Barbara Simpson

, Female

Denton, TX

United States

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
Only one Irish Setter bitch right now
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
since I was 9 years of age
About Me:
Semi-retired, I still show my own dogs. Currently only showing my 2 Borzoi girls, Traveler who is 3 1/2 years old and a red and white and Dori, a youngster who is an Irish Marked Red Sable. Dori smiles at me all the time, very cute. Photos of both girls are on my photos page along with some old photos of Irish I have bred or owned.

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  • Ann Mussinan

    I believe you sent an email to me meant for someone else that you met at the OKC show. I'm always glad to hear from another Texan....hope you link up with the person intended.
    Ann Mussinand & the TX Misfit Gang
    (West TX that is!)
  • Barbara Simpson

    Hi Ann, well, I'm still showing my Borzoi. My red and white girl Traveler is currently in N. CA with her breeder being shown at some outdoor shows. I've been showing the puppy girl Dori here in N. TX but she's going to stay home for a few months to mature. I brought an 18 mo old male Borzoi and a nearly 2 year old female Borzoi back from CA with me the end of Feb. this year. I'm going to start showing them at the local KC show over Mother's Day weekend. My lone Irish, Garnett, had a rough winter with her rheumatoid arthritis. She had to wear a blanket coat even indoors to keep her back nice and warm. I think we have her thyroid leveled out finally, it's only taken us 3 years! She thinks the Borzoi are lots of fun unless they gang up on her! Other than that, just hanging in there, taking care of the furkids and working part time. My last rescue foster was a male Irish who was a digger. It was nice getting him placed within a week of coming to stay with me too. Had to put him on a tie out chain to keep him in the yard, he'd dig out and then dig back under my next door neighbor's fence! Silly dog. Hope you're doing well too.
  • Christina

    I know its been ages since I've posted. Well after many different vet opinions and none of them knowing exactly what Luke has (all his tests came back negative) , they have started treating him for Valley Fever. He has been on the medicine for a while now and is much much better. I happy that he feels so much better and say my prayers that him and all my animals stay healthy. Thank you