Luk Deboosere


west vlaanderen


Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
30 years
About Me:
I am very enthousiast of setters

Comment Wall:

  • Trudy Walsh

    Hi Luk, it's lovely to hear from you. Congratulations on your new boy, Magic. I hope he brings you many years of joy.
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Hi Luk,

    As a newbie I look at all the pictures, cannot get tired of admiring them all... Hence, I saw your very beautiful Pure Magic boy, congratulations and no doubt he will be the joy of your life!!!
    You mentioned to Trudy that you lost a pup who had m.o. What is m.o?
    I am sure you have plenty more pictures of your lovely Pure Magic, and from his predecessors too... hopefully, you will find a bit of time to put them on this site, not like me .. but I have an excuse though, David, my husband put them all on his page.

    Wishing you a terrific time with your handsome Pure Magic, please give him a big cuddle for me

    Hi Trudy pleased to hear from you. Magic is my 5th setter. I am pleased I have found hem by Mrs Mcc Kimm. I had a englisch setter who has died the 9th july at the age of 13 years and 7 months. Then I bought a puppy of 10 weeks but hi died after 3 weeks. He had m.o. and the person where I bought the puppy did'nt know it. So it become that I have found Pure Magic. We have given him the name of our first Puppy. Now we call him James and he already knows his name. It's a very enthousiast Puppy and I think we will have some work to learn him every thing.yours sincerely
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Many thanks for your invitation Luk and very happy to become your ES friend. A big cuddle to your lovely red head...