Louisa Nally




Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
none 2 Irish Water Spaniels
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
Had a Red and White 15 years
About Me:
I am an Artist who specializes in Painting the Nine Native Breeds. I particularly like the Red and Whites. I painted 'Harlequin of Knockala' 'Blaze' first R & W shown at Crufts by Anne Gormley who is a special friend and helped me set on the Trail of painting our Irish Breeds. I love the photos I have seen on this site and are most inspiring.....Thank you all so much.

Comment Wall:

  • Angela Clarke

    Hi Louisa, taken a long time to welcome you so....... welcome. How lovely to be able to paint, I enjoy looking at art but cann`t even draw a straight line!! love to see some of your art work in your pictures sections. I am at present trying to get a good picture of my three together to have a water colour painted. Do you paint with acrilic,oil  or watercolour ? A

    PS I was brought up in cavan, now live in England, my heart still lives in Cavan.