Christine Kent


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
6 months
About Me:
I am married with 3 grown up kids. My irish setter is called Riley.

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  • Corinne Wakefield

    Hi Christine - welcome to ES which is a great information site for us with our fabulous reds.

    Look forward to hearing from you. X

  • sarah stevens

    Hi Christine, for some reason I can't reply to your message so I will put it on here instead...

    Hi Christine,
                       We live in southcote just off the A4, we normally walk Ziggy in Prospect park and sometimes down the river off of circut lane, I will only take him on the lead in the park as I find he can be a bit unprdictable and I am a bit worried about the main road but my hubby just lets him off to have a good run and he is better behaved with him, my hubby says there are not many bikes in the park but he does go mid morning about 10ish or about 8ish in the evening.
     We do take ziggy down the river and he just loves to run through the fields and the holybrook.
    Ziggy is just 20 months old and full of energy and keeps us all on our toes,
    How are you getting on with Riley????




  • sarah stevens

    Hi Christine, yes I did thank you, how often do you meet up with your friends with the setters??? maybe we could meet up,Sarah