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Best In Show Fairhaven Louise Mountbatten

What a wonderful and historic day at the Swedish Kennel Club dog show in Sundsvall 15th of April!

Best in show was won by an Irish setter bitch Fairhaven Louise Mountbatten, at the age of only 22 months! This we have longed for, the first time since 1998 with an Irish at the very top. And as far as we know the very first time with an Irish setter bitch.

2100 dogs were entered when Västernorrland Kennel Club held it's national Lilian the Walls Memorial exhibition in the Nordic-hall. Best in Show was judged by an Italian gentleman Antonio Di Lorenzo and he appointed the Irish setter Fairhaven Louise Mountbatten as his winner, owned and bred by Louise Holm, handled by Linda Holgersson. The breed was judged by Sjoerd Jobse (right in the picture) it was his debut as a judge on the breed in Sweden and he did it with the honor! The group judge was Henric Fryckstrand (to the left).

NORD VV-11 VEUW-11 Fairhaven Banchee Barracuda became BIS Veteran, breeder and owner Louise Holm and mother to the BIS winner. BOS that day was another Fairhaven dog; Fairhaven Guardian Angel, owner and handler Kim Wendin.


Views: 653

Comment by Esther Siegrist on April 22, 2012 at 1:23am

BRAVO!! and Congratulation


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