Howard Glansfield



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
thirty years
About Me:
I am retired and my wife and I now have two setters after adding another with one of Mr Jingles' puppies.
We have three cats.
I enjoy music and art and ,of course,animals.
We have two grown up and left home children and two grand dauughers.

Comment Wall:

  • Tina Clamp

    Hi Howard
    welcome to the site. I think it is a lovely one, all like minded people. I am hoping to get a puppy next year, I have a setter already called Mia. Can't wait. x
  • Henry's Mom

    Congratulations on adopting your new puppy, Arthur. My Henry will be Arthur's step brother also a Mr Jingles puppy, now 14 months old. I feel so blessed to have my beautiful boy, Mostly, very well behaved and very very loving. I wish you a long and happy life together.
  • Tina Clamp

    Hi Howard
    What a gorgeous little man arthur is, you have taken some lovely photos of him. He sounds as if he is settling in lovely.
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Howard
    Thank you for you kind thoughts on my Jasmine, and I am so pleased to hear about your friends wee dog, I see you too have a Jingles baby, I have one here, he is a lovely dog but his mother is a bit of a live wire, and so is he, good luck with yours, I am sure that with a Thendara mother yours will be calmer...will you be showing Arthur???
    Thanks again for your comment and for your thoughts, Dee and the gang
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Howard
    These Jingle babies are definitely head strong, I think that mine is part Kangaroo he spends more time on his hind legs than all four, do try and get some shows, if you go to a ringcraft class then you may well meet someone that you could travel to shows with, up here we tend to double up, but we don't handle each others dogs, just in case we have to judge...
    And as far as Fred is concerned, he just had Irish way of looking at the world, (I am part Irish, so can say this) he just loves life and that is all that counts.
    Thanks for the thoughts on Jas, she seems to be doing well at the moment, so fingers crossed.
    Dee and the gang
    ps start practising with Arthur
  • Sheree Parrish

    Red Ribbon
  • Susan Stone

    Hello Howard,

    I've just read about Ellie and can understand how worried you are. I hope it is not as bad as feared and that the vet will find a way to help her.

    Wishing you all the best


  • Michelle Webster

    Did you get my message?

    Best wishes,


  • Dee Rance

    Thank you Howard for you comment, I agree so much with you, I am going to update the blog and hope that someone will let me know if I have forgotten something....Thanks again for your thoughts, Dee and the gang
  • Marjolein Bogaard

    Hi Howard, my pleasure! Hope you are well. The Golden in the car is not mine, it is one of the dogs of my best friend, but whenever it is possible we make nice walks together! Have a nice day!
  • Michelle Webster

    I don't understand the message you have just sent me..................what are you referring to?
  • Dee Rance

    Red Ribbon
  • Dee Rance

    Thank you I really needed that....
  • Dee Rance

    Thank you for that Howard, it is difficult knowing where to draw the line. but this made me call all the owners of the rest of the puppies, what lovely people they are, I was so lucky with them, I suppose we should be happy that she is safe and sound...I thought it really nice of the vet to contact me back...very considerate, they are lucky to have found such a nice place for her...and I hope that she has a wonderful life...Dee and the gang
  • Michelle Walsh

    Hi Howard ! Many thanks for your well wishes for Legolas :) Keeping him 'quiet' will be tough but I'll just have to try my best...pretty sure he's going to be soooo bored , we'll probably driven each other crazy :)
  • Michelle Webster

    Hi Howard,


    I've been catching up with the discussions today and was so sorry to read about Maggie. if you let me know her registered name I will add her to the site.

    Still looking for George, but haven't come across him yet

    Best wishes,


  • Michelle Webster

    Thanks Howard. of course I'll add Bobbi. Can you let me know when she died?

    Best wishes,


  • Michelle Webster

    Hi Howard,

    I found Bobbi's record and she is down as being born on 3rd September 1991 not 6/12/91, so I kept on checking and she is definitely the same bitch as she was transferred into your name.

    Best wishes,


  • Michelle Webster

    Hi Howard,

    Just to let youknow that I have added Maggie & Bobbi. If you let me have a photo of each of them I'll add them to their pages.

    Best wishes,


  • Michelle Webster

    Hi Howard,


    You can e-mail it to me at:

    If you can't do this, then e-mail me and let me know and I'll give you my postal address. If you have to post it, then sens it recorded delivery and I'll send it back by return once I've scanned it in.

    Best wishes,


  • Frans de Vos

    Hello Howard


    I have a copy ..almost 2 years now ...

    but there must be another film with an Irish setter..

    I searched the internet but can not find it ..

    I don't have a name or something else it's hard to find ..

  • martina mckeag

    Hi Howard i use a canny coller on shannon and it is great i only use it on her if im takeing

    her some were that there is going to a lot of people around as she gets abit nervous the canny coller goes to the back of the head so you have more controll hope this helps


  • James Doran

    Touche' Howard!
  • Cornelia

    Happy Birthday, Howard! I hope you have a splendid day and get spoiled a lot :-)). All the best, C & J

  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Happy Birthday Howard and have a great celebration with your family and your Reds. Howard what is the mother of your puppy from Jingles?

  • James Doran

    Happy Birthday Howard! Hope you're having a good one!

  • Astrid Landsaat

    Happy Birthday Howard!

  • Michelle Walsh

    ~~Happy Birthday Howard~~have a great day :)

  • roland alain

    avant de critiquer lisait mon commentaire sur le site

  • Kimberly Simmons

    No Kidding!!! :-(

  • Cornelia

    Happy Birthday Howard!! 

  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Howard, Happy Birthday!  Hope you have a great day and all is well in your world!  cheers, Cheryl

  • Catherine Carter

    Happy Birthday, Howard! :-)
  • James Doran

    Happy Birthday old friend. Do you want Bridget Bardot this year again, or shall i send you another siren? I have to be careful with you at your age you know! Don't fret about ES, we will make everything alright. Best wishes.

  • Astrid Landsaat

    Happy Birthday Howard!

  • Elizabeth Ball

    Hope you are having an enjoyable Birthday Howard

  • Kimberly Simmons

    HaPpY BiRtHdAy Howard

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Howard, i read on one of the discussions that you had not been well, just wanted to say that i hope you are feeling better now (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Thanks Howard, pleased to accept (",)

  • Catherine Carter

    Thank you, Howard for accepting the request! And great photos of you and Joan!
  • Lois McCullough

    Hi Howard not sure if you are on FB! Feel free to email me at Best wishes lois

  • James Doran

    Happy Birthday Howard. I hope you are enjoying yourself.

  • Catherine Carter

    Happy Birthday! Hope you had a great day! :-)
  • Kimberly Simmons

    Happy Birthday, Howard! Hope you had a great day!!!

  • Sue Paterson

    Thank you for the friends request which I'm pleased to accept.

  • James Doran

    Happy Birthday Howard. Hope you're having a good one.