you all the time, would love to crawl under your skin if that would be possible. Everyone is in love with her because of her beauty and character - bet if I would give her away, people would want to give her back the day after :) She is the destroyer in the house, eats sofas and doors but when she looks at you with those eyes, you just can't be angry on her (for a longer time that is...). She is a big actress as well, pretending to be a real blond - was hard to realize that actually she has brains and a lot! Unbeaten in baby-puppy-junior classes, we look forward to challenges in adult classes. Neita is a talent in the fields as well, already managed to get a CQN just one year old. She backs from the first second on and does not point but sets like a real setter :-)
Pawsword Northern Song, little Zilou - the one I know from the first second on, being Danka's daughter. The one that unites all the positive virtues of Irish Setters without having a bad detail. She has only been shown in baby and puppy class because of big sister Neita. Zilou is getting better with every day and seems to develop into a copy-paste of Danka. The best character ever, the best working abilities. The girl that makes me smile with every move she makes. Love you so much, little girl!
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  • Susan Stone

  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.


    Yes you're right ! it's Icy Breeze, I guess my eyes crossed yesterday night when I was reading the catalogue.

    Thank you very much.

  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Hi Laura,

    Thankyou so much for my lovely birthday wishes. I had a super day! :):):)

  • Charlotte Godart - Riverwood

    Thank you very much for your comment ;-)
  • Ewa Wojcik

    Thank you Laura, it was fantastic wekend for us :)
  • Susan Stone

    Thanks:-)) maybe more soon if I get them sorted...
  • Susan Stone

    Pointer-Mum? Bin gespannt auf deine News...!

    Trials: zwei Tage zu viele Grouse für Glen, er hat nur noch vorgestanden... dann in Dorback: drei Läufe, super gegangen, leider kein Grouse.

    Ferien waren super. Nun erzähl schon mal...

    Liebe Grüsse, Susan

  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Laura, thanks for the congrats! cheers, Cheryl
  • Carmel Murphy

    How did you get on at the weekend?? How was the judging?
  • Doris, Senta and Iris

    Dear Laura,

    Senta has a beautiful,very luscious coat;perfect for collecting all the burs at the farm;Iris's coat is  very shiny ,she 's  grown into beautiful Setter teenager

    All the best to you and your Setters


  • Susan Stone

    sure! (does that mean your homepage is due for an overhaul? ;-))
  • Susan Stone

    Super für Neita! Und Danka?

    Das klingt schön: Dein Pointerabend mit Rotwein:-)

    Ich gehe jetzt schlafen... Gute Nacht.

  • Susan Stone

    Guten Morgen!

    Hältst Du mich betreffend Danka auf dem Laufenden? Dickens wird wohl nicht getestet - vielleicht frage ich aber noch einmal nach.

    Liebe Grüsse


  • Susan Stone

    Wow, looks like you had a brilliant day! Serious training? Go for it!!! Neita fat? Maybe phantom pregnancy?

    BTW Reba is almost 18 kg...;-(

    Wir hatten am Sonntag auch einen schönen Trainingstag (nicht jagdlich) bei strahlendem Sonnenschein. Thema: Richtiges Bestätigen des Hundes - auch sehr spannend, v.a. wenn Reba den nahen Wald als ihre die tollste Bestätigung erkennt... zum Glück ist meine Reaktion fast so schnell wie ihre;-)




  • Susan Stone

    Ich sehe schon, aus Dir wird nie eine richtige Züchterin!!! :o))

    Nein, Spass beiseite, aber Du siehst jetzt selbst, dass nicht die Schönheit im Sinne von 'show' den ganz speziellen Hund ausmacht... sondern seine Ausstrahlung und sein Charakter. Zilou scheint beides zu haben:-)) Und wenn sie dann noch ein jagdliches Supertalent ist - umso besser!

    Take care


  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Thanks Laura:-)

    Cuddles for Danka and Neita and small pointer!

  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    I hope Zilou isn,t offended;) I lost a track of your dogs, especially with a pointer!

  • Susan Stone

    Hallo! Du lebst noch? Ich glaube, Deine Zilou hat super Talent! Kommt das von Mama Danka? Und der Pointer lebt nun definitiv bei Dir? Dann kannst Du uns Deine Erfahrungen schildern, ob Pointer besser vorstehen als IS... ;-))

  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Happy, Happy Birthday for tomorrow, Dear Friend.

    M XXX

  • Monique VIRY

    Ich wünsche dir ein angenehmer tag, viel spass und ein ganz grosse geburtstagkuchen !!!!

    Grosses bises 

  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Happy Birthday, Laura. 

    Lot of joy with your reds and black and white. Great work on the shows and in the fields.

    Your new 'avatar' photo is fine!


