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These 35 photos were taken during the first three weeks that our new Irish Setter has been with us. Her name is Keira and in these photos she is between 8 and 11 weeks old. She is our fifth dog (including English Setter Lucas, Irish Setter Molly and our two rescue dogs Fiona and Guinness).

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Views: 105

Comment by Ellen Turberfield on April 18, 2015 at 3:43am
Lovely photos of your new girl Keira, how nice to have a new puppy (",)
Comment by Eileen Olivares on April 18, 2015 at 8:41pm

Thank you Ellen for your kind comment. Having a little puppy again is a lot of work, but we are enjoying her a lot :-)

Comment by Ellen Turberfield on April 19, 2015 at 1:03pm
You forget how much hard work a puppy is, it's like having a new baby in the house, Finlay wouldn't sleep at nights then sleep all day (",)
Comment by Eileen Olivares on April 19, 2015 at 1:09pm

Yes, that sounds familiar ... And as Keira doesn't like the crate, we're still having plenty of accidents in the house, although she has understood the concept of going to the toilet outside, but sometimes I'm just not quick enough ... And she has naughty spells when she grabs everything and I have to run around behind her making sure she doesn't cause havoc ... :-D

Comment by Ellen Turberfield on April 20, 2015 at 4:46am
I couldn't leave anything in Finlays reach he would run off with everything but mostly the tea towles or Clare's mobile, sure they do it so we will chase them and play (",)
Comment by Eileen Olivares on April 21, 2015 at 8:08am

Yes ... they love that! :-D For about two days now Keira has been kind of more easy-going, better-behaved and she's having less accidents. But most importantly, she's in good health part from often seeming to have an itch (and no parasites ...). How is Finlay these days?

Comment by Ellen Turberfield on April 24, 2015 at 4:45am
Finlay is great he was 5years old just before christmas, cant belive he's that age already, as far as I'm concerned he's fit and healthy new vet I moved to couple of years ago says he might have a touch of arthritis in that leg joint, but not cancer like other vet said, so glad I didn't listen to what they told me to do, just to bad to think about that. I spoil him a bit as girls grown up and off but that's ok he's worth spoiling (",)
Your lucky to have so many dogs, would of liked two reds together but Finlay wouldn't like that now.
Take care Xxx
Comment by Eileen Olivares on April 24, 2015 at 1:38pm

I am so glad to hear that Ellen, that's really fantastic news! Just goes to show how important it is to get in a second opinion ... And yes, do spoil Finlay, he deserves it! :-D Much love to you both! xxxx

Comment by Ellen Turberfield on April 25, 2015 at 4:01am
Yes I'm so glad I moved vets even though first vet sent all Finlays notes, x-rays, biopsy results to a cancer specilist who aggreed with vets I just couldn't belive it as he just wasnt ilI as far as I was concerned, think you just know your own dog, he's upstairs at moment waiting for his breakfast we have been out early for our walk round the reservoir, it's his favourite place to walk.
Love to you all too xxx
Comment by Eileen Olivares on April 27, 2015 at 12:38pm

Thank you again for sharing this experience, because often we are intimidated if second opinions seem to confirm the first diagnosis and your case shows that it pays to get a third or even fourth opinion! I'm so happy for you and Finlay! <3


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