Queenstone Uptown Girl x Thendara Satisfaction °14/09/2014
Added by Jeanine Meeussen on November 19, 2014 at 4:58am —
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Added by Jeanine Meeussen on November 19, 2014 at 4:47am —
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7 years already and I hope another 7 (at least) to go!!
Happy birthday to is sisters Luna, Flannagan and Little Princess (in Finland) and to his brother Flash.
Added by Jeanine Meeussen on May 2, 2012 at 6:00am —
Hello everyone, don't ask me how but we managed to open this website and to see all the photos of your beautifull dogs again. Great results on the shows to, many congratulations to you all. We didn't go very often to the show this year, but the few times we entered our little Gulliver (Queenstone Robin Hood) he did very well. He was reserve CAC/CACIB in Offenburg, was 2 exc. in Dortmund Europasieger, 4 exc on the Dutch Clubshow and became BOB and 3th Best in Group 7 in Antwerp. I will…
Added by Jeanine Meeussen on October 12, 2011 at 5:21am —
We are so proud and happy: Gulliver gaining his 4th CACIB-VDH-ticket by winning the open class on the Bundessieger Show in Dortmund last friday. Only 1 more to go....... Congratulations to all the winners and many thanks to the judge Mrs. Susan Stone for thinking so highly of our boy.…
Added by Jeanine Meeussen on July 18, 2011 at 3:00pm —
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I can't see any images anymore. What did I do wrong? Can someone help me please? I want to see all the lovely setters again?
Just as The Bealtes sung: Can you please ,please help me, help me, help meee, ohhh!!
Thank you Jeanine Woody and Gulliver
Added by Jeanine Meeussen on March 14, 2011 at 6:05pm —
Added by Jeanine Meeussen on March 10, 2011 at 10:10am —
Added by Jeanine Meeussen on November 16, 2010 at 4:58pm —
Today it is already 1 month when our lovely Figo went to the doggy heaven. We want to thank all our exclusively friends for their support and condoleances they sent us during the last weeks.
Jeanine, Danny, Woody, Gulliver, Minotte & Gizmo

Added by Jeanine Meeussen on April 2, 2010 at 12:20pm —
1 Comment
Last week we suddenly had to say goodbye to a wonderfull dog, a real gentleman and a warm friend who lost his battle against cancer.…
Added by Jeanine Meeussen on March 10, 2010 at 10:07am —
Added by Jeanine Meeussen on January 6, 2010 at 8:37am —

Born 2/7/2009, their mother is Kate (Queenstone Keep my special…
Added by Jeanine Meeussen on August 25, 2009 at 7:00am —

puppies born on 29/6/2009 out of Shilla and Woody First the girls, than the boys
Added by Jeanine Meeussen on August 25, 2009 at 6:51am —
After a real winning time, we came back to earth, both feet on the ground (or grass as you can see)
Last sunday we entered Woody in the breedersclass on the Dutch clubshow and mrs. Launchbury gave him is 2nd Very Good in his whole showcareer. She wrote: "Very strong dog overall, moved okay". Although we had a very nice day and saw a lot of friends. You can't always win.

A lots of congratulations to all the winners of the…
Added by Jeanine Meeussen on June 9, 2009 at 10:59am —
This is Woody with his mother Multi Champ. Queenstone Gentle Lady.
She was very proud of her son as he was the Best of the Breedersclass on the Belgian Clubshow 2009 and as he gained his title of German VDH champion on the Europasiegershow in Dortmund last weekend.

Many thanks to Willy De Wilde, Woody's breeder and our friend
Jeanine, Danny and…
Added by Jeanine Meeussen on May 5, 2009 at 3:56pm —

What a wonderfull day we had on sunday at the show in Essen, Germany. Our little Figo handled by my husband won the CAC and became reserve best English setter dog and Woody was best Irish setter dog and BOB and at the end of the day he became Best in Show. A dream came true. Many thanks to the judges Guy and Martha Kips for thinking so highly of our boys and many thanks and big hugs to my…
Added by Jeanine Meeussen on January 13, 2009 at 3:27pm —
Here the results of the English Setters in Essen:
Sevenoaks Lucky Luke 1V + CAC
Lux. Ned. Champ. Silent Rumours Figo Lux. J.Champ.'07 1V + CAC + res. beste rüde
Rüden-Offene Klasse
Nick of Meadow's Brook 1V + CAC + beste Rüde + BOB
Winchester Cathedral Elfquest 2V + res. CAC
Winchester Cathedral Eagleeye 3V
Rednex de los Vitorones 4V
Hündinnen… Continue
Added by Jeanine Meeussen on January 13, 2009 at 2:29pm —
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