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Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

kathy ormsby
  • 64, Female
  • Southlake, Texas
  • United States
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  • Gene

Gifts Received (1)

Red Ribbon From Patricia G. Conley

kathy ormsby's Page

Profile Information

How many Irish Setters do you have?
1 16 month old male puppy.
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
16 months. My first one
About Me:
Neonatal nurse (week-ends). Three daughters 18, 14 and 5. I Wanted a show puppy for confromation. I bought Darby from Herrihunda Irish setters in Lucas Texas (near Dallas).

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Comment Wall (7 comments)

At 2:03pm on August 14, 2007, francesca Reynaud said…
welcome in the irish world,red devil are a way of life best regards francesca reynaud della blenda kennel italy
At 2:10pm on August 14, 2007, Carmel Murphy said…
Welcome Kathy,
What a great time you will have with Darby!! He looks like a great character already!
At 10:08pm on October 1, 2007, Barbara Simpson said…
Hi Kathy! Wow, it is a very small world isn't it? I'm in Denton, TX which is 35 miles North of Dallas on I35 going towards OKC! I've been here since March 2005. The photo on this email is of Magic, Banner's litter sister! I lost Banner at 3 years of age to epilepsy, but had Magic until she was 13 1/2 years old. I know Bruce and Mary Foote too, they are lovely people and have beautiful setters. Glad you finally got your Irish puppy too. Hope to see you at some shows locally someday. I'm no longer showing Irish, the only one I have now has some auto-immune health related problems but I'm showing a Borzoi bitch that doesn't know she's not an Irish! LOL!!!! There's a photo of Traveler on my photo page along with some pictures of Erica, one of Magic's daughters out of her only litter and of Garnett, the Irish girl I have now. I had another Irish girl but lost her last Feb. Her name was Annie and we called her Annie Fannie. How long have you been in Texas? Oh, and sign up for the TX group on this list too. Barb
At 11:45am on October 2, 2007, Barbara Simpson said…
Hi Kathy, I can teach you both how to groom and how to train and show! We can get together on a Sat. I have all of the grooming accessories needed, just let me know what you already have at home and what I'll need to bring with me. Of course, then I'd need to know your home address and phone number too. Email me off of this forum at barbsimpson@charter.net
At 7:37pm on November 4, 2007, Judi Schuerman said…
Kathy, Your photos are the greatest! What a lucky dog!
At 8:57pm on November 4, 2007, Mary S. said…
Hi! Your puppy looks just like my Abby (I don't have a lot of good pictures of Abby - that's Duke with his duck in the picture next to my name - Duke is 2 and Abby is 1) - Did she get her head stuck in the fence? Our second Irish, when a puppy, managed to squeeze hersel between the baby gate and the dining room door (a very small space) UPSIDE DOWN - I came home and our golden retriever, who had been left outside the kitchen, was going bezerk - and it took a few minutes to figure out where Maggie was - and there she was, upside down and motionless - I thought she'd killed herself (whew) - no more problems once I left Kelly in with her (Kelly was our only golden retriever; she died early of cancer so we've stuck with Irishes ever since.
It says it's your first Irish - they are fun loving and lovable (and can turn on a dime - amazingly agile) but they do have their personalities. They would rather play than eat, and yeah, they may understand what you just asked them to do, but it doesn' mean they are going to do it (they can laugh).
Mary S.
At 12:19pm on December 16, 2007, Barbara Simpson said…
Hi kathy, there's a show coming up in Jan. at the Dallas Convention Center, Fri., Sat. and Sun. actually. I won't be entering my Iriish but may enter my Borzoi on Sat. and Sun. only. Last year, there were no points in Borzoi on Friday, 1 pt. on Sat. and 0 pts on sun. The 2 bitch exhibitors decided that with an ice storm predicted for Sat. night and all day Sun., we'd both just stay home instead! LOL!!!! I believe there was a major in Irish Setters at least on Sat. and Sun. tho. Only got to watch them on Sat. after Borzoi judging finished.

Check the ONofrio website for more info, entries close on 12/26.


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