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MISTY (Graylors Blue Aurora) 26.07.2011 - 29.01.2023

My precious English Setter girl, Misty passed away unexpectedly at 3:30am today. The only consolation is that I was holding Misty, reassuring her and telling her how much I loved her when her heart rate slowed and she took her final breath, so she was not alone. Misty hated to be alone. Right now my spiritual faith is non-existent but I hope Misty is with Hobson again. I really do not know how I am going to get through each day without my precious girl. Even though Misty has had some health problems this has been a terrible shock for me.

Views: 150

Comment by Cornelia on January 30, 2023 at 6:46am

Dear Susan,

I'm extremely sad to hear that Misty passed away and so unexpectedly! My heartfelt condolences to you! I know, how much you loved and cared for her, as you did for all of your four legged family members. It is but a small comfort, that you were able to be with her in those last moments but it was and is ever so important for both of you. I hope, your faith will be restored one day; til then, I'm sending you my love and strength to get through every lonesome day. 

Thinking of you, Cornelia

Comment by silvia on February 20, 2023 at 11:41am

Dear Susan , I am very sorry to hear this extremely sad news.. I know by experience is devastating, and I feel very much for you. She had an amazing life with you, and you always did all what you can... I hope time will help a little bit. to change the pain into treasured memories.   Sleep tight, beautiful Misty  silvia 

Comment by Catherine Carter on September 14, 2023 at 1:20am

Hi Susan

Only just reconnected with ES with a new password . So I have just seen your post about Misty and I am really sorry to read this. I hope time will help you with her loss. My thoughts are with you. Run free of pain, Misty xxxxxx

Comment by Finding_Beau on November 5, 2023 at 12:13am
Hi Cornelia, Silvia and Catherine,

Thank you for your kind words. I haven't had the heart to visit ES since I lost my beautiful girl, Misty on 29 January 2023, 40 weeks today. My shock and my grief are still very severe. I still cannot get through a day without sobbing my heart out for Misty. I rarely drive the car but every time I do I cry constantly for Misty because she was always with me. I cannot go for a walk without my girl, Misty. My health, and every aspect of my life has been destroyed. What hurts so bad is that those so-called experts I trusted to help Misty stuffed up badly. Even worse, none of them cared about Misty and how much Misty meant to me. No one would return my phone calls. This is happening too often in this terrible society we are forced to live in now, irrespective of what country we live in. I think Australia is one of the worst. I wonder if my "time" is close too because of the devastation I feel. Being advised that it was Misty's "time" irrespective of the circumstances does not help me. Take good care of yourselves and your beautiful dogs. Susan
Comment by James Doran on March 23, 2024 at 3:34pm


           My sincerest and heartfelt condolences for the loss of your girl Misty. I can hardly believe how long it has been since I have been on ES, and have missed a lot of posts. I can only tell you how I have dealt with the grief of bereavement when I lost Romeo. I gradually became more philosophical about both life and death. I am now at peace with it, in as much as I focus on the good memories and times we had together, even though I remember vividly the pain of losing him. Wishing you peace and strength in your life and sending our love and best wishes as always, James.



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