Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

Judge: Jelka Simcic (Slo)

Dog - Junior Class
Fidelio von Wülfrath Exc.1, Junio Winner, Junio BOG 3. Place

Dog - Open Class

Duffy Designed by Wolf Exc. 2, Res. CACA
Amigo vom Gebirgsjägerhof Exc. 1, CACA, CACIB

Dog - Working Class

Wonderful Red Carrik on Shannon Exc. 2, Res. CACA
Sumaric Salazzo Exc.1, CACA, Res. CACIB
M`Eudial The Temptation Exc.3

Dog - Champion Class

Armani my Irish Destiny of Longford Missing

Bitch - Junior Class

M`Eudial Aura Exc.1, Junior Winner

Bitch - Open Class

Noble Nikita vom Franzosenkeller Exc.1, CACA, Res. CACIB

Beauty Queen Stella of Straddles Home Exc.2, Res. CACA

Bitch - Working Class

Loving Red Celestial Dea Exc. 1, CACA

Bitch - Champion Class

Garden Star`s Kindle Light Exc.3

Alina my Irish Destiny of Longford Exc.1, CACA, CACIB, BOB, BOG 1.

Alice my Irish Destiny of Longford Exc.2, Res. CACA

Views: 58

Comment by Marta Magi on June 15, 2009 at 3:42pm
Thank you for the results, Yvonne! Do you know anything about the judge?? :-))
Comment by Cecilia GUIOT on June 15, 2009 at 4:09pm
Congratulations to all winners
Yvonne, thanks for the results
Comment by Laura Kolbach on June 15, 2009 at 4:38pm
thanks for the results, nikita having a good time again :-)
Comment by Alenka Pokorn on June 15, 2009 at 4:58pm
Congratulations to everyone. We were so unlucky with Eddy being stung in his tail by a bee. He was not able to hold it up, it just hang there limp and it looked really horrible in the ring. Pity, but he is back to his normal self today. The swelling has gone down and he can wag his tail again.
Comment by Esther Siegrist on June 16, 2009 at 1:42am
Vielen Dank Yvonne für die Resultate und herzlichen Glückwunsch :-) Nikita wird noch viele tolle Resultate erreichen :-) Liebe Grüsse
Comment by Vojna Medvedec on June 16, 2009 at 5:36pm
Hello friends,when reporting results from shows,the informations must be correct and strict;The judging of females was rather hectic,and I am not 100% sure who was second-R-Cacib,as I was handling my bitch Celestial Dea which won working class.I only know Alina with Johny was Cacib,The judge came to me to congrate and said reserve,and was sure for that till coming into my car.
Normally for Cacib and R,Cacib there had to be open class Cac bitch Noble Nikita,working class Cac Loving red Celestial Dea,and Ch class cac Alina and r.Cac from champion class for R.Cacib.I will get the exact results from the kennel club and let you know.
The males were Amigo von Gebirgsjaegerhf as open Cac,,my Sumaric Sallazo as working class Cac,Wonderful Red Carrik-on-Shannon as R.Cac and M,Eudaol the Temptetion as exc.3.The male from Ch class has not entered the ring.
Folloving the FCI rules in the ring for Cacib were Sumaric Salazzo-Red,Amigo and Wonderful Red Carrig as R,Cac from the same class wherefrom has come Cacib male and it was My Sumaric Sallazo-Red-
I am going to prove also here the R.Cacib result.
My both dogs have become Austrian champions by their wins in Klagenfurt,and finished the day with the trophee for the Best brace all breeds!
In Latin is said:VERBA VOLANT,FACTA MANENT,and we have to be correct and fair when informing our friends from Exclusively and anywhere else!
Comment by Yvonne Joerling on June 17, 2009 at 1:06am
Hello Vojna, hello friends, i totally agree with Vojna that the Results must be correct. The results I wrote are the results which where written on the Flip Chart at the Ring. So I thought it must be the right results. I don`t know if the CACIB and Res. CACIB are right by the males but I´m 100% sure about the Res. CACIB by the bitches, cause my Nikita got it and they make the Cross for the Res. CACIB in my description and I got the Card.
Congratulations Vojna for the two Austrian Champion, and I hope you can clear up the results for the males.
Comment by Alenka Pokorn on June 17, 2009 at 3:26pm
Yvonne I know for a fact that Amigo got the RCACIB, because they were so happy to win a reserve behind an International Champion so actually getting their first CACIB. So your results were correct and yes, they were the ones written on the board in the ring.
Comment by Vojna Medvedec on June 17, 2009 at 5:42pm
The results at the show are not writtenby the judges but by the ringstewards,what not necessarily must be correct in many cases.The task of the judge is just to judge and to dictate the judging lists to the person in charge-Sometimes there can be unexperienced persons so the best thing before giving the infos to the public is to prove the results at the judging table,
Anyhow my Red has the judging list and the card both signed by the judge of the day. as the Cacib male!
The confusion at the bitches Cacib and reserve was also caused by the ring steward,as the exhibitors were not put in the right way.
The most important thing is that the exhibitors follow the judging according the catalogue and judging in the ring.
Many exhibitors everywhere do not look in the ring at all,except when their own dog is presented,not to mention Bis programe,if the own dog is not inside.
Only if we all know the rules and the situation at the show,we can comment the things!
The showing is a very expensive hobby in nowadays recession,so the things must be done properly!
Sorry that only two judges knew what has happened in the show,the others were either not interested or were still not enough experienced.I am always ready to help to younger colleagues if they have any questions and if I know the answer,but be careful of the allround knowers!
Greetings to all and thank you Yvonne for your cangrats!


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