Eileen Olivares


Sata Clara del Cobre, Michoacan


Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
8 months
About Me:
I love all setters! My husband and I used to own a Gordon Setter and an English Setter in France. The Gordon Setter died of old age, but we took our English Setter with us to Mexico and have now bought a little female Irish Setter.

Comment Wall:

  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Ola Eileen, welcome to ES!!!! waiting to see pictures of all your setters  :-)

  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Thanks for the invite Eileen, and happy to be your new ES friend  :-)

  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    This little lady of yours looks really cute!!!

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Eileen, thanks for the friends invite, your dogs look lovely (",)

  • Eileen Olivares

    Thank you for accepting my invitation! :-) Your dog Finlay is absolutely gorgeous!!! And I see that you live in Birmingham? I know Birmingham quite well and have friends that live there. Part of my mother's family lives in the Northampton/Milton Keynes area.

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Eileen, it is a small world isn't it, i've lived in Birmingham all my life, i just moved from the north side to the south, lots of nice woods and places to walk Finlay, yes it was a terrible shock to find out Finlay was ill,  he was having x-ray to see why he was still limping after 2weeks we thought it was a sprain, they found a bone tumor, vet said he would only have 6weeks but that was nearly 8months ago, he's well and happy so thats what counts, but i'm so upset at the thought of loosing him

  • Rhonda Fisher

    Thank you Eileen. Lovely to share news on your English and cute Irish pup.

    Cheers Rhonda, Murphy and Kerry

  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Hi Eileen, thanks for inviting me as your friend. Nice to see your beautiful setters.  I'm sure  Lucas and Molly will be best friends soon, Just give some time to Molly:-)

    Ania with Kasia

  • Eileen Olivares

    Thank you Anna! It's mostly Lucas I need to give time to ;-) Molly wants to play with Lucas all day long, but Lucas is not so happy about the intrusion into his life ... Wish us luck! Your setters are beautiful!!! Greetings, Eileen with Lucas and Molly

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Thanks Eileen

    Even the vet thought he might of got it wrong so he sent x-rays biopsy results and notes to a specilist but he agreed with my vet i just hope they are both wrong, he's in the garden barking like mad as he wants me to go out and play, best go before he starts again.


  • Lynn Spencer

    Welcome Eileen.  I'm sure you'll love it here on ES.  Beautiful photo's, lovely people, great discussions. 

    Again, a very warm welcome to you & your lovely pups from us in Melbourne Australia. 

  • martina mckeag

    Thank you Eileen for the friends invite it is hard sometimes for the older dog the pup as so much energy if things got to much for Shannon I just took Sophie away but they will get there all in good time they will be best friends just enjoy the young pup as they grow up so fast all the best Martina

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Thanks Eileen, when we were told all i could think about was i only had a few weeks i didn't enjoy them as i kept thinking is to-day our last day, the longer it went the better i felt as i didn't want to waste our time together, even now i dont like leaving him if i dont have to he is such a sweetheart, i just keep hoping. your rainy weather sounds like ours it's been a bad summer, we have had storms and floods but next couple of days are going to be nice.


  • silvia

    thanks eileen, happy to be yout friend:) cant write very well spanish, pero lo intiendo:) ciao!!!

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Thanks Eileen

    It is knowing that others on this site know what your going through that helps, i've had lots of advice and good wishes and you know people rearly mean it as they love there dogs just as much.

  • silvia

    ooops .. get confused since I noticed you live in lovely mexico:) ok then and keep in touch :)

  • silvia

    oh, the swiss origin explains better :) I am originally from venice, my husband from rome, but his family is half from switzerland from the mother's part (grigioni and german speaking region). unfortunately, he doesnt speak any german so he's lost the legacy;). Looking forward to see your pics and posts! cheers

  • Barbara

    Hi Eileen! I saw that your Molly is sick at travelling with the car. For my Tiny "D.A.P. Spray" was a great help. All the best. Barbara

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Eileen, hope all is well with you, and Molly &Lucas, (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Eileen, all your photos look lovely, but you can see Molly rules the house love the look on poor Lucas's face at times, made me smile (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Thanks Eileen, Finlay is doing well, he's fast asleep on the chair at the moment, i'll give him a big hug from you (",)

  • Barbara

    Hallo Eileen! Wie ich sehe sprichst du deutsch :-) Geht es Molly beim Autofahren schon besser? Lg aus Wien. Barbara + Tiny

  • Barbara

    Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Eileen!!! Lg B+T xxx

  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Happy Birthday, Eileen:-) Have a nice day!