    Happy Birthday Laura. Have a good day with your reds

    Jean & Noëlla

  • Catherine Carter

    Happy Birthday, Laura!

    lots of hugs and licks from me and Pete,Roger,Kim and Venus! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Dee Rance

    Happy birthday Laura...have a great day....;o)


    Hi Laura ! Jean has wished you a very good B-Day ! I also want to celebrate it with you and   i also remember you that my own B-Day is tomorrow , the last day of the year !  buuuut i am not so young as you ! Noooooo ! Have a nice day Laura !

  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    A very Happy Birthday Laura!!!!!  have a terrific celebration with all your red girls  :-)

  • Zsuzsanna Kázsmér: Maya and Skíp

    Azt üzente a program, hogy küldjek neked szülinapi ajándékot, mivel ezért nem kell creditet fizetni hát ezt kapod szüli napra :)))))
  • Phil du Plessis

    Happy birthday, Laura. It's great to share the setter experience with you. It is midsummer in South Africa and my dogs enjoy their afternoon walks. Sharing our pictures and animal stories is a privilege.

    Kind regards

    Phil, Ari and Rhett

  • Nadine Bonjean

    Oh Laura, I have forgotten ;-( but a

  • Nadine Bonjean

    Yes, because it'swonderful!

  • Cornelia

    Schönes, neues Profilbild!! Und ich dachte immer, die Iren, seien die Schosshundchen :-))

  • Heike Sporleder

    Hallo Laura,

    viele Grüße noch aus Ungarn. Ich habe vorgestern und gestern hier ein Schwein geschossen. Heute Abend versuche ich nocheinmal ein Schwein zu bekommen. Morgen fahre ich dann nach Deutschland zurück.

    Bis bald

    Gruß von Heike, Sam und Orlando

  • Heike Sporleder

    Huhu Laura,

    nun bin ich endlich wieder nach 14,5 Stunden Fahrzeit wieder in Rheinberg angekommen. Toll, daß Du Fotos von uns hast. Ich hatte mich schon geärgert, daß ich mit unserem schönen Pokal keine gemacht hatte, aber nun bekomme ich ja welche. Ich freue mich schon darauf. Hier meine Mailadresse:

    Ganz lieben Dank im Vorraus

  • Nadine Bonjean

    Hello Laura,

     Congratulations for Danka and Neita at Crufts!

  • Carmel Murphy

    Well done at Crufts Laura;o) Was lovely to meet you at last! Sorry we didnt get to talk for longer, but it is always crazy minding 2 dogs and racing about from a to b ;o)

  • Doris, Senta and Iris

    Dear Laura,

    I hope you are keeping well,

    Brandy spends time with us while family is away for vacation;she was just here for a couple of weeks;we wish they could take even more vacation,since we love to have her here;she is a joy and Senta and Iris adore her;seeing Iris and Brandy play together is hilarious;they are very entertaining all day;Brandy loves the freedom at our house;she has the open spay to run ;she lives in Downtown Toronto,over 1 hour drive from our place;they live by a park ,so luckily she has access to  field an forest right by their house,which is pretty good for a downtown girl;she loves us,she loves her family too,but her Setter family wins her heart;she hides and she does not want to go home when they come to pick her up ;Iris and her are sad  every time,it takes them about 3 days to recover...anyway we look forward for her to come back soon...

  • Susan Stone

    Do you think you could keep up? ;-))


  • Susan Stone

    Did not mean the dogs' speed... ;-))

  • Cornelia

    Danke, Laura! Joy meint, sie wolle auch mal so einen feinen Cake und wollte schon eine Bestellung aufgeben - vielleicht hast Du ja ein Rezept? Liebe Grüsse, C & J xxx

  • Charlotte Godart - Riverwood

    Yes Laura you was right to insist ! THANK YOU to do it :-) Perhaps now some are angry that you did LOL

  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Thanks Laura for your comforting comment after Bajka passed away.

  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Hear you are off to England, you lucky girl! Have a wonderful time and best wishes with your new adventure.


  • Nadine Bonjean

    Thank you Laura for your comment!

  • Monique VIRY

    Viel dank Laura, wir sind sehr stolz auf unser junger Glen Junior.

  • Cornelia

    Danke, Laura! Das waren sozusagen die letzten paar Buchenblätter, die zu den Farben beigetragen haben - jetzt ist alle unten und wir haben Frost.  LG C & J xxx


    Hi Laura , as usual, i wish you a very happy b-day with your family and reds ! Each year it's the same , being older and older ! and we can't do anything !!!! Have a nice day !  Tomorrow it's mine ! ! !   Noëlla

  • Catherine Carter

    Happy Birthday, Laura! :-)
  • David McIlveen Wright

    Happy Birthday, Laura!

  • Catherine Carter

    Happy Birthday !!!!

  • Catherine Carter

    Happy Birthday ! :-)