my name is werner vollauschek, i live in austria, i am 42 years old, i am a hunter, i am the vize president of austrian setters and pointer friends. my redhunter is the son of rust wood even chance.
we are searching for debbie kirilenko - she left austria more then one year ago - after her dog rustwood even chance died. she told us, that she goes back to usa. did sombody hear somethong about her?
Hi Werner, welcome to this site. I already asked Barbara weather she heard from Debbie, but she hasn't. I believe Debbie went back to Canada where she used to live. Hopefully someone here will know something more about her.
Hi Werner, I am Chance's breeder, I heard that Debbie had gone back to Canada but my friends in Canada haven't been able to locate her. Chance's co-owner, Liz Fleming lives in Indiana, I will try calling her and see if she knows where Debbie is, they were good friends.
If your photo is of Chance's son, he's a very handsome boy. The photo on this message is of his dam, Rustwood Drum Magic. Chance was a Canadian and American show Champion before going to Austria with Debbie.
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liebe grüsse, laura
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