None at present, my Irish gal, Gerogia, lived with me from age 3-13 years. I presently have 4 Boston Terriers
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
Just ten years, much too short a time
About Me:
I live in New Orleans area, volunteer with Boston Terrier Rescue, have 4 fabulous Boston Terriers right now. Turbeaux, 11 1/2, Libby 4 1/2, Frannie Rose 5?, Zoe Claire 5?. I was blessed to have a wonderful Irish Setter named Georgia come into my family when she was 3 years old. Her breeder, Aunt Lynne( Lynne Mehring-Shangrila setters) sent her to us after she was returned to her and she retired from competition and breeding and became out beautiful girl. My daughter was born that August, and GaGa, as Erin called her, was my daughter's constant companion, guardian and playmate until she passed away at the age of 13. She still loved running on the beach and chasing seagulls up that time. I miss her and look forward to the time when I can adopt another beautiful red setter into my heart and home.
Comment Wall (1 comment)
Welcome to ES Karen!!! and a welcome cuddle to all your 4 legged friends :-)
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