  • Lynn Spencer

    Thankyou Eileen, so much for your kind comments on my Irish girl Tess.  She has just turned 11yrs. & is just the most beautiful girl.  She is my shadow & I love her to bits. 

    Grace, my puppy, is now almost 14 months old.  A real scallywag but both girls are great friends so I feel very fortunate.  It took awhile, but we got there. 


    Hugs to you, Lucas & Molly.

    Lynn & girls.  



  • Lynn Spencer

    Hi Eileen,

    I wish I could help you with Lucas & Molly but I'm sure it will all be fine.  Tess really didn't like or want Grace at all but when she eventually realised that Grace was not going anywhere, I think she decided to stop carrying-on & got on with it.  It did take awhile, probably many months, but slowly I could see a change in Tess.  She was beginning to accept Grace, but I have always made sure that Tess has her quiet time away from puppy Grace & also still have her special 'Tess & me' time.  They do get along really well now but still, when Tess is tired or has had enough, she will tell Grace off & Grace will know she's not interested.  I still separate them at times (after 12 months together) as Grace can still be a bit too much for Tess.  She's such a happy little girl & wants to play & doesn't realise that Tess is too old or just doesn't want to play.  I really feel that it's so important for Tess to get her rest & not to be bothered.  


    I have no magical potions; wish I did.  We have had Grace now for just over 12 months.  Love her to bits. I'm so thankful that Tess loves her too (or I think she does (lol)).  It did take time & much longer than I thought but we got there & so will you.  An Irish & an English Setter are perfect together.  Oh, & Molly has certainly grown into a beautiful young Irish girl. 


    Lynn & girls.




    As to how long it took for them to become friends;  well it's hard to say.  It was very gradual, over many months. 

  • karen chesher

    Thankyou for the friends invite,always happy to have another ES friend :))

  • Baileys' Page!

    Thankyou for your very kind comment Eileen!. Tina and Bailey.

  • Baileys' Page!

    Aww wow that sounds idyllic..how beautiful!. We are hoping to move somewhere early next year that has some lovely walks fingers crossed all goes to plan and thankyou. Bailey is blushing!..lol.

  • Sharyn Latchford

    Thanks for the friend request, delighted to be added to your list.



    Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas




  • Finding_Beau

    Hi Eileen, It's lovely to be your ES friend. Thank you for asking me. I hope you all have a very Happy Christmas and a Wonderful 2014. Best wishes from Susan and her English Setters, Hobson and Misty and her horses, Hallmark, Charlamayne and Khatalyst and our White Heron family member, Sam xxxxx

  • Dianne cook

    I was just heading off to bed Eileen and remembered I hadn't accepted your friends request...I an so sorry. I knew if I didn't do it now I would forget with the silly season on us! Have a lovely Christmas with family and your furbabies. I look forward to sharing many a furkid story. Take care Dianne and Irish x
  • Eileen Olivares

    Dear Dianne,

    Thank you so much for accepting my friend request! I wish you and your beautiful dogs a wonderful Christmas time and all the very best for 2014!

    Take care,

    Eileen, Lucas, Molly, Fiona & Jason xxx

  • terrie lynn stauffer

    dear Eileen why does he irish setter have that white plastic over the mouth? is she a barker or a biter.I live in the usa and would like for you to be my irish setter friend.


  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Eileen, nice profile photo wih all the dogs, hope you are all well, Finlay is bringing me his toys to get me to go outside and play with him, take care Ellen (",)
  • Eileen Olivares

    Hi Ellen,

    We are all fine! It's great to hear from you and I'm so happy to know that Finlay continues to do so well! I also like that photo ... it's not so easy to get the four of the to pose ... ;-) Lots of greetings to you, dear Ellen!

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Eileen, how are you? And how are the dogs? Finlay has had his food and gone upstairs for a sleep on my bed, they say it's a dogs life, wish mine was like his, walking, eating and sleeping (",) I'm just having a sit down for 10 minutes before I go out to work again. Take care Ellen x