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I captured such intensity. Keep your eye on the ball!

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Comment by Linda Andreu on September 4, 2008 at 4:42am
He is lovely Eileen.

Does he still have trouble with his joints? I had never heard of HOD before now. Ihope he has made a good recovery, he certainly looks well in the pictures, such a handsome boy.

Linda x
Comment by Eileen Chesworth on September 4, 2008 at 8:49pm
Thank you. My little boy will soon be a year old. He seems to have recovered from HOD. If I can remember the danger period was up until 1 year old. He has lots of energy, loves to run and play. I know he is much smaller than his syblings because of the prednisone that he had to take aggressively as part of his treatment. When I get some time I want to type out the information that I have from our breeder on HOD. Our vet's knowledge was sketchy on the disease and the treatment. There has been lots of people who have contacted me for information so it is important. Luckily these people are like you as they know nothing about it.
One day when I feel like typing from small print I will post it for all to read. This is one of my favorite pictures of BaiLee. He was in the water chasing a stick on a hot day. His love of the water was amazing second to his intense desire to fun and fetch.


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