Astrid Landsaat



Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
Ginger was our first setter. Now I am the proud owner of Pallas Green Kells and Pallas Green Gina.
About Me:

my name is Astrid and I am the proud owner of two Irish setters. My first setter was Ginger Obvious Red and she was born on may the 29th 2002. Unfortunately, Ginger was not a healthy dog, she was an epileptic and had MO.
She passed away on the 24th of july 2010. Her memoriam is on:

Since may 15th 2011 we are the proud owners of Pallas Green Kells. Kells was born on November 26th 2009 and she is a working setter. After Ginger I made the decision that I never wanted a setter from show lines again. We are very happy that we could have Kells. She is the joy of my life!

Since 29-7-2012 we have two Irish in the house. Kells her mother will live with us and enjoy her retirement.

In October 2012 my kennel name was registered. The goal of the Ceanannas kennel is to breed healthy Irish that are capable to work.
Why are you applying for membership?
A. I am a human wanting to contribute to the community

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  • Dee Rance

    Thank you for that, I hope that you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year all the best Dee and the gang

  • Susan Stone

    Many thankss for your Christmas wishes, Astrid. I hope that 2011 will bring you joy and happiness!


  • Kristina Netterwall

    Astrid, I wish you Merry Christmas

    and A happy New Year!!!!!

    Kristina with Malva and Iris

  • Laura Kolbach

    hi Astrid, thanks a lot for the birthday wishes!
  • Barbara

    Hi Astrid! Thank you so much for your Birthday wishes, but I accidentally entered the wrong month. Please apologize my mistake. Wish you a happy and healthy new Year 2011! All the best Barbara
  • Jos en Els de Meijer

    Dag Astrid,


    Leuk je hier te ontmoeten.

    Nog de allerbeste wensen toegewenst voor jou en je familie.

    Groetjes, Jos en Els en alllllllllllllllll the dogs.

  • Susan Mogony

    Dank je wel!! Groet en hopelijk een keer tot ziens in het "eggie"
  • Barbara

    Hi Astrid! Thank you for your Birthday wishes! All the best Barbara
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Astrid

    Thank you very much for the link I can't bring myself to try and read it at this moment in time. Just a little bit raw at the moment, but will give it a go later, when I have calmed down a bit...just feel sick all the time...can't stop thinking how frightened she must be..Irish Setters are not good in big packs...and over 100 abandoned dogs where she was left is just too sad to think about...but thank you again Dee and the gang

  • Régine Finck

    Hello. When Gypsie died, I hadn't her pedigree yet and I didn't ask the breeder to give it to me as the dog was dead. But one of my friend is the owner of Gypsie's sister, I can ask for the pedigree if you want.
  • Régine Finck

    Ok, I 'll ask my friend. I just have a look at your pictures, Ginger doesn't look like not healthy. My Gypsie didn't eat well and was very thin.
  • Lieve De Backer

    Dank je. Toen keek ze echt wel heel schattig. Ondertussen is Hoshiko
    2 jaar en na een kleine pubertijds-crisis, mijn allergrootste vriend. Zeer intelligent en erg aanhankelijk. 
  • Lieve De Backer

    Ja, hoe gaat dat. Op zoek naar een naam voor mijn nieuwe pup ! Het moest met de letter 'H' beginnen. Ik wilde een naam met betekenis en één waarop ze zou reageren, zo kwam ik uit bij een Japanse naam. Hoshi- betekent 'Ster' en -ko wordt meestal achter de naam geplaatst als het om een meisje gaat, en betekent eigenlijk 'kind'. Dus dat werd het dan , my 'Star-child' was born ;)
  • Lieve De Backer

    Ben oorspronkelijk ook wel op de Ierse toer gegaan hoor, maar vond echt niets naar m'n zin...
  • Wim Dokter

    Dat zou voor de ierse setter in Nederland geweldig zijn!


    En ik verzeker je het is geweldig om een setter aan het werk te zien!

  • Wim Dokter

    Ja,  ik vondt het jammer dat het niet in een meer natuurlijkere setting plaats vondt.


    Maar Gerard deed het goed.

  • Jo Ottinger

    Hi, thanks for the friend request, Hawk had his first seizure 6/1/10 and has only had 2 GM and 3 PM.  he is two months seizure free and is not on any medication as his seizures so far (fingers crossed) are very far apart.  Hope you are your are doing well.
  • Jo Ottinger

    Hope you get the puppy this summer, It will be a while before I can get another, even though Hawk needs the company.   Nothing better than puppy breath.
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Many thanks for your birthday wishes Astrid :-)
    when is the new puppy expected?
    wishing you a wonderful day
  • Susan Stone

    Thank you for your kind comment, Astrid. I hope you have a new puppy to welcome into your home and heart.

    all the best


  • Susan Stone

    Dear Astrid

    I am so happy for you! I am sure you will be very busy with her and enjoy the companionship of each other.

    All the best


  • Barbara

    Hi Astria! Have a new family member -  I am very happy for you! Has Kells settled in well? And she like your cats? Wish you all the best with her. Barbara

  • Michelle Webster

    Hi Astrid,

    Geordie sends lots of wags, woofs and licks to Kells and lots of hugs from me as well.

    Best wishes,


  • Frans de Vos

    Hallo Astrid ..

    Leuk dat je een aanvraag hebt gedaan ...

    En als er ooit eens een mogelijkheid voordoet kom ik eens met jullie mee wandelen.

    hoe lang doe je al het regio werk ?

    Ik nu doe het nu 5 en een half jaar ( alleen ) en het blijft leuk ...



  • Marjolein Bogaard

    Dank je wel Astrid!! Groetjes van Marjolein en de rode rakkers!
  • Catherine Carter

    Happy Birthday, Astrid! xxxxx
  • Carmel Murphy

    Happy Birthday Astrid;o)
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Happy Birthday Astrid!!!!!! I would love to be able to come and offer you the B-cake with candles and see how Kells will react ... I am sure she will make this day very special for you  :-)
  • Barbara

    Happy Birthday Astrid! Have a super day!
  • Frans de Vos

    Hallo astrid ..

    vandaag weer bij de DA geweest ..

    Waarschijnlijk is Icko alergisch voor zijn pijnstillers we weer gestopt zijn gaat het ook weer beter ...


    bedankt voor je reactie



  • Carmel Murphy

    Thank you Astrid for the Birthday Wish;o))

  • Thomas Amport

    Hi Astrid.

    Thanks a lot. Once again we felt very welcome in the Netherlands, so it won't be the last time we've been to Texel.

    I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


  • Kristina Netterwall

    Merry Christmas Astrid and Happy New Year!

    I'm so happy that you have a new irish red setter.

    Give Kells a kiss from

    Kicki, Malva, Iris and Abbey

  • Dee Rance

    Had a great day.....dinner with my daughter and her family and a bear....that wasn't so good...went straight to my perhaps that was good...seems one drink and I am smashed....ha ha....

    Thank you for your thoughts for me....Dee and the kids

  • Régine Finck

    Thank you Astrid.I wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy new year too.

  • Rhonda Fisher

    Kind memories for Ginger. Big hugs for Kells. Time out for both of us to go and look at beautiful photos of IS running free with sticks, sitting in camping chairs etc. Better still like me, grab you lovely Irish and enjoy outside. Let Eva C's comment hang there alone like a useless rag flapping in the wind.

    Kind Regards

    Rhonda, Murphy and Kerry.

  • Rhonda Fisher

    Astrid many people realise that Ginger and you lived through a nightmare. The health checks are a positive thing and your posting of the links is a positive thing. Thank you for sticking with the breed. We need to support breeders who are not Kennel Blind or push popular sire syndrome. They are around and when you find one celebrate them. The dream comments I like to believe are out of ignorance or stupidity. They would hurt anyone who has watched a loved dog go through pain and suffering from a serious disease. Hopefully you can manage silence is golden, as the last reply is toxic and not worthy of discussion.

    Take care.

  • Cornelia

    Never late, Astrid! Thanks for the nice wishes!

  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Hi Astrid, the boys are doing very well, too much energetic these days ... must be the Spring or I am seriously getting older :-)
     Waiting to go for their walk in the forest ... they hate to wait ... so impatient!!!

    my new gardeners ... Mac chewing everything and Darwin supervising of course :-)

     showing Mac ... a wonderful gentleman teaching us the trade....

  • Barbara

    Happy Birthday Astrid!!

  • Catherine Carter

    Happy Birthday, Astrid! Wish you a super day with family, friends and Kells! :-)
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Happy Birthday Astrid!!!!  have a terrific celebration and let us know how Kells made the day very special for you  :-)

  • ereni

    Happy Birthday, ASTRID!!!


    Reni and Isis

  • martina mckeag

    Happy Birthday Astrid hope you have a great day

  • Cornelia

    Thanks, Astrid! How was your time in Sweden? Did you see the sun this time? We saw houses half washed-out by the floods in the news (from Sweden) this year! All the best, C & J

  • Rhonda Fisher

    Thank you Astrid. I had a lovely birthday.

  • Cornelia

    Thank you Astrid, for your nice comment on my blog! I hope you are all well and Kells and Gina are keeping you busy. It's lovely when you have two reds that can play together but two would be too narrow for us in the small VW bus. All the best, C & J xxx

  • Cornelia

    thanks for the nice comment, Astrid!
  • Rachel

    Hello Astrid. nice to see you..

    Have made a forum discussion, hopefully I shall learn even more after today..


  • Catherine Carter

    Happy Birthday ! :-)