Vicky Smith




Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
3 years
About Me:
All about my Red Setter.
She is so funny! She makes me laugh allot, like in the garden I have CDs hanging to scare the birds away from my veggies, she could be out there for ages trying to catch the reflections, I say to her “Kara are you going to catch the Fairies” and does with her tail wagging constantly, she is soooo determined, “one day, one day!“

And she robs my plastic plant pots, with the plants still in it! Then trots, no more like prances down the garden. Turns around, drops it then looks at me with that look on her face, ears forward and that fluffy spikey bit at the top of her head that stands on end when she means mischief. Anyway she looks at you as if to say “come on, I know you wanna, go on chase me” And you do because it is just so funny. As you have already I think found out, she is one of my favourite subjects, My Muppy, Buddy, Kara bear , Honey or just “Kara”.

